Sunday, January 5, 2014


Our daytime temperatures were hovering just a few degrees below zero and the roads were okay so…

We left warm and cozy for a wedding yesterday afternoon.  A neighbor boy got married. Time sure goes by fast…we are witness to our friends grandchildren getting married.  I think that may put us in an “old” category.

Church at Dorset

This little church was the site of the nuptials.  It was cozy inside and packed with guests.  It was a lovely ceremony.

As we left the church the sun was starting to set.

Sunset January 4 2013

We headed to the reception where Hot Chocolate awaited the guests.  We visited with friends and neighbors.   There was a pasta buffet …not my favorite food..but my husband enjoyed it.  There was going to be a Wedding Dance too but it had been a day and we came home early to avoid the severe wind chills.

I think we are done with weddings now for a bit.  The next one is in November.

The Direct TV Repairman was here earlier in the day.  Far Guy is in business with his TV again, it was a problem with a cable inside.  Someone did not use a Direct TV approved cable when he hooked up the receiver.  I guess we both have HD TV’s but only a regular dish, and the whole shebang should be upgraded and new cable should be installed…maybe next summer.  I don’t “watch” much TV but I do listen to it. 

We are staying home now for the duration, we are warm and cozy and have lots of projects to work on!


  1. We have cold, cold weather on the way. That's anything below zero in this part of the world. Expected to be here by tomorrow. Times like this it is nice to be retired.

  2. I can';t imagine what it's like for it to be that cold. I think I'm better off here in the Pacific Northwest, where the 20's at night are frigid. Stay warm and enjoy working on your projects.

  3. Brrrrr, so cold here this morning, -42.......Hot Chocolate was a great touch at the winter wedding.....Good idea to stay warm and cozy, Francine.

  4. Nice warm pictures, lots of color in both of them. Hope you stay warm and cozy during the frigid temperatures. Glad to hear someone has his TV fixed! :-)

  5. Hello! Stopped by for a visit and enjoyed reading your blog. We, too, are in full snowstorm and frigid temperature mode. Stay warm!

    Critter Alley

  6. There aren't a whole lot of January weddings so you better not miss it. It sounds like it was a very pleasant affair. ...and the old folks go home early! Oops, I never said that!

  7. I love the stone work on the church. Nice that you could attend the wedding. Now you can stay home and work on your projects.

  8. They were brave -- scheduling a wedding in MN for January! Glad you were able to attend, but stay warm, now!

  9. The word cozy caught my eye. I like cozy. In weather like yours it's good to have lots of inside projects. I keep something to work on in the sewing room.

  10. Bitter cold here this AM, too, so I am staying inside today and knitting.

  11. I'm staying inside warm and cozy for the rest of today in anticipation of the big snowstorm and brutal wind chills that are being predicted for our little neck of the woods (in Michigan).

  12. Beautiful photos and I love the rock church building. We are due to have low temps Mon/Tues. We are stocked up on essentials and will be indoors too. We might paint the bathrooms while we are waiting out the cold weather!

  13. Brr. I think it was brave of you to go to the wedding! I guess hot chocolate and pasta are good cold-weather foods. Glad your TV is working's good to have during weather like this.

  14. Hot chocolate at the reception. That is a brilliant idea for winter weather. It's the first of I have of someone doing that. Yes - - we are getting to the "old" category even if we know we aren't. We are brilliant contributing members of society with a zest for things in our lives - - - just lacking a bit of energy to carry out all our dreams some days! We have had DirecTV almost a year now. Our installer put new cable everywhere. What I like best about it, is being able to record any shows of interest to me - - then watch them at leisure without commercials! Stay warm.

  15. Oh, that blue sky is to be envied, but not your cold temperatures.
    It's good to have your TVs while you are staying put.

  16. We have hunkered down for a day and Im bored….even though I have books and knitting….
    I need to get out a bit, but tomorrows minus 13 high will be prohibitive!

  17. It's spose to be minus thirty here tonight. I shudder to think what you'll be facing in the Far North Country.

  18. What beautiful blue skies in that lovely photo of the church. Without inclusion of any of that nasty white stuff on the ground in that shot, you could have fooled me about the weather...

    Yeah...stay warm and cozy!

  19. Thanks for coming out in the cold ~ yes "Baby It Is Cold Outside" ~ cozy is a great description of the church! The hot chocolate bar was one of the brides first ideas and it turned out very cute and was very popular! Winter weddings ~ I haven't attended too many but they sure can be memorable!

  20. I'm staying in until Wednesday, with plenty of projects lined up to work on. I've never had hot chocolate at a wedding, but it sounds like a very good choice.

  21. Stay warm, my friend! Stay warm!



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