Monday, June 25, 2018

Trail Cam Report

We have not looked at the trail cam in a number of days.

We had many visitors.

Fox June 18

A Fox on June 18

Coon June 22

A Racoon on June 22…his name is Ricky.

Chance June 18


Deer JUne 20

June 20 Deer

June 23 Two fawns

June 23 Two Fawns… see the other one way to the left next to the Mama deer you can see her tail and legs.

From the camera the Coon visits nightly after 11:30 PM. The Fox was an early morning just before daylight visitor and the Deer are early mornings. The Deer didn’t eat my flowers…yet.  We think they drank the water in the bird bath.

This is only one area of our yard I wonder what is happening in the rest of the yard? 

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  1. That is so interesting to see what visits your yard. I caught a huge opossum in ours one night. I think we scared each other as we both ran away. Ha

  2. You have a very busy backyard. Even in the dark that fox's tail is just beautiful. Probably all those sunflowers he gets under the feeder keeping it healthy and shiny! We have thought about getting a trail cam for our backyard -- mainly to count the raccoons probably. What kind is yours?

  3. This reminds me to put out our camera along the trail that goes to the creek, there is always something going on!

  4. I'll bet Chance's nose goes crazy some mornings!

  5. Bet it's great getting to see all that wildlife coming to visit.

  6. I love looking at the photo on our trail camera!!

  7. I don't think I wanna know what is wandering around in our yard at night.

  8. Yes, it does make you wonder what is going on it the rest of the yard--LOL! :)

  9. We need to put ours back up, but have to think of a good place that we aren't passing by all the time. Our yard is fenced and there are other fences beyond that, so the trail in the bush is the best option, but we use it every day, and the dogs may go past the camera several times. I got tired of going through pics of us passing by, and only the occasional coyote, lol!

  10. I love seeing your visitors. :-). I can only imagine the fun things happening in the unseen parts of the yard. Sometimes when driving home through the mountains in the daytime it crosses my mind just how many unseen animals are in the trees by the highway, just out of sight. Thanks for sharing with us.

  11. It's very interesting to know what goes through your yard but just as interesting to speculate what goes through that you don't see..

  12. What a nice variety of pictures you've caught! That little fawn is adorable and it is a little surprising they came after sunrise. I love seeing these trail cam pictures. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Well, there's enough going on in that corner to extrapolate a LOT more activity out there. Love the wild critters and Chance. :-)

  14. I think if I lived in the country I'd have a trail camera too. In town all we'd see would be the occasional raccoon or rat.

  15. Wow. You have a very busy night life up north!mmFun to see what's on your trail cam.

  16. It's nice that they seem to be well behaved visitors so far.

  17. It's fun to see what walks through the yard at night. Wish I could talk Poppy into leaving a camera up. Maybe I should learn to operate the thing.

  18. We have a doe with twin fawns again this summer. They are so sweet to watch in our nice quiet yard.


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