Friday, January 4, 2013

Dreary Short Days

It was –25F on New Years morning at 6AM.  That would be –31C.  YES a MINUS.  We went for a walk in the woods..I swear it was still –25 F in the woods..even though the thermometer showed temperatures above zero I am positive that the woods was still BELOW zero.

Walking through the woods

We can still walk on our trail because the snow is not real deep yet. I let my walking partners get way ahead of me..I often stop to take photos..Chance runs back to make sure I am coming along..but he likes to be the leader.


Three inches of snow at the snow stick.

We took off on an adventure one day to one of our favorite wintertime antique shops only to find it was closed.  Bummer.  So we drove on..and ended up in Detroit Lakes at the antique shop, we are regular customers there..and since we had all day we went to the thrift store too.

Have you ever read about Bomba?  I spotted this looked 1950ish to me.  Originally it was 49 the thrift store it was a quarter.  I could not resist.


I read parts of would have transported a young reader to the jungles of Africa for adventures. This one with the picturesque cover was published in 1953 by Clover Publishing.

Far Guy found something interesting for his Gene Autry Collection.


It is from a cutout book much like paper dolls. The original book that it appeared in was three pages with various scenes of Gene and his friends with their horses. So it was a good find at $3 and promptly found a spot in the collection.

8 Hours and 38 minutes of daylight today.  The sun rises at 8:05 AM and sets at 4:43 PM.   Short dreary cold days are here in Minnesota…very typical for January.  That doesn’t make them any easier..but they are not unexpected:)

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  1. Morning, if you dress for the cold it is so pretty in the woods......I went ice fishing a few years back and enjoyed the quite winter wonderland.......Hate when the Antique store is closed, neat book but love Far Guys Gene Autry cutout.......I noticed the days getting longer to........Blessings Francine.

  2. Bomba . . . what a neat trip down Memory Lane! We had that book when the kids were young. I bought it mainly because I wanted to read it myself but never did. The entity that published that book put out a great many wonderful books under the pseudonym of "Roy Rockwood" but the stories were actually written by many different authors. As for Gene Autry, I still enjoy watching his movies often, and I fondly recall listening to “Gene Autry's Melody Ranch” on the radio. Many of those radio programs are now available to enjoy again.

  3. I bet that snow really crunched at those temps. It's even shorter days around here, but nowhere near as cold. Brrrr! :-)

  4. It is very cold here also (not quite as cold as you 10 degreesF). We have about 4 inches of snow on the ground. As I live in the city I walk on sidewalks. Right now I must deal with people that don't shovel the walk; the snow freezes on the walk; now the walk is very slippery. Hence an "old lady" (65) slips and slides and hubby says don't fall and break a hip. I would much rather walk on a frozen wooded path than on city sidewalks. Great finds in the antique shop.

  5. Brrrrrrrrrrrr that's cold. But I do love the way the snow crunches when its that cold. Miss that sound!!!!!!!! Stay warm!!

  6. Whenever I see your snow stick, I remember posting one from our old house ONCE! I would freeze to death in your neck of the woods! We love to ramble thru thrift/antique stores too. Have a good weekend.

  7. It was difficult getting past that -31c figure, but once I had gritted my teeth and wrapped up warm it was, of course, a fascinating read.

  8. Love the photo of hubs and Chance in the woods . The winds are roaring here today ! We are at -1°C warmer then it has been but the winds make it feel colder . I love walking i the woods in the winter soo peaceful and pretty ! Have a good day !

  9. Any temperature below zero is just plain too cold. I find myself moving in slow motion as I try to scrape the frost and ice of my car in the dark early morning. There is not moving faster as the body is trying to conserve heat. I don't like the short days either but each day they add a few minutes to become longer. Hang in there Minnesota survivors.

  10. You got some great finds at the thrift store.

  11. The sun came out here today, and it was all the way up to 30 degrees. The shortness of the days is still a bit of a shock to the system, though. And your post reminds me that it's been a long time since I visited an antique store...must add that to the list of potential things to do for fun.

  12. I've seen the TV shows, but never read a book. I think yours is the first I've seen!
    Lucky finds. Congratulations!

  13. Sounds like a fun day.
    Sunrise here 8:44 Sunset 4:37

  14. I can't imagine that kind of cold. We had snow today, but just a dusting.

  15. Now, that's something you'll never find around my place: a snow stick! But we did get to share (relatively) in your cold snap: it got down into the low twenties overnight. Brrr...

    (I're laughing at me, aren't you?!)

    Nice finds at the thrift shop. Maybe you should become regular customers there, too. :)

  16. Bbrrrr - that IS cold! But hey, your days are pretty long if they are light till after 4 pm... luxury!

  17. Oh, it's brrrr cold where you live, and thank you for doing the conversion to C for me.

    Oh baby that's cold, I guess my -8 at night isn't that cold, yet.....

    My sister and BIL were staying at friends in their camper the NYE holiday, and it was -35 that's cold at any temp, and then the propane ran out.


  18. We are the same way...not much snow but extremely cold. It warms up and I get to thinking it's Summer! HA


  19. Your 'daylight' was 10 minutes longer than ours today, but we are much warmer:)


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