Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

We are the last of the big celebrators on New Years Eve.  We enjoyed a quiet dinner at home of lobster, smoked ribs, Far Guys famous French fries and raspberries that we picked last summer.  Yummy!

Later in the evening we walked over to my other baby brothers enjoying the balmy –19 F or –28 C.  If you bundle up and walk fast you will not freeze to death.  It was still and quiet with the snow scrunching under our feet.  Snow sounds different at different temperatures. We visited and had some snacks and walked back home.  The kids here in Minnesota go back to school Thursday.  Winter break is over.

I had some projects that kept me out of trouble.

I always sort the Christmas Cards, I try to make gift tags out of them, the letters I staple together and put in the “library” for a few weeks so Far Guy reads them all.  The photos are added to my collection.


I am not sure what I will do with them…I have years and years of them saved…along with many volumes of Christmas letters. The letters are a bit of history, births, deaths and marriages.  Some of the letters had surprises in them…a photo of a baby that made one of our friends a Grandpa for the very first time, in one other a sprig of pine so the entire letter and card smelled like the north woods.


Perhaps I need to make sure they are marked with the year and find a proper album for them. What do you do with the photos you get as Christmas Greetings?

I have put off making a list of things to do …I have also put off any thoughts of resolutions.   I have a few intentions for 2014.

Organize: Organize what I can.

Declutter:  Donate or sell some of the “stuff” that is stored away in boxes that we haven’t looked at in ten years or more. 

Two intentions…that ought to keep me busy for most of the year.

Happy New Year!  I hope your year is filled with many blessingsSmile

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  1. Happy New Year to you two, too! I think our 'celebration' was even less so! We shared a bottle of wine. Mr. Dreamy went to bed by 9:30!

  2. Happy New Year to you Far Guy and Chance.....So cold here, like living in a freezer.....Blessings Francine.

  3. Happy New Year to you, Connie. I had a dream about Chance last night! I got to dry him off with a towel after he went for a swim. :-)

  4. Happy New Year to you and Far guy. My hubby and I had steak for dinner; went to bed at our usual time; and woke up this morning ,kissed and said Happy New Year. I must be getting old when this is the highlight of my life. Hahaha

  5. I love snow's "squeak" when it is really cold.

    Photo Christmas cards are saved in a box after I make sure they have the year and names on them. I pitch the letters after a year or two.

    Decluttering closets will be on top of my "to do" list this year.

  6. Reading those temperatures makes me shiver! Two intentions are good -- I'm still working on mine. I, too, save old cards in a big folder. I want to cut designs from them to use on future cards, The photos are a history book! One day I want to scan all my photos and sort them digitally. Have a happy 2014!

  7. When it is really cold the snow is crisp sounding. Also the blue jeans even freeze stiff while you are out there. I want to venture out and take pictures today. I have the time so I should get motivated. I hear the maintainers going by clearing our streets even though it is still snowing. You two and Chance take care and enjoy the new day and have a great new year.

  8. Well, first, slow down and take a deep breath. Maybe some of those important things will not seem quite a high priority. I've been working at getting rid of my treasures(junk) for few years. it's amazing how much we collect.

  9. Sounds like a nice new year's eve to me. The cold weather and snow in Minnesota made our local news this morning here in NC. Made me feel right, I know somebody in Minnesota! :)

  10. We had a nice dinner and watched a little television, then went to bed early. Haven't made any resolutions, either. Waiting to get inspired, I guess!

  11. Your dinner was better than you could have gotten at many restaurants! De-clutter and organize are still in progress for me. I can see how much I've accomplished but also see the gigantic amount left to do. I just "pinned" some ideas for cards. I like the gift tag idea. We will look forward to hearing more about this project.

  12. Wishing you a very happy new year...fellow big celebrant.


  13. Intentions...I like that concept. I stay as far away from resolutions as I can. I strongly dislike saying I'm going to keep doing something for a full year when I don't end up doing it. Intentions...I can live up to that.

    Wishing you a blessed 2014!

  14. A friend of mine takes all the photo cards and puts them on a ring, and then keeps them and pulls them out the next year. I don't know if she keeps them forever. I don't keep other people's letters, but I do have all of mine that we have written through the years, plus any photo cards we sent. I am also keeping my daughters cards and letters.
    I like your intentions. I want to do the same, besides my Project Me.

  15. I never saved them.... the cards etc over the years. I even understand the importance of the history -- but didn't do it. When I first started helping Aunti Fern, she had lot of her personal Christmas letters. I don't know what she did with them in the past two years. As little snow that we get, I do recognize the sound at different temperatures. Right now we are suffering freezing fog and slippery roads, but no snow.

  16. Oh gosh - that is FREEZING! Hope it warms up soon.

  17. A very happy New Year to you, Far Guy and all your family. Organise and de-clutter - I share your aims for 2014 but, in my case, I fear they will slip out of sight under an ever-increasing pile of "things"

  18. Happy New Year! I have collected way too much stuff and am now working on getting rid of it! So cards, read and toss works for me. I plan to sort though many old photos and do the kids to pass things on to so what's the point of keeping so much.

  19. Sounds like a perfect New Years Eve to me! I have a drawer full of Christmas card photos. Every once in awhile I think, I should do something with these. But, that's as far as I get! One of my projects for this year is to peel off all those photos in albums from the 70s and 80s and rehome them in more photo friendly books.

  20. We celebrated the next day...all our kids came to the house and we ate like it was Christmas all over again!

    Happy New Year!

  21. I hope you have a great NEw Year as well!! ! Love your blog


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