Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Fourth sNOw

 We had our fourth snow..twice as it snowed Sunday morning and again Sunday afternoon.   Not enough to shovel....it melted off the patio and walk. 

My path for the Juncos to the bird feeders is still open. They peck around in the grass looking for seeds that the Chickadees and Nuthatches might drop. 

I went for a ride in the afternoon.  The snow was real crunchy.

As you can see we have enough snow for the entire winter now...if you ask me. 

Does anyone else enjoy these puzzles that take days to solve?  This one is keeping me busy!

Far Side


  1. I woke up yesterday to light flurries. Our ground was still too warm for anything to stick tho. I am not looking forward to any accumulation of the dreaded white stuff. Wish I was a snow bird. So sorry to hear about your parents problems in getting their groceries. That really blows. We should be trying to make things easier for our elderly not harder.

  2. Oh no on the Suduko, I just can't do those. I've tried and tried but mostly I am one of those that will get distracted. LOL.
    Snow! Ours is just about gone now but the cold weather is still here.

  3. I don't know why, but I just can't do those puzzles.

  4. I like the looks of all that snow, since I don't have to do anything more than admire it. And I never got the hang of sudoku. :-)

  5. It sure looks to me like you have enough snow for the entire winter!

  6. I LOVE playing Sudoku. I have never seen a mega one like the one you are working on. Will have to look for that one. Looks like fun.

  7. When we received a print paper, I would work on the suduko puzzles on the weekends. I had a stack! Unfortunately our small town paper was sold to a syndicate and what local news that was printed was days or weeks old. We have switched to a local on-line startup and, unfortunately, no Suduko or crosswords.

  8. The 16 square Soduku are my favorite but they're hard to find. They do take me days and I appreciate it. I've been doing on-line crossword puzzles; one of the sites is more difficult than the other but I manage to finish by guessing the letters.

    Yuck on the snow. We had a bit more snow but it's pretty much gone.
    Take care, stay well!

  9. I get impatient with the puzzles that take me too long. Our newspaper publishes a harder one each day as the week goes on. I'm usually good through Thursday, and then Friday's stumps me.

  10. It looks pretty but I'm glad you didn't have to shovel. I love puzzles but that one does look challenging!

    We had snow all day yesterday and more coming in today. Luckily so far it has stuck to the ground but not the roads.

  11. I love sudoku puzzles. Our Sunday paper has one that is 3 separate puzzles which share a common 9x9 block. You've got to get some numbers in all 3 puzzles usually before you can finish that common block and then finish the entire group of 3 puzzles. I also found a web site of sudoku puzzles which has new ones every day, including ones for children and ones they call squiggly. Those have 9 blocks with numbers 1 through 9 to fill in, but they're not rectangles. They're like puzzle pieces that fit together to fill the large rectangle that the normal puzzles have. It adds another layer of difficulty because of the odd shapes. You can also print the puzzles, make your own by starting with a blank template, or go into their archives of 5 years and do any of their puzzles. They vary in difficulty from easy to very hard. If you'd like to check them out, here's a link to the web site or you can type it in yourself if you're leery of clicking on a link. http://www.dailysudoku.co.uk/sudoku/

  12. I saw my first Junco of the season the other day! Still no snow though (thankfully), but they say we could get flurries by Friday.

  13. No Sudoku for me, but I love to tackle crossword puzzles. The snow is crunchy here, too. Bitter cold (-21°F windchill) this morning. It’s too early fo be this cold!

  14. We've had our first snow. It's not supposed to stay but the bitter cold weather more than likely will.

  15. My dad loved Sudoku but I just couldn't get into it.
    Looks just gorgeous there with the recent snows. :)

  16. I love snow, so it wouldn't be enough for me.

  17. My husband loves sudoku puzzles of all kinds. Me? I just can't wrap my brain around them, for whatever reason. Oh my gosh, your 4th snow?! I'm with you.....sNOw!!!!! :) ~Andrea xoxo

  18. I do the regular sudoku but not the biggies.

  19. My husband spends hours on these puzzles and now my 14 year old grandson is addicted too!!

  20. I though they said it was going to be a mild winter? I do Sodoku all the time (one per day usually) but I've not seen those challenger ones. Mine only have the 9 squares but I have gotten pretty good at those so maybe I should move up to the 16 squares? Whoa Nellie!!!

  21. I've never like sudoko but I do word searches quite often. We have plenty of snow too and I'm ready to have spring now!

  22. Fourth snow . . . you win and I'm going to stop complaining about our cold weather.
    Stay warm and dry,
    Connie :)

  23. Such lovely photos
    Sudoku puzzles puzzle me

  24. Sudoku puzzles frustrate me terribly. I think they are the kind of puzzle you either love or hate. No inbetween.

  25. I’m a sudoku regular but I’ve never seen your Super one. I will be on the lookout. Can’t believe the snow. Might as well make the best of it, eh.

  26. I like Sudoku puzzles but I seldom work the one in the daily newspaper, I do the Jumble and the other quiz, but that's all the time I devote to puzzles each day. I don't want ones that take too long to solve.
    We are warmings back up again after a cold snap. It's currently 59 degrees and sunny. Nice.

  27. Yes, I'd say you've got enough snow for the whole winter now! Good grief and it's only October still! I see you keep your mind busy with sudoku puzzles too. Good for you! I bet your dad misses going with you to play and WIN at Bingo!

  28. I love sudoku puzzles, although it took me ages to learn how to solve them and even now I still struggle with some of them. I often do them in the middle of the night when I cannot sleep.

  29. Your snow count is skyrocketing! At least it is self-service snow: it gets rid of itself! Now, that's the kind of shoveling I could warm up to.

  30. Ahhh... I just saw that you're from Minnesota. My husband used to travel there for the USEPA when we lived in Chicago. Wow! You have a LOT of snow!


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