Sunday, October 4, 2020


 It took me a couple of days but I finally got the Fall flag up.

This is my usual October Fall flag...I have had it for many years about 20 years.  We used to have a Hallmark Store in town that carried Toland Flags....if you ask me there is no other flag that compares in richness of color or durability.  I have not been compensated in any way for this review. 

A scarecrow, pumpkins, a pesky crow, apples, corn stalks, falling colorful leaves and sunflowers...what is not to like. 

Our local Walmart finally has curbside pickup...the app is pretty cool...we can check in when we leave home and when we park at the pickup spot it was only a matter of a few minutes and someone brought out our order.  Easy Peasy. Far Guy thought is was much better than the local grocery store pickup. 

Sunset as we left to go get our order.  We saw one deer when we left and five when we came back...the ditches still have green grass so guess where the deer are? 

It was a chilly day...I mulched for the place was so heavy with leaves that I could push them into the woods with the lawn mower.   My brothers and their brides visited in the afternoon out on the patio ...they said in the winter visits would be real short because they were only staying until they get cold. 

Far Guy still has discomfort but is improving slowly.

Far Side


  1. Walmart curbside pick-up... best thing since sliced bread, in our view. So glad Far Guy is feeling better. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Isn't curbside the greatest! I think we will continue with it when and if this nasty virus is ever wrangled.

  3. Well after all he had surgery. Has to hurt. Unless it was Star Trek surgery.;)
    Great colorful flag.

  4. My favourite time of the year! Although I don't decorate for anything but Christmas. I have been pulling my garden. Still have to dig out the potatoes (today or tomorrow) and I'm leaving the carrots in as long as possible. But the weeds.... my word they are like a jungle in there! They completely took over in August when it was too hot for me to work in the garden. I need a new plan for next year!

  5. I will be mowing leaves soon. I am picking up walnuts from the three trees everyday and next day they are back, but I thought this way the chore would be easier. I keep thinking living in town might be easier. The big Kubota tractor has a slow leak on a back tire. What to do? I will ask dealership if they come out and remove tires And fix them. They probably do. All these were things Larry did and I never even thought of it. Glad Far Guy is improving. Appreciate his voice, music to your ear. My house has gone silent. Love to read of your wonderful life.

  6. Toland flags are my favorites, too. Walmart pickup is wonderful: I’ve been using it since March. Getting credit for missing items is easy. It’s only happened once in all the months I’ve been getting groceries via pickup.

  7. Lovely flag! Wishing Far Guy a speedy recovery.

    Take care and stay well.

  8. I placed my very first grocery order today. We pick it up this evening. I keep thinking about how not everything shows up when you ordered, and I wonder how this will go, we will see. I like your flag. There's a house down the street from us that puts a scarecrow up over their mailbox in the fall, looks a lot like your scarecrow!

  9. Curbside pickup is marvelous!
    Yes, visits will get really short once the snow flies.
    Glad FarGuy is feeling better. :)
    Always like your flags.

  10. I love your Fall flag with all the happy signs of this time of the year. That is a beautiful sunset picture. I hope Far Guy gets to feeling better soon with some rest and healing time.

  11. Nice Fall flag! And nice that Far guy is feeling a bit better.

  12. I love that flag. And so nice of you to mulch for your neighbors. I just do my own shopping and haven't tried curbside pickup. Yet anyway. :-)

  13. October is here with a blast of heat, so hot I have needed the air con on.
    I like your flag

  14. Fall is just a very beautiful and pleasant time of year. However, we can get some very nasty weather.

  15. Love your Fall flag! Jim had alot of discomfort with his first stent because they went thru the groin.....the last two they went thru the wrist was alot easier. You're a great leaf mulcher....but it sure has been getting cold fast. I think we've got a warm up coming this week. Glad your new grocery pickup deal is better for you!

  16. Glad to hear that Far Guy is progressing well. I love your flag... all things autumn! Glad that you got to visit with your brothers and their brides! Have a good week!

  17. Love your fall flag. I like the way you have seasonal decorations as it is something that is not seen here very often.

  18. I love your flag. It's hard to believe you've had it that long as it's still so beautiful.
    I was putting a Walmart order together today but almost have the things that I want to order are out of stock. That happened one time before last month and I got frustrated and went inside. They had everything so why did they say it was out of stock? I don't want to go into a store right now though so I'll probably do an online order anyway and just not get some things that we want.
    I'm glad Far Guy is improving. We're continuing to pray.

  19. This is why the local shops are losing out to the big corporations. Too bad your local grocery store couldn't have accommodated you better. Can't blame anyone for switching; we need what we need when we need it!

  20. Your flag is very colorful. This is my favorite season. I'm glad the WM pickup went smoothly. That's a gorgeous sunset photo. Sending prayers for you both.

  21. That's what I've been doing at Walmart ever since COVID came on board. I love it except for the disinfecting everything but it truly is safe and I think they do a real good job. I just ordered this morning (monday) and I pick up at 7-8 in the morning as that if for people at risk. I don't have a cell phone but I park in those designated places and they always come right out. Glad you like it as it is easier for you and safer.

  22. Beautiful sunset. I’m glad Walmart works for you. We utilize Walmart pickup also and I don’t know what we’d do without it. I do have my complaints, though ....

  23. Glad you're happy with the Walmart curbside pickup, and that Far Guy is improving.


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