Wednesday, November 9, 2022

We Voted

 It rained and was a cold dreary day. 

We are supposed to get some bad weather as in ice and snow before the weekend. Will the fun ever end?

Yesterday other than voting the highlight of my day was cleaning out three of the bathroom drawers.  I have three more to sense doing it all in one day....must save some fun for another day.

Far Side


  1. I love that!

    In our pre-remodeled house, our kitchen had one drawer. Imagine that!

    I have 6 in the remodeled kitchen and ... It looks like some cleaning is due for it.

    As soon as the weather gets cold and wet, I'll be doing that inside stuff.
    Hope you don't get ice!

  2. I do love that you update us on your cleaning. It seems you have an annual schedule - - or maybe it's just as the mood strikes. However, it is reminders/motivation for some of your readers to tackle their similar chores. I am in the midst of decluttering PAPER stuff. I have the mindset at this point of, "What do I think my children will do with this one day?" It sure makes the decision to toss or give away much easier. I can take pictures of anything I want to remember. It makes me wonder if I will ever get as much done as I want.

  3. We voted too. To say mome results have surprised and disappointed me would be an understatement. Nothing should surprise me any longer.
    I love your sarcasm my friend. I'm heading downstairs at 1:00 to make a 3-D Christmas card. Should be fun.

  4. I had a friend tell me that in retirement he was going to do nothing all day and if he got half of it done, he'd be happy.

    No point in rushing things - they'll still be there tomorrow. :)

  5. I'm actually disappointed that the snow will track north of us. We did get some much needed rain over night. No idea how much but it's cold, wet, and windy out this morning. We only had cold and wind yesterday. I voted in the morning. The only line at the voting location was for the people who couldn't remember which precinct they lived in.

  6. I have to put cleaning (or hiding piles) in full gear! It turns out I am hosting Thanksgiving.

  7. Just listened to the weather forecast for the week: it sounds like you’re going to be hit hard with snow and bitter cold. Stay safe.

  8. The wind is terrible right now. Wind Advisory in effect. So I'm on the computer then I think I will clean the kitchen.

  9. I'm like that with my painting- can't do the whole room in one day! Yesterday was cutting in the bedroom, today is painting the walls.

  10. You speak my language, must keep some of the fun for another day! It's warm down here but that changes tomorrow. We got a good rain yesterday with more coming.

  11. It sounds like your lifestyle has slowed down with the onset of cold weather. That sounds right to me.

  12. We have full sun and the wind died down but it's still barely above freezing. Brrr!

  13. You've got me thinking I have bathroom drawers to sort in Australia myself that no one has touched for 3 years, I left in Feb 2020 and will finally be home for Christmas! Hope the weather is not too bad

  14. Got an ice storm over here today. So much sleet on the ground it looks like it has snowed a little. Cleaning drawers sounds like more fun than being outside, that's for sure. I voted by mail a while ago. :)


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