Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Bored Border Collie

Nothing worse than a bored Border Collie.  Chance has been in a funk.  Miney was here for one day and since then he seems lonely and bored.

He loves to go for rides..so we do that.  He loves to play ball but quits..I think the ice and ice crystals are hard on his feet.  He plays a bit and then he quits.  He has done that before when it has been icy in the spring.  If we get some fluffy snow perhaps he will play ball again outside.

Chance is bored

We play ball in the house.  We have discovered a new game..which he really likes.  I take him into the kitchen and put him in  a “sit stay” and leave him there. Then I take his favorite ball and hide it in the living room.  I hide it under pillows, in the crock near the fireplace, inside the old boiler that holds magazines, hidden under the stuffed Sheltie in a basket, under blankets.  He finds it in short order when I call him to “Come” and then tell him to “Search”..then we repeat until he is tired of that game.

The evening that Adam, Jen and Miney were here, Adam liked playing the search game with Chance.  He tried to involve Miney but her “sit stay” needs some work. 

During the evening Chance roots around in his old enamel toy pan looking for what I am not sure but he drags his toys all over the house.  I have found that stepping on one ball isn’t so bad, but I wouldn’t want to step on two of them.


He watches the squirrels..Far Guy puts corn on the ground for them..sometimes he will lay in front of the door outside and just watch the squirrels..sometimes he chases them away..and sometimes he lets them eat.  Perhaps it is entertainment for him.

He quietly watches the turkeys from inside..the turkeys seem to know when he is in the house. After 15 to 20 minutes he has had it watching and barks at them so they run away.

Far Guy and Chance walk through the woods everyday..sometimes I walk with them..they even walk on the rainy icy days.  When a Border Collie is ready for his walk..he is ready for his walk:)

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  1. Actually I think Chance and I have a lot in common, especially in winter.... easily bored.

  2. Mrs. John A. AndersonJanuary 15, 2013 at 5:29 AM

    One of my sisters used to have a Lassie-look-alike that enjoyed watching TV when there wasn't anything else "fun" to do. It much preferred "outdoorsy" shows like Westerns and nature programs.

  3. Even dogs get cabin fever I guess, hope Chance snaps out of it soon......That ball game in the house sounds fun, Blessings Francine.

  4. I just finished reading The Art of Racing in the Rain written from a dog's perspective. Made me smile to think of what is going on in Chance's mind. :-)

  5. Tell him Miney is coming on Friday... around 1:30... that ought to cheer him and Far Guy up.

  6. Maybe a new toy would perk him up. I hope you get snow so that Chance has more comfortable footing!!!

  7. Loved this post and photos ! Chance sounds just like our Miggs . I don't know how many times I have tripped over her toys that she strews all over the place from her toy box and then there's our Harley kitty who leaves her toy mice all over the place as well , It's like having kids around and I love it ! Miggs is out side and she barks once when she wants to go for her walk so I best be off ! Have a good day !

  8. It's a good thing that I do chores a couple of times a day or my 2 border collies would be going stir crazy. The pathetic looks I get when I don't play ball with them after chores are enough to make me feel guilty, so we usually have a round or two of fetch before I come in.
    Hang in there Chance, it'll be spring soon!

  9. Winter is tough. I have a very bored poodle right now as well! Luckily we will have agility practice tomorrow night and a trial on Saturday and some long walks on Sunday and Monday. That outta hold him for a while I hope. We play the find it game as well, last night - he failed it badly! LOL

  10. Poor Chance. Poor you, Bored Borders are heart-breaking.

  11. Maybe Chance want some fancy boots for walks in the snow. Stay warm, stay dry.

  12. Border collies need a lot of stimulation - mental as well as physical so the hide the ball game should work. You could also try hiding something in a pile of socks and seeing if he can find it...

  13. He does sound bored, maybe he could come over and round up the Boo at feeding time...

    That would keep him busy all day and night long.


  14. Good photos and a great story. Thanks and stay warm!

  15. Yep, sleet, snow, wind and rain.....those border collies need their exercise...and it's good for us too:)

  16. So it's not only us who get winter blues , but Chance too.

  17. Oh, I love the hide and go seek game. I wonder if our dogs would do that?
    He's so smart!

  18. Notshy has had a boring winter too......she'll play with her toys inside and do a few morning and evening chores but other than that........she just follows me around.

  19. I think Nitty is bored too. It's been unseasonably cold here and we had more snow today and she's not her perky self. I try to play with her a bit when I go get the mail but I haven't walked her in a few days so I best be doing that. They do get "down" after a bit just like humans....they need to have something to look forward to just like we do and as much as they like a routine we all need to shake things up a bit now and then. The cat is providing some much needed entertainment though!

  20. Fun to hear about the things Chance likes to do. I like the hide/seek game.
    Hope you'll warm up some very soon.

  21. Amy is not all that fond of the ice and snow either. Like you say, I think it is the snow and ice on their paws. But she makes up for it by running around the house like an idiot.

  22. Yep, Chance and I would get along great...I too am easily bored, hate this ice and can't sit still!!!

    We've got ice and it's sooooo funny to watch the cat try to walk!!! Fifi's a hoot anyway!

    Have a blessed and cozy day sweetie. Stay safe! :o)

  23. ME TOO! ME THREE!!!

    We love walks!

    Fuzzy and Boomer


  24. My son has a border collie named Sally Mae, she is 5 months old. We babysit a lot and I can tell you she is one busy dog!!!!If we don't keep her busy she can also be destructive! But, she is sweet and smart and we love her terribly.


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