Saturday, January 18, 2014

On the hunt

Why is it when you have an idea of something to do…a bit of inspiration that you cannot find exactly what you need at an affordable price?

I looked for an old sewing machine drawer all summer/fall.  I even had Far Guy and Chance looking for me.  I found one and it was $20.   Well I might have paid $10 but not $20…yes I am cheap too.

Sewing Machine Drawer

See that drawer on that little table?  That is  what I need, only mine will be painted red. I have lots of old jars…I would put wildflowers in mine and keep it outside where they wouldn’t make me sneeze.  So I don’t need a perfect sewing machine drawer although I will put some beeswax on it so it will withstand some rain.  If all else fails I will build a faux drawer and put a nice knob on it and call it good.

I have a pile of “stuff” that I am purging.  Selling on eBay and locally is going well.  A number of people must have been on a hunt for some of the crap fine collectibles that I have been squirreling away for years.  Some of the “stuff” I am finding has been in boxes so long I forgot  all about them.  Some days are almost like Christmas as more nooks and crannies are cleaned out.

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  1. Oh, I sure would love to go shop there and help you unpack your treasures, good luck with the drawer, Blessings Francine.

  2. Yes, $20 for a used drawer seems on the pricey side, all right. You'll find it, I'm sure. Funny what they can charge when they call it an "antique." :-)

  3. My guess is that your purging will result in some storage space that won't take long to fill up again! :)

  4. I like the idea of a red sewing drawer for jars of posies! I have a table on the front porch and I often put vases of flowers there since I am allergic and the cats try to eat them!

  5. The drawer would be beautiful... and yes, one could make it - probably quite easily, but I'm thinking the hunt is part of the fun!
    Congrats on the eBay sales. I need to do the same thing.

  6. Great idea - yep $20 seems like quite a bit... I have seen some old sewing machine cabinets and all but hadn't paid attention to the drawers... Hmmm maybe I will see some now! I have a big old box that I found for $5 or $10 last summer - it is waiting for its facelift! Happy hunting!

  7. That's a lot of money for a old drawer, no mater how charming it is. And I was going to suggest that you build your own, good idea.


  8. Used to be able to find those sewing machine drawers in all the antique shops but they are becoming harder to find. Love your idea though, and red will be perfect!

  9. $20 sounds like a lot for the drawer. I've seen whole cabinets go for less than that at auctions! It is a cute idea, though. I'm sure the right drawer will "come along". I need to rid this house of some old "treasures" too. They are overtaking things!

  10. Anything labeled "vintage" usually has a high dollar price tag. I usually find an object after I quit looking for it. ;oD

  11. I get discouraged when I find antiques that I have been looking for and what do you know? They have it so outrageously priced that I can't even think about buying it. The drawer idea is nice.

  12. Build your own! I too have seen whole cabinets with an old sewing machine for less than that. Or maybe just wait, as something that might not be a drawer but is the same size will come along for much cheaper. I've seen the old canning jars in little crates or old tool boxes as well.

  13. I hope you find the drawer you have been looking for! I like what you plan to do with it!

  14. I'm cheap too, I mean frugal. I wish you luck in finding the perfect drawer at the right price. I still haven't done eBay. I've bought from Craigslist though.

  15. I like the idea with the sewing machine drawer. I hope you will be able to find one at the right price. Maybe if you keep looking one will come along. Good luck with purging all your collectables!

  16. We have stuff all over the house that we plan to sell on Ebay. Can't begin until fall, though, because of all the carousel activities between now and then. Glad to hear it's going well; I'll be back to ask for advice. Or you could post about your secrets for success!

  17. It must be the time of the year when we start to unstore all our unvaluables. I noticed some large items that I am taking to the dump. I can visualize how much more open space in the store room that I will have. I haven't seen drawers like that for a long time. I saved a lot of wooden boxes that would work that are full of antique tools. I bet you can find one some of these days and pay seven bucks for it.

  18. With all your woodworking skills, I think if you built it yourself, you would be more satisfied--and spend less energy than you would searching for one to buy!

  19. It takes a lot of work and time to get rid of some of the treasures we have. We have never moved. If you move you part with a lot of stuff.

  20. Yes, I know exactly what you are looking for, and I know how it is when you are looking for one exact thing. Keep looking. then fun is in the hunt. And what a great idea.
    I really need to sort out my kitchen. That's where stuff I don't really use seems to be accumulating.

  21. I collect cake top brides and grooms…..just saying. If you ever see some let me know!
    I love the drawer idea….
    I need to put something on my is empty. NO clock no picture no nothing….

  22. Are you selling items yourself on Ebay or do you have one of those sellers doing it for you? I did Ebay but OMG the time it took was unbelievable.
    I'm that way with craft stuff...I want to make something and by the time I gather the materials or find out I need to order things I'm out of the mood.
    Today I messed up 2 knitting projects. I think I take 5 steps forward and 10 steps back most of the time. I should just clean and scrub and forget about trying to enjoy myself. At least I know how to clean and scrub and I can't mess that up.
    Email me your address and full name if you get a chance. I found a book I was going to send you about Cloquet. I bought it because I used to overnight there on my way to was 8 hours to Cloquet and 8 hours from there to where I went to fish and visit an old friend of mine. The book was about a fire that nearly wiped the town out back in the 1800's. It's a true story but it's historical fiction....pieced together from the facts, I guess. I enjoyed it but thought it was all facts. I'm a "fact"person. I think real life is way more interesting than anything anyone can make up. Anyway, I would like to send it to you unless you don't want it.
    Nitty is home and doing great, still waiting for biopsy but they said it looked good when they went in. I was hyped yesterday and got so much done....running on adrenaline and trying not to worry but today I'm exhausted. I should have never tried to knit or do anything today. I'm so glad she's home and feeling good today...animals are amazing and they don't even have any support groups! LOL! They just get on with their life and are happy they still have one. TTYL!

  23. I need to do's on my list for spring!!!


  24. That's one of the good things about forgetting where I put something. When I do find it or unpack, it's just like the first time.

  25. I'm just impressed you know how to sell things on ebay--LOL! Purging feels really good once you get going. I'm glad the sales are going well. Hope you find your sewing drawer. :)

  26. We will look forward to your find when it is discovered by you. I have a couple of things that would probably sell well. I need to figure out how to do that.

  27. Oh dear, now I'm exhausted. I just did a slew of projects in my head because of your sewing drawer, and wondered about all of those drawerless sewing tables. Then, you mentioned cleaning out places, I'm weary all over again even now rethinking the thoughts your talking of cleaning out places caused. I started on a few places last month and I noticed it has been too long--- since I was there, I need to finish. But I'm going to weed my asparagus and start onions instead. I have nothing to sell and lots to pitch, the rest to clean and organize and then actually use.


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