Saturday, July 6, 2019

Log Repair Project

Many years about 20 years when we built this house we used Jack Pine logs to make a covered entry.  We did it up real good.  We sunk rebar into a bucket of cement and buried them for footings...the rebar stuck up about 6 inches and the logs were set on top of the was quite a project.  We were younger then.

The logs aged...and this spring we noticed the bottom part of the logs were starting to  become rotten. Some bird most likely a woodpecker had quite a time with one of the logs.

We were not quite sure how we were going to fix it.  Between Andy, Jen and Far Guy they came up with a solution.


Chance and Odda in 2015 

New brick platforms for the logs to set on.  The logs were cut off and the rebar cut off and ground off to make a level surface.  This fix should last another 20 years!  It was sprinkling when I took the photos.
Miss Miney and Little Elvis July 5 2019
Many Thanks to Andy and Jen for taking time out of their vacation week to help us with this project!  We could not have done it without them.  Thanks also to my other baby brother who had a whole pile of bricks from a construction demo in his equipment yard...I had my choice of colors of bricks...I chose the grey. 

Miss Miney and Little Elvis have returned to their own home...we will miss them.  The house seems quiet without them. 

Odda still comes to visit...she was visiting yesterday...we are her safe place.

Far Side


  1. Looks like it turned out great! It must have been a huge job to get this done, good thing you had help. Love (of course) the shelties...hope they can visit again soon. Glad Odda still visits. I'm also hoping Chance visits in spirit every once in awhile.

  2. Wow! That looks like a huge project! Brilliant solution. Glad you got some help. Turned out great! :)

  3. Gosh, it looks terrific. More like a gorgeous design upgrade than a repair. I bet you miss the doggies.

  4. Sounds like quite a project... Great solution!

  5. It looks wonderful, what a good idea to fix it like that. It's nice to see the dogs, too. There was Chance once again. :-)

  6. Quite an undertaking, but the finished project looks wonderful. I'm glad that Odda still visits.

  7. It turned out well! I understand the 'thanks' often we sure need help, but others are far away. So Terry and I just muddle through, or don't do it.

  8. Great solution, and it looks wonderful. Doggie haven is all fixed up. :-)

  9. Very clever solution! It looks great.

  10. It looks great! That was a brilliant solution to what could have become a problem later. It is so good that family could help.

  11. I like it a lot. Thankful for the help you received, too. Odda has been visiting you for a long time. I enjoyed all the photos.

  12. Such a blessing for the help you had! Those logs look mighty hefty. But wow, this fix looks most awesome! Aww, bye-bye til later, Miss Miney and Little Elvis! ♥♥

  13. A very clever fix and they look wonderful.

  14. That was a nifty way to fix the problem!! I don't know that I've seen any pic of your house on your blog before. I like the fact that it's made of logs!

  15. Do it your selfers always find a good way to do things.

  16. That was a great solution and looks so nice.

  17. The perfect solution...but wow, that must have been a lot of work!

  18. Sweet Odda. The new bricks look good!

  19. Great idea and it looks really nice. Did you and Far Guy lay that patio? It looks professional. Your entryway is beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen the entire view of it.

  20. The brick platforms look great! You have a lovely home.

  21. Very nice! I envy you your talented and available help. We have to hire everything done.

  22. Great job! The fix looks great!

  23. Wow what a great job your gang did. I am impressed by that good work. So that you figured that out and you're all set for the next twenty or so years. Blessings to you both and all your helpers!

  24. I'm glad you could keep most of the logs. The grey brick looks good!


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