Thursday, December 15, 2022

Snow December 14

 We got quite a dump of snow. 

Looks to be about 12 inches. 

I took a photo through the window yesterday morning.

Far Guy had a Doctors Andy took him since he has a four wheel drive pickup. 

Jen and Andy both worked at snow removal for quite some time...Andy snow blowed paths for Sadie and Elvis in the back yard.   Phoebe ( Adam's cat) went out in the snow...Sadie pounced on her and buried her in the snow...the kitty was kinda wet.

We are expecting round two of this winter storm today...the wind is supposed to come up and we are supposed to get more snow.

Far Side 


  1. Yikes! I bet you are happy you are not having to shovel right now!

    We are getting snow after all of the rain we got. Last night I could see the grass, ... not any more! More heavy wet stuff.

    Andy is a good kid! So nice of him to take FG to his appointment!

    I'm staying put today as it falls out there...

  2. It's very beautiful right now! Poor little kitty, I hope she's recovered from her ordeal. :-)

  3. Oh my gosh! That's a lot of snow. I heard that other parts of Minnesota had huge snowfalls (I live in Washington County - north of the Twin Cities - so our big snowstorm is in process and will be continuing all day.) That's a beautiful photo of the evergreen with all the snow on it.

  4. So much snow! Glad you are there with family to help. Family is a blessing to old and young.

  5. Fortunately we've only been on the rain side of this storm though today, we might get a few light flurries out of it before it finally escapes further east.

  6. Isn't it beautiful? When someone else will be doing the shoveling and snowblowing? On Tuesday we had rain all day - about 1.5". Then yesterday morning it turned to snow. Round 2 hit here overnight last night and this time we have wind, so the drifts are piling up. Guess we'll be tucked in here today too.

  7. Bless Andy for taking FG to his appointment. It sounds like Sadie still has some of her puppy mischievousness.

  8. That's a lot of snow! I'm glad you and Gene don't have to deal with snow removal.
    I bet that cat was Not Happy with Sadie!

  9. We got snow overnight and it's still snowing lightly. The snow you got the last couple of days was rain down here.

  10. Oh my that's a lot of snow. I'm complaining about the three inches or so that fell overnight. It's still snowing now, but I'll have to get out and shovel soon.
    Poor kitty, I'm sure she will avoid the pups when she goes outside.
    Take care, stay warm!

  11. Stay safe and warm! We woke up to no power this morning and it was out for 7 hours. House got mighty cold! It's back on now and I've got the kettle on for a hot cup of tea!

  12. Yesterday and today the snow turned really heavy and wet like you have there. Still snowing here on Thursday afternoon. Nice that Andy could take FarGuy to his appointment with his four wheel drive vehicle. You've probably got ice under that snow like we do. :)

  13. Good that you all know how to drive in that stuff back there. Our city would be paralyzed.

  14. We are getting hit today. It isn't anything like your foot of snow. We just won't go anywhere even if we had planned to do so. Glad the pets all get their paths.

  15. Wow! I wish I was there but I'm sure Jen and Andy got tired with all that snow removal. So glad you are there with them and that was great that Gene didn't have to miss his doctor appointment. I had a doctor appointment today too but it was 43 and snow.

  16. That's too much snow at one time.

  17. Love your pictures of the snowy trees and deck. It looks about the same here today. Some of the branches on the pine trees are dipping nearly to the ground....we need a good breeze to knock some of that heavy snow off. Glad far guy got to the doctor appt. OK. Glad you're there with family!

  18. It makes me shiver looking at the snow! That is funny about Sadie and the cat. I am sure the cat was not amused. At least Sadie didn't bite the kitty or toss it - - - just wanted to play. Hopefully Phoebe dried off and got warm quickly so she doesn't get sick.
    VERY thankful you are in town and Andy could take Far Guy to the doctor.

  19. PS. The tree is beautiful! Those branches must be very,very strong.

  20. So glad you are wintering with family!

  21. Poor Phoebe. I imagine she didn't enjoy that experience very much :)

  22. At least “someone” is out and enjoying all that snow! Of course, dogs and cats have to responsibilities so it’s all fun to them!


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