Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Eighteen or nineteen years ago we planted a Japanese Tree Lilac. It was just a twig.  Every year we have waited for blooms.

Japanese Tree Lilac

This year it finally bloomed…I was shocked.  I think it finally got tall enough to get more sun!

Blooms up high

These are the tallest blooms.

Japanese Tree Lilac Blooms

The trees in town are covered in blooms, of course they get more sun than ours does. We have five blooms….and I am thankful for them.

We have woodcarved and have 63/100 Christmas Ornaments ready to paint. That project takes patience too.  Most days Far Guy sits outside with his music on and carves…the birds really like Bob Dylan songs. One day we turned the music off and then on again to see if the birds stopped singing and started again and yes they like his music.

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  1. What a lovely flower even if you had a long wait for it. Does it have a perfume?

  2. Glad your tree finally bloomed, and that the Christmas ornaments are coming along well.

    That's funny about the birds.

  3. Beautiful flowers. Love the part about the birds singing along with Far Guys music; that is cute.

  4. I like the picture in my mind of the birds singing as the music plays and Far Guy carves.

  5. I've seen these trees planted in Madison, WI when they re did the main road. I think I'd like one! They are pretty startling when they do bloom and pretty unexpected.
    A red maple would be nice too.

    I usually don't play music while on the porch because I love listening to the birds. I will be very sad when they start migrating again.

  6. Glad to hear that your tree finally got blossoms on it. And I too love the idea of birds listening to Bob Dylan along with Far Guy. :-)

  7. Oh, I love these trees. We do not have any and I admire the patience they require. B

  8. Yes, patience is needed when planting trees. I've often heard that trees are planted for future generations to enjoy: it's definitely true. I'm grateful for those who planted the trees in my yard.

  9. A worthwhile wait! I bet they smell lovely.
    Funny birds. I guess they must think Dlyan needs some melodious back up singers.

  10. I had a "lemon" tree that was started from a seed and I've carried it around for at least 15 years before it finally bloomed and then set fruit...and it is actually an ornamental orange ;-).

  11. Sometimes it’s really worth the wait. The flowers are lovely. I laughed out loud at the birds liking Bob Dylan. Have fun painting!

  12. What a beautiful tree! You have a green thumb!

  13. That certainly is patience. :)
    I never thought about how the birds might like music, but it makes sense as they are quite musical in nature. ;)

  14. I thought everybody liked bob Dylan!

  15. That is a lovely tree. I know you are thrilled to see the blooms finally. John most always plays his music no matter what else he is doing. I kinda like it quiet; rarely do I listen to music or tv. Sorry to have gotten behind with blog commenting. Had a bad health scare but everything is fine now.

  16. Talk about patience! That is a long time to wait for a pay off!

  17. Those lovely flowers were worth waiting for. 18 years is a long wait though.

  18. That's a long time to wait. I'm glad you did.
    I love it that the birds sing along.

  19. Never heard of one before. It's pretty. It's that way here. We wait and wait for a plant to get tall enough to get some sun.


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