Sunday, January 19, 2014

New snow and old toys

We got five inches of new snow at the snowstick.

Five plus inches of new snow


I worked upstairs most of the day.  Sorting “stuff.”  Here are few old toys that I found recently!


This is a wooden cube puzzle from about 1960.  It has Disney Characters, originally it came in a plastic case and it was made in West Germany.  It is a six sided puzzle and a real treat to put together.  There are some sheets of paper that show the completed puzzle. I bought it at a garage sale a few years ago for $5.00

Rocking Horse with storage under the seat. Gay Toys Inc Walled Lake Michigan $20

This is an old rocking horse with storage under the seat.  I bought it at a sale and our Grandkids used it, it is a safe rocking horse because it was closer to the ground if they fell off.  It was made in Michigan.

65 pieces of Vintage Halsam  American Logs $30

I thought there was just one kind of logs…Lincoln Logs.  Not so… these are Vintage Halsam  American Logs.  They have the hand hewn look.  I should have built a house or something…maybe another day.  These would have originally came in a old cardboard container with a tin cover.  I am not sure why I have this set.  I had several other new sets and the grandkids loved to play with them as did lots of other little kids when they came to the Greenhouse with their parents.  I had two drawers full of toys for little kids.  The only thing I can think of is that I bought this set to go with the others and it never quite made it there.

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  1. Lincoln logs, Fiddlesticks and erector sets...creative toys for girls and boys! Well, maybe not the Fiddlesticks so much!

  2. I especially love your puzzle.

  3. You're such a good granny, always thinking of them and keeping them entertained. That's a neat old puzzle. :-)

  4. What neat old toys!

  5. The old toys are so sweet. Nothing like the plastic monsters and scary looking stuff that make up the boys' toys today.

  6. You do hae treasure! We have lots of toys as the grand kids don't live near us. We also find that kids these days don't really like the old toys.

  7. Wonderful pieces! Treasure with old memories and your memories attached. That makes them even more special.

  8. Fabulous toys that were safe, entertaining, educational and durable - practically unheard of today.

  9. It's always fun to uncover things that you haven't seen for a while:) I like that old puzzle.

  10. You have some really neat old items!

  11. WE saved a lot of our kids toys and then got them out at age appropriate levels for our grand kids when they visited. But now they are outgrowing them and have moved on to electronics. Fortunately i can still get them to play board games.
    Looks like you are having fun finding treasures.

  12. I remember those old kind of blocks..they are so darling.

    Poor woman, more snow.

    Maybe a early spring, will be your reward for all of that snow.


  13. Oops, I hit the "Enter" key too quickly! I wanted to thank you for bringing back some fond memories!

  14. I remember that block puzzle!
    What fun.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  15. The toys: lots of fun and memories!

    The snow: not so fun!

  16. I had one of those block puzzles. And Lincoln logs, too. :-)
    What wonderful finds!
    I don't envy you your snow. Be careful and keep warm. ♥

  17. Keep warm and enjoy all that snow if you can!

  18. That was smart of you to have toys for the children to play with while their parents shopped. It made it easier for everyone. Sorting, etc. seems to be a January theme for many. I like it!

  19. What cool old toys! I love that many-sided puzzle--and a rocking horse closer to the ground is good. I bet they could hardly wait to go to Grandma's house. ;)

  20. I have to go look...I think I have some of those same logs!!!


  21. I loved my brothers' toys. And these look just like his log set. Just the other day I was remembering a tile set of my brother's that I loved playing with, clearly, because one of my favorite things is filling in squares with colors, charts for garden planting and rotations, knitting charts, charts of time management...


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