Sunday, July 21, 2019

Date Night

We had our usual once a year date night at the County Fair.
We had French Fries at the 4 -H booth and a Pork Burger at the pork producers stand, we walked through the exhibit buildings and onto the Midway.

It was a very warm day.  We sat and rested a few times.

Far Guy has been struggling in the heat and the humidity.  We bought a dehumidifier and since then he can breathe a bit easier inside the house.

We should have a definite spot on the Transplant List this week, they had to submit everything to our Insurance Company...they may want some additional tests.  He has been discussed at the transplant group and received the all clear for either a right or left lung.  The Medical/Insurance World is all about hurry up and wait. When they call for many phone numbers we will know he is on the list.

I took many notes while on the phone with the Transplant Coordinator....we have a book and we write everything down.

We have to go back to the Cities soon for a consult with an Endocrinologist and he needs to have a scan done of his esophagus.  Hopefully they can schedule them the same day.

Far Side


  1. I'm thankful the dehumidifier at home has helped FG. I continue to pray for you both; praying that any testing can be done on the same day as the consult. xo

  2. Well, moving forward as they say. One step at a time. Hugs and prayers for the both of you!

  3. Continued Prayers. I found that writing EVERYTHING in a notebook during my parents' illnesses was a great help. And I also found that all the medical personnel were more than happy to spell for me so that I could properly look things up at home if I had more questions. As former 4-H advisers, we have spent many, many years at the county fair. We have our "route" and favorite local food stands. One of our FFAs sells Pig Wings, a country style rib that you can eat with your hands. I also HAVE to have a steak burger from the Cattlemen's booth at least once. And breakfast is our local grange. They are even there for set up and take down. Local sausage patties, breakfast sandwiches and, if you have time to sit down, pancakes.

  4. OH man, how can I leave out a milk shake from the Junior Dairy Club?

  5. That's awesome!! You are so close!!
    I hope they can do both procedures at once when you go and he doesn't have to do more tests for the insurance company.
    Glad the dehumidifier is helping--whoohoo!
    Making it out for date night at the fair was brave in the heat and humidity. Must bring back a lot of memories, though. :)

  6. Hasn't the heat been oppressive? Wow! I hope you can get the appointments scheduled for the same day too. Good to know that the dehumidifier helped. Fair Food... Yum! I can't believe I actually missed the county fair here. I gotta stop working so much. Pork burger sounds pretty good...

  7. Hoping for good news from the medial/insurance folks very soon for you.

    I haven't been to a fair in years....too many people for me. But fair food, that would be a treat!

  8. Your's continues to be a long haul, but it sounds like you are climbing steadily up that hill. County fair's can help. :-)

  9. That is a big and positive step to get on the transplant list! Keeping you both in my prayers. The fair looks like fun but I'm sure the heat and humidity was difficult.

  10. Thoughts and prayers for the transplant list, and for a quick recovery. I agree about the hurry up and wait business the insurance companies actions, but they certainly like those premium checks. ~wink~
    We have been under a heat advisor for weeks, I am so looking forward to fall weather.

  11. Good that the dehumidifier is helping. It's hot here too. It's what we get in July and the first half of August, then one morning it's all mist and fog which won't burn off until noon. That's when we know it's Fall ( no matter what the calendar says).

  12. I am glad to hear you made it to the fair again this year. We live so close to the State Fair that we have no excuse not to go. The dehumidifier has to help a lot even with air conditioner. We bought a hepa filter to clear my wife art room of dust as well as stuff in the air. It really has helped her coughing problems. Prayers continue as you wait.

  13. Thanks for keeping your fan base apprised of current events. I do so hope that this will all be over within a reasonable amount of time, with FG with a new lung. Fingers and toes crossed. :-)

  14. I'm glad you were able to go to the fair, even with the heat and humidity. Although I was born and raised in the midwest and was VERY used to the humidity, living in the Northwest where there is very low humidity has spoiled me. Last week we had one day of 31% humidity and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Isn't that ridiculous for an Iowa girl? :-)
    I'm glad things are moving along for Far Guy and I hope he gets on the list and gets his transplant soon. I find writing down everything is very important the older I get. Wishing you both love and patience. Prayers for you every single day too.

  15. Praying for you and far guy as you make your way through these long delays and hopeful times. Thank you for keeping us always up-to-date on what's going on.

  16. I remember when the 4-H food booth at our county fair had emu burgers! (We passed!) It”s good you’re writing everything down. It’s so easy and frustrating to not be able to remember when you have to. Hope Far
    Guy gets to the top of the list soon.

  17. When you're finished this you both should have earned MD.s

  18. Sounds like, despite the heat, you had a very nice date night. I'll keep you and Far Guy in my prayers so some hurry up and do something instead of hurry up and wait!

  19. Haven't had a date night in over a decade.

  20. I was wondering whether a dehumidifier would help. I know humidity makes wheezing worse for a lot of people. Of course, here we have air conditioning--an absolute must in the summer, where temps get way over 100F--and that makes for an automatic dehumidifier, so we always breathe easier. Hope it does the same for Far Guy.

    This all sounds so serious when you write about it, but I'm glad it sounds like progress is being made. That is very encouraging.

  21. Sounds like some progress is being made! What a long drawn-out process it seems to be. Sending up many prayers on your behalf that everything falls into place and that you guys get news soon! Hugs and blessings! ♥

  22. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

  23. Glad you and Far Guy were able to have a fun night out!

  24. Sounds like you had a lovely date night. Sorry Far Guy is struggling with the heat.


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