Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Halloween Report

 We had two families of Trick and Treaters.   I am related to them all as they are my nieces children. 

These are  Megan's children.   I offered to keep the littlest and he said "NO."  We had a very nice day...it was warm for this time of year! 

We sent home candy for the oldest child who didn't come.  These are Stacey's children and her husband...and yes they are expecting a baby in January...we are very excited to meet this little boy or little girl! 

Fun to see everyone who stopped by! 

Maddie sent photos of our Great Grandchildren; Hey Mikey and Cee Cee.    Jen sent a video of when they stopped at her place and we got to hear them say Trick or Treat!

Hey Mikey was Sonic the Hedgehog. 

Little Miss Cee Cee was a baby shark. 

What a fun day for children and for old folks! 

Far Side


  1. The kids and costumes are all so cute. There were a lot of Trick or Treaters out last nigh t- but Hubby and I don't pass out candy any more. Just too expensive. Love little CeeCee's costume.

  2. It sure had to be a lot warmer than around here for them to show off bare shoulders. Thanks for the delightful costumes. :-)

  3. They grow up too fast. Hey Mickey—seems like he was just born.

  4. They are all so very cute - - and growing quickly - - especially the one who live close by. I remember when you posted pictures of them - - not so long ago - - and they were little.

  5. One of my 3 year old grandsons was Sonic the Hedgehog, too. I have no idea who this is, but he must be very popular. What cute visitors! We did not get any trick or treaters.

  6. Just the cutest! I love seeing the kids in costume every year. We had 69 trick or treaters last night. I had stuff for 70, and at 7:15 I gave my husband the last treat and turned off the lights. We also had high school kids in costume collecting non-perishable items for the local food pantry.

  7. My goodness Mikey and Cee Cee are growing up so quickly. All the kids costumes are cute!

  8. What cuties! We got half the kids we usually do, but it was raining so I suspect that was the culprit

  9. One of our grandsons is obsessed with Sonic and that was his costume three years running! They are so cute. We didn't have any trick or treaters so now we're stuck with two bags of candy... what a shame ;-)

  10. There are no little ones here anymore. The grands are grown up and no kids come to our door. I lit my Jack-o-lantern and wore my Snoopy Great Pumpkin shirt. We did not have candy.

  11. Sweet photos! It is very unusual to not have a cold front hanging around and even dropping snow. The kids had a fun time sharing their costumes without heavy coats.

  12. Little Miss Cee Cee's hands show just how happy she is - so cute.

  13. I can't believe how much they've grown!!

  14. Goodness! Cee Cee is growing up so fast! Is this what is it is like having kids? Time blowing by you at light speed? Looks like you all had a fun time.

  15. Thanks for sharing the cute pictures. I love seeing the kids dressed up for Halloween every year!

  16. I love those outfits! One year I picked up a Grinch outfit for adults so I could wear it on Christmas Day.

    No tricks or treats at the farm this year. We usually don't get any!

  17. No trick or treaters here. Love your pics of yours. Thanks for telling me what they were...I thought CeeCee was a dinosaur and I had not a clue w hat Mikey was! LOL! So cute!

  18. Thank you for sharing your photos. Although I don't like the darkness some make Halloween, I do love to see kids in their costumes and hand out candy. Congratulations on the new baby on the way too! Fun days ahead.
    Blessings and hugs,


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