Wednesday, November 16, 2022

It snowed and snowed

 Yes it snowed ALL day.   We have a fine bunch of snow now.  Kinda looks like Winter. 

We have enough.  It must be 3 or 4 inches of fluffy white stuff.  All hope for an Indian Summer was dashed...beaten to a pulp.

I cleaned out a box that sits on my desk.   It had lots of junk in it.  Then I got the Christmas cards ready for their Christmas letters ...I am not finished with the letter yet, but the cards are stamped and addressed and stuffed with cards.  They just need the letter and to be sealed. 

Progress is good.  I had 100 red envelopes and finished off the rest with left over blue and white envelopes from previous years. 

We did not venture out of the yard.  

Far Side


  1. You are really on top of the Christmas cards--wow!
    Your snow looks so pristine! Staying in is always a good idea when it is this cold. Like January weather out there!

  2. Once again you are amazing with what you accomplish. It is a huge gift for those receiving your cards. You hand paint them and of course there is the cost of postage!
    Last night I was thinking about wrapping paper. I have not bought any this year but believe I have enough from years past. I might have to consider restocking some of it soon for future years though.

  3. The first few snows always look pretty. It's the shovelling that I'm not a fan of.
    That is a lot of Christmas cards!

  4. We had 4 days and three of then had heavy snow.

  5. At least you are good at staying busy.

  6. Sorry, but I’m glad the snow fell further north and not here. It’s been bitter cold, so winter hasn’t totally forgotten about Laramie. Stay safe and warm.

  7. It snowed all day here, too. We have about the same amount of snow. It does look better than the brown. I don't do cards anymore.

  8. It's pretty, this early in the season at least. And you are definitely an industrious person! :-)

  9. We got snow too! A neighbor measured and we got eight inches, but it's supposed to rain tonight so it will probably be all gone by tomorrow. Weather is just plain crazy right now!

  10. No snow at my house yet. The skies are just spitting ice water at us.

  11. Those who are fortunate enough to receive your beautiful hand created cards really do appreciate all of your work, and it's for sure they will receive them well before Christmas. :-)
    You impress us all.

  12. Such pretty snow. It was snowing when we left home Tuesday so we were glad to be staying at the airport hotel in Sioux Falls and not having to drive bad roads to make a 5:30 am flight. However our flight was delayed and didn’t leave until 6:30. Luckily we had a long layover in Atlanta so it worked out OK.

  13. That looks cold. I remember the Minnesota winters and that biting wind was never much fun. It took all of the magic of the first snow fall away. Time to settle in with a warm cup of tea or chicken soup.

  14. You're really making great progress on your cards. Your snow looks pretty similar to ours. Wish it was still Fall.....without snow. Oh well.

  15. We've had flurries on and off for about a week with no accumulation. Same this morning here at the apt. but we had to drive to the old neighborhood for a couple of errands and to our surprise there was about an inch of snow. Good thing I put shoes on for the first time today. I've been wearing my flip-flops in protest of colder weather.
    I was hoping for an Indian Summer too, but I fear that's not going to happen.
    My cards are all addressed and signed. Dennis wrote the letter and printed it. But I need to handwrite the return address too. I'll do that tomorrow and hopefully will mail next Wednesday so everyone will have our new address.
    Blessings and love,

  16. Yes lots of snow, it seems like it has been lightly snowing for days ~ it is pretty and somewhat calming when you stand outside and just listen. I just started thinking about Christmas cards today, hmmm.


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