Thursday, October 22, 2020

Shoveling etc

Shoveling...  The snow was real heavy and would have made excellent snowmen.  On the second round of shoveling my nephew Josh came by and finished shoveling the patio for me after he cleared the snow from the driveway and in front of the garages....what a sweet guy!!

My other baby brother and she who sees Robins first stopped by to say hi when I was outside shoveling. They were not quite ready for snow either.

In between the first and second shovel exercise sessions Far Guy rescheduled his Infusion appointment so we took off to town and got him all taken care of yesterday vs going today when it will be snowing again.  I even managed to order a few groceries online and picked them up...just a few basics... milk, oranges, bananas, grapes, potatoes and cheese.  We will place a full grocery order someday when the weather is better. 

Success... baking the second loaf of bread...we put it on parchment paper to rise and then in the oven on a regular cookie sheet with a pan of water on the bottom rack. It sure is easy enough to mix the dough in an ice cream pail...I would say it is a winner recipe.  It makes two nice sized round loaves of bread (after mixing them up they can be kept in the ice cream pail in the fridge until you want to bake them...well within a week).  We both agreed that raising it and baking it on parchment paper works well.  The fresh bread was wonderful with my vegetable soup and Far Guy's Gumbo.

I am working on Christmas Cards and a new crochet project...actually I have three or four crochet projects going at once...some will be Christmas Gifts...I am using up some of my stash. 

I hope everyone is staying safe out there...Covid seems to be on the rise all over.  

Far Side


  1. I am so glad that worked out so well for you. I am very interested in trying it out. Stay safe with all the snow and healthy.

  2. We got several inches of that heavy white stuff. There's more out there than it looks. It's belly deep to my little dog.

  3. That bread sounds delicious. I saw on the news that the snow you got is highly unusual for this early in the season. Glad to know FG is all set for the time being. :-)

  4. Snow, snow go away! We had just enough to turn things white yesterday, and then it melted again. This morning it's raining - but snowing north of us. And still almost as dark as midnight outside at 8:15.

  5. I need to work on my cards! And you keep reminding me! I think this year I will do photos again. I am also getting ready to do some crocheting this winter. You are motivating me to do more 'hands' on projects.

  6. I have got to try that bread recipe! I bookmarked the link you gave earlier.
    Have a blessed day!

  7. How nice that your nephew could help with the snow shoveling. That is hard work! At least the snow is pretty, especially in the trees. It's good that Far Guy could reschedule his appointment so you don't have to drive in a snow storm.

    Thanks for the link to the recipe. That sounds like something even I could make. Did you half the recipe? The full recipe is way to much for us but it sure does look good. Enjoy your projects!

    1. No I made the full recipe as you can just keep it in the fridge until you are ready to bake it:)

  8. Goodness, you've certainly had a lot of snow. I did go out and clear my mere 1/2 inch yesterday so that the driveway will dry.

    I'll have to try that recipe, it sounds good! Take care, stay well.

  9. The roads were cruddy yesterday but cleared off nicely by dark time. And today so far is a dudd on the snow side but that is ok! I think I will try that bread recipe - I know someone who will enjoy it. :)

  10. Glad you were able to get Far Guy's infusion and some groceries sorted sooner, in case the snow does get worse. Also glad you got some help with the shoveling, and the bread worked better this time. Have fun with the craft projects.

  11. Glad you are all set for now, you don't need to be out and about when it's snowing. Stay home and stay safe :)

  12. Glad FG was able to get in his infusion and that you picked up a few groceries. The bread sounds so delicious.

  13. “Snowman snow” is hard to shovel - heavy and packed with water. I’m glad your nephew stopped by to help. My Mom baked bread and rolls all the time. Unfortunately, I did not inherit that skill.

  14. The bread sounds great and I'm glad it all worked out. Far Guy's early appointment too. I definitely won't be going anywhere tomorrow. They've upped our totals to 6+ predicted now. The crazies who need to re-learn how to drive during snow every year will have a doozy to re-learn in. Usually we get an inch or so to help reacclimate everyone. Not this year.

  15. W could be in for a lot of exercise from shovelling snow this year.

  16. Yay for thoughtful relatives who come by and help shovel snow.

  17. Wet, heavy snow is our standard, and, yes, it is hard work to shovel it. Fortunately we don't get much.
    Fresh baked bread sounds so good, slathered with melting butter.

  18. Wow snow. Send some our way here in Utah. We are in a draught and need some moisture badly. We have a snow blad on our 4 wheeler so the only shoveling we do is off the deck. Love your blog. Take care and stay warm.

  19. We are now having to make our own soup. Your bread does sound good.

  20. You did get snow! Enough to have to shovel. Iowa got some seems a bit early for that amount. Your bread sound yummy. I have to make dough tonight.
    Glad you got to town before the snow. Enjoy your crafting.

  21. I can't imagine driving in snow would scare me just saying...............
    Shoceling snow must be hard work

  22. So glad you got some help with shoveling! And some company, too.
    Sounds like you have that bread recipe down now and it is a winner. :)

  23. So glad you had some help with that snow. I think I will try your bed recipe... or get hubby to try it! We'll eat one loaf and freeze the other. Homemade bread doesn't last long here!

  24. That was smart of you guys to head into town a day early and ahead of the next sweep of snow coming through. Your bread sounds great....I might have to try it. Be careful out there shoveling and don't slip and fall!

  25. Thanks for the bread recipe link. I made one loaf, but have forgotten where I got the recipe, so this sounds as close as it gets!

  26. Well, you certainly got your workout with that! Coming in to some fresh-baked bread from a warm oven does complete that picture.


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