Friday, April 8, 2022

More Snow and a birthday


Yes more snow.  Too bad we cannot sell it.

I took out Ranger Blue and blazed a trail for Far Guy so he could make it to the road that has been plowed.  The township has not plowed the roads in three days/three snows.  We must have about 16 inches of new snow now.  The wind is blowing and the corner fills in fast.   Kinda fun going up and down the road flattening snow and making a trail. 

We are headed Up North to have my hand recheck and my stitches removed. 

Today is Miss Paige's birthday!  Happy Birthday sweetie!! Paige is our youngest Granddaughter she is 23 years old. 

Far Side


  1. Happy birthday to Paige! Good luck with your doctor appointment today. Hope all is well with your hand. Stay safe on the roads today with all that snow.

  2. Oh my! Maybe the pile of snow will last until August! Crazy that no one from the township plowed!
    Hopefully all goes well with the hand doctor checkup.
    Happy Birthday to Miss Paige!

  3. Wow! That is a lot of snow. We are expecting a winter storm next week, forecasters don't know how much accumulations & where the snow will fall, just yet. Looks fun riding around in Blue. Karen

  4. Paige is beautiful and I love her name. I thought of naming my youngest daughter Paige. We are of the same years, but my youngest is only 3. I must live to 90’s like your parents to see her grown. I hope to make but some days I don’t know if it’s worth the effort.

    And..I grumble about my weather and you are counting your days in “snows”.

  5. My word! This winter does not want to let go! We have a freeze warning for tonight and we are in the 30's and very windy. There's snow to the west of us. So glad you have the Ranger. Be careful driving North! Happy Birthday to Paige!!!

  6. Happy birthday to your granddaughter! Hope your drive north for stitch removal goes well. That is a LOT of new snow. We have sunshine today finally and the wind is down to only about 20 mph instead of 50-60 like yesterday afternoon. It was horrible yesterday!

  7. We got some snow last evening but nothing like this! Happy Birthday to your granddaughter.

  8. Happy Birthday to Paige! What a beautiful girl.

    Goodness gracious that is a lot of snow. Meanwhile I'm looking out at the sunny day with a forecasted high of 12 and I expect the last of the snow and ice that is lingering in shady corners will be gone by the end of the day. Of course there is snow in the forecast for next week. Perhaps your brothers are right and your snow pile will be around until June!

    Good luck with the hand re-check.

  9. Happy birthday Paige! I am shocked at how much snow we are getting.

  10. Happy Birthday Paige! I think these birthdays come even faster once they get in their 20's. It will be great to get those stitches out and then hopefully the itching will go away. You sure are getting a lot of snow. I think Spring got lost this year. We are still having snow flurries and today they came with sleet too.

  11. Is it too late to change our snow guess? Ha! We had snow last night again too. About 2 inches in the grass, but it's all gone again. Thankfully.
    I'm glad the stitches are coming out. Be careful on your drive...hopefully you're home by now.

  12. Paige is a beauty.
    Your winter just goes on and on.

  13. What a lovely photo of your grand-daughter, she is so pretty :)

  14. I suppose the township thinks it is about time for the snow to stop. You all are need of some warmer melting temperatures. Our wind is awfully strong today.

  15. That's far too much snow for this time of year.

  16. I hope you had a safe trip and that your hand will be declared just fine. I'm sure you'll appreciate not having the stitches any longer.

  17. Just keep that snow up in Minnesota!

  18. Happy birthday to pretty Paige!
    So much snow your way! Have a safe trip and good news, I hope. :)

  19. This last bit (lots) of snow has been something. Wet and heavy and everything is covered with it. It is nice the highways finally cleared off today. Hopefully another nice day tomorrow - the sunshine is wonderful! Happy Birthday to Paige!

  20. I hope Paige had a good birthday, that is a lot of snow


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