Friday, October 23, 2020

Third sNOw

 Three snows so far this week.  Usually the third snow is the one that stays....sad to say. 

It snowed gently most of the day. 

The snow is hanging in the trees. 

There was no wind to blow this new snow around.  We got maybe two inches of new snow.  There is six inches at the snow stick...snow # two packed down quite a bit as it had lots of moisture in it.

I worked on Christmas Cards and took some summer clothing upstairs..I cleared off a whole bunch of stuff from the top of the stairs...odds and ends tend to accumulate there and it was finally time to put a few things away.  I am making progress on my Christmas Crochet projects.

I did not shovel yesterday...probably today.

Far Side


  1. Have a great weekend. We are having nothing but rain.

  2. 3 snows before Halloween? That's amazing especially since they said it would be a mild winter across the states! LOL! Be careful shoveling. It was in the 80's here yesterday....still too warm for me! Your snow looks pretty and I hope you're going to show your crochet projects unless you can't because they are Christmas "secrets". Stay warm and dry and safe and well!

  3. Sounds like shoveling is becoming your daily work out! I've heard predictions of snow for our part of the state on Sunday. We had 3 inches of rain yesterday with flash flooding in areas.

  4. I think I said the same thing yesterday, wow!! The small amount of snow we got this week is pretty much gone, just a bit lingering in the shady parts of the yard.

    Definitely a good time to work on indoor projects. Take care, stay well.

  5. I hate shoveling! And thankfully we only got a little dusting last night. The bigger snow will come eventually however.

    In our house the "stuff at the top of the stairs" is waiting to be taken downstairs. Mostly it is my sewing stuff or something needing to go back down to Dave's office.

  6. Winter has come for you. It will be here for us Sunday. :(

  7. Your snow is beautiful. You probably needed a break from shoveling, that can lead to some sore muscles. Stay warm!

  8. We are expecting our first snow on Sunday with mixed feelings. The first snow usually means the real end of summer, that's sad. But this time it reminds me that 2020 is coming to an end. And for that I can't wait!

  9. Sorry you got more snow again, but glad you made some progress on indoor chores and projects.

  10. The snow sure does make for some beautiful photos. Glad you are making progress with your cards and crochet projects. Stay warm!

  11. I wonder if the snow will actually stay this early.
    Have a great weekend. :)

  12. My daughter sent me pictures this morning with one word: noooooo!! Green leaves, red leaves, and white stuff covering everything. Your trees look pretty — if it were December!

  13. We had a beautiful mostly sunny day yesterday, but today it's supposed to rain all day. If we were as cold as you are there, it would be a ton of snow. I like the rain instead.

  14. Oh gee! We have all the windows and doors open today and it's supposed to hit about 73F this afternoon. But there's a lot of wind and a cold front moving in. This evening should see a good storm, and then tomorrow temps will be luck to hit 50F.

    In our house, it's the dining room table that accumulates things that need to go elsewhere. Right now though, it's a work space for a 52" TV my husband is repairing for a neighbour. He's waiting on parts though, so who knows how long it will be a work zone!

  15. 6-8 inches predicted for us today. It just started falling about an hour ago and is already sticking to the ground. I think we may be in for a long winter...or maybe we're getting it now and it will be 70 in January. We can always hope. :-)

  16. It sounds like you got some typical "snowy day" chores done. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that it's snowy day season already! ~Andrea xoxo

  17. I would not be ready for that much snow so early. But then I remember the six years I lived in the UP of Michigan, way up in the Keewenaw, and now that I think about it, snow often started in October and was still coming down in April. I will send you warm thoughts.

  18. Cold here today in Iowa. Yesterday was in the 70's! Today, Windy and cold! Go figure. At least all of our snow is gone. But it has been raining for the last several days. if the temps dip below freezing, I think we might have another snow before Halloween as well. Guess I will have to trick-or-treat dressed up as an Eskimo!

  19. The bottom step is where we put stuff until we make the next trip up.
    What happened to the milk can project?

    1. I have all the rolags made and ready to spin...I will attempt it sometime this winter...not sure when:)

  20. The snow is pretty when it sticks to the trees. We have sun today & more snow predicted for the weekend, so we'll see. -0 this morning.

  21. No snow shoveling for me as I sit here in sweat from head to foot while it is cold and wet outside.

  22. Same story here with snow but it's very cold minus 11 C overnight.

  23. Wow - seems way too early for that much snow!

  24. I can imagine that it looks like a winter wonderland outside!

  25. What a shame the snow couldn't have held off until at least November. It just doesn't seem right for you to be shoveling snow while we are raking leaves and enjoying mild temperatures.💖

  26. We keep getting the snows here too. Oh well. Sounds like you've got more good projects going on there! I need to at least think about a possible Christmas card for this year. I'm way behind on that and everything. Take care and stay warm you 2.

  27. Glad you have projects to enjoy during this early snowfall, stay safe.

  28. I worked outside in harsh wind chills. I needed to get my glads dug and also put away the tomato cages. My hands got too cold. I have one more hose to bring in, using it to rtain my water barrel.

  29. Wow. It was 23 C. yesterday here. Rain only!


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