Thursday, July 11, 2019


We have had rain for two days.  The first day I caught up on laundry and packed some suitcases just in case we get on that Transplant List and get a call.  I have one suitcase full of  misc stuff medications, bath stuff etc.  One for clothing and one for craft stuff to keep me occupied.  I also have a list on the bulletin board that tells me what we need to grab quickly before leaving.  (We should know soon if he is on the list, unless they want some other medical tests.)

I resurrected my sock knitting project, I need to visit that project more often.

The rain has beat down my daisies.

Yesterday Far Guy had surgery to remove his defective port.  It went well, but he is very sore.  For a quiet activity I spent some time online shopping .  I finalized this years Christmas Card design and I needed a few die cuts and ordered the paper with matching envelopes....Blueprint Blue.  Then I cut a bunch of watercolor paper and stamped my design 119 times.

Then my train of thought derailed and I stamped a few of my newest stamps...first time I have had a chance to try them.
 It will be fun to see how they color up!
Far Side


  1. You both are still in my thoughts & prayers. You're smart in thinking of the crafts to take along.... keeping the hands busy & the mind occupied will help with the waiting, I am sure. Thank you for being so faithful about keeping us updated. Love, Andrea xoxo

  2. Glad Far Guy is doing OK. Hope you get a call about the transplant soon, and he doesn't have to go through more tests first.

    Good you found plenty to keep yourself busy while you wait, and it rains.

  3. Good thinking on your part to get all your stuff together for the "call". Better to be prepared than running around at the last minute and then forget something. Praying Far Guy gets on the list and a call comes real soon.

  4. Your cards are so fun. Prepping cards, prepping transplant...these are things you are very good at.

  5. I also hope he gets on the list. Without the port, does he now need to go in for his infusions? I am praying that all this will be a memory soon, and that he will be able to get that transplant.

  6. Sorry to hear FG is so sore. I continue to pray for you both. I love your new stamps.

  7. I would love to do that but I have a zillion Christmas cards but maybe for Halloween or Thanksgiving. I loved your scarecrow one from last year.
    Poor Far Guy, he is not having a great time of it. I hope he heals fast. You're definitely a "prepper"! I would want you on my team! Far Guy is lucky to have you by his side through this.

  8. Keeping my fingers crossed that Far Guy gets the call he needs. Waiting is so hard. I'm fascinated by your stamping projects. Looks like fun.

  9. It's always a tense time when you're waiting for something that is crucial.

  10. You've been staying busy all the while waiting...I know that can be stressful. I can't wait to see your cards! We had such a hard rain the other day that our creeks are still muddy! My driveway even eroded in an odd place.

  11. I hope you hear positive news on the list soon! Glad his removal surgery went well.

    Cards! I can hardly wait to get back to my Christmas card making. Coloring is a good waiting room project, too. ;)

  12. Being prepared for the call is a good thing - less stressful for everyone.

  13. Your cards are going to be very neat! I love what you are doing. Prayers are continuing for you and for Gene! Hugs

  14. I am happy the rain has stopped - and sunshine today! Your cards will be beautiful!

  15. I hope you get good news on the list soon, and after this most recent surgery Far Guy is feeling better soon.

    Love the cards! That's a craft I've never even thought to attempt.

  16. Making your own Christmas cards looks like a fun project. I haven't sent cards out for a number of years!

  17. So sorry about yet another port replacement. Fingers crossed that you get on the list.

  18. Hey Far Side. You do a good job of being prepared. I'm hoping and praying all goes well for Far Guy. Those Christmas cards are pretty. I would love to sit and color them.

  19. You are very wise in getting packed and all ready for "the call". It makes it much less stressful for you. Christmas cards. You are so organized. I need to start preparing for Christmas too. We're actually celebrating at Thanksgiving when all of our children will be here for a holiday together for the first time since 2003. I'm SO excited about that.

  20. You are so organized and prepared! Smart lady! You both remain in my thoughts and prayers.

  21. Nothing like being prepared!! I hope you get good news soon.
    We had heavy rain too. We needed it badly but my Hydrangeas are even flatter now.

  22. You are such a crafter! I love all the things you do to keep busy and how beautiful everything you create turns out! Sure hope Far Guy gets on that Transplant List and that everything that can possibly go well....will! Prayers for both of you going up!!!

  23. Keeping calm and being prepared - good for you.

  24. I am reading every day, just not commenting on all. I cannot help but wonder if you feel as frazzled as I would imagine I would feel. I know I would need the lists. I am still praying for you both.

  25. That wait for The Call can be so nerve wracking! You and Far Guy are certainly in our prayers.

    We just found out a friend of my husband has a sister who needs a lung transplant, too, so now we are praying for two on the list. Good thing you don't live near here =/


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