Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Some progress

 I mailed the Christmas cards yesterday.    Cross something off my list!   The rest of the woodcarved Christmas ornaments will be dropped off this week.  Just local deliveries are left. 

Our weather has been wonderful, some of the snow has melted but I heard that the weather is going to change later this week.  Our high yesterday was 35 F or 2 C eh!

We have to stop feeding the birds, we have three of this years fawns coming in and raiding the bird feeders at night.  They are hungry little buggers.  Our yard is like a super highway for deer. 

I made a couple of lists...not checking anything twice...yet. 

We watched Australia on HBO Max...Far Guy hated it and I enjoyed it.  I give it a 8 out of 10....probably because of Hugh Jackman :)  I watched The Shack yesterday on Netflix I give that a  9 out of 10. 

Far Side


  1. I had read The Shack about ten years ago. If it is the one about the man's missing girl and "the shack" where he encounters God, it is excellent. Have you read his biography online? Actually it was a two part interview if it is still to be found. It tells why he wrote that book and his experiences as a missionary kid's child. Very enlightening and will make a person understand more of what was written.
    I love the words on your White Board. We sure can relate to that in this house, too. "little things" like being awakened this morning after only 5 hours sleep because of pain in my wrist. . . . that is going to affect my productivity and mental acuity today ....... but we are still above ground!

  2. You do so much that when I stop by and see all you are up to I’m ashamed of myself. I need to work on leaves in my yard. You got that done long ago. Leaves are still falling here. The oak tree still is almost full.

  3. I haven’t seen Australia but I accidentally went to an exhibition of the shoes Nicole Kidman wore in the film. All beautifully made by Ferragamo and based on genuine 1930s designs. (My American friend and I were visiting the Ferragamo museum in Florence).

  4. We expect rain today. It is just not right!

  5. Not much going on here either. I spent yesterday running errands in town and getting feed.
    So exciting!

  6. OK The weather? Our weather has turned very nasty. I hope it doesn't go your way.

  7. It has been snowing and blowing here yesterday and today, with the really cold temperatures expected tonight (-20C/-4F) and extending for the next couple of weeks. I'm not certain whether I'm more tired of the snow or the cold.

    Good on you getting the Christmas cards completed and mailed. I haven't started mine.

    Take care, stay warm.

  8. I am so behind I don't know if I am going to make it with my cards this year

  9. Snowing and cold this morning, but the sun is trying to shine. I plan to stay inside.

  10. It's snowing down here, we probably have 6" now. I think your motivation is quite good, mine....nope!

  11. I laughed at that saying, it is so true :)

  12. I've read The Shack but never seen the movie.
    Our weather was great yesterday but today has turned yucky, yucky. It was almost 50 yesterday and now today we have freezing rain/wind and lots of snow. So cold too.
    One more day with our kids. They leave tomorrow afternoon. I just fed the baby and put her down for her nap.

  13. My daughter made fun of me because I had all my cards ready to mail. I did mail a few of them. So happy to join the 'smart bunch' (you are the president of that group, you know). I just hate to work the mailmen so hard the days right before Christmas. So, I mail early.

  14. I did like Australia as a movie but it has some mean stuff in it. Maybe you could buy hay for the deer and put it at the edge of your property. Maybe you could grow yourselves a herd. I know that it is a bad idea. We are blowing and freezing with flurries right now.

  15. I wonder how high you would have to have your bird feeder so the deer couldn't get at it. It's a shame that you have to quit with the feeders. The birds need the food and it's so interesting to watch them.

  16. Back home, and slipping into my old routine feels wonderful! Your entire post started my day off just right, and I too love that whiteboard message. :-)

  17. What a great sign! I watched Australia years ago and loved it. I have seen The Shack but I read the book and it was also good.
    The deer used to eat out of my bird feeder but they stopped for some reason. Maybe they don't like the choice of food.


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