Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Clouds and Blue Skies

The clouds were really weird yesterday.

Clouds Jan 7

The clouds were strung out like huge strings across the sky.


It was warm 34 F or 1C and windy..maybe a Chinook..the wind was blowing from the west..and where it blew snow over the highway it froze and made the roads slippery.

We ran all kinds of errands..it was one of those catch all days.  I had to take some photos of the outside of the museum for a report on a grant from years ago, and get into my office for some more supplies.  We needed Black Sunflower Seeds for the hungry birds.  We had to mail the mail and drop off a catalogue for a friend.  We also shopped for groceries. 

Whilst we were shopping my other baby brother called.  His tenth Grand was born!  Ava Michele weighing 7 pounds and 11 ounces. My Niece Stacey is now a Mama to four little girls! I figured that she would have a little girl..they chose to be surprised and didn’t know if they were having a boy or a girl.   There have been four new babies in the family in the past 7 weeks..praise God they are all healthy!

On the way home from town there were sundogs on both sides of the sun.  We usually only see sundogs on really cold days. No photos.. I packed the camera away in the back of the car..silly me.  It was lovely to just enjoy some sunshine and blue skies:) 

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  1. How lovely to see these wonderful blue skies.

  2. Morning, lover the skies......mild here to for January.....Congrats to your little Bro on the new Grandbabe......Blessings Francine.

  3. Great looking skies. I like your header,especially the second picture!

  4. Those are some very pretty clouds! Mild here also for January. Congrats to your brother on his new grand daughter.

  5. I was admiring your new header, too, and that bird looks like he's telling you to go away and leave him alone! Congratulations on all those new lives in your world! Could you send some of that blue sky MY way? After a short two days of sunshine, we're back to constant rain as fas as the eye can see.

  6. OK, now you got me.... What the heck is a sundog? I've lived in snow country all my life and never heard of a sun dog!!!

    1. Sundogs are little rainbows that appear on both sides of the sun. I will try to photograph them for you the next time I see them:)

  7. Congratulations on your brother's new grandbaby!

  8. Sure wish a Chinook would come through here as there is an inversion trapping cold air in this valley. Sigh!

    My mother said if the sundog was to the north it meant a storm was on the way; to the south, fair weather.

  9. I'm glad Muffy asked because I thought I was the only one who hadn't heard of a 'sundog.' Now I know I've never seen one!

  10. We are chinooking today for sure (was 34 when I left the house and the winds are howling). Glad to get the inversion air out of the valley and hoping it brings SNOW!!

  11. I love the way clouds paint our skies. Enjoy your warm weather while you can.

  12. The answer is..... your suggestion. Being a computer klutz it is a little awkward switching back and forth to html (what ever that is) but it works! I'll be patient and hope the regular system starts working but the htmlo is definitely better than nothing. If the problem persists too long I'll try a different system . Yes being a die hard conservative I'll wait before trying a totally new system....:)
    And the redpoll in your header is just gorgeous. Thanks again. Ray

    1. You are welcome TB..it worked for someone else too..just sharing the info:)

  13. This just looks like the Alberta landscape. Didn't know you also got chinooks. We haven't had a real chinook this winter but we have had some mild spells.

  14. The blue sky looks lovely, but all that flatness is something foreign to me:)

  15. Congrats to your niece and her new baby girl! It does seem like there has been a mini-population explosion going on in the last few months. We've seen our own extended family grow by three in the last month, too! And yes, praise God for healthy babies--and mamas!

  16. I love the photos, and the bird in your new header. I'm loving the mild temperatures we're having this week (in the 30s).

  17. Oh Congrats to a new babe in the family ! Lovely photos ! It has been mild with sunny periods here and the snow is melting , we can see green grass . We are to be warming up a bit more by weekend and have rain ! Have a good day !

  18. Happy New Year! Love your Blog and old pics of family.The clouds that you see look alot like Chem Trails. It is talked about alot here where the Government is. we also have them but has been seen everywhere and is not a natural thing.It is a hard thing to explain but research will bring a little imformation but depends where you are looking for it! Keep up the great blogging.

  19. I've been told those clouds are really chem trails...vapors of chemicals in the air from everything we do down here...I wonder...could be, maybe not. Great photos!


  20. Beautiful photos.

    I need one of those catch up days but can't catch long enough to have one.

  21. I especially love the bird in your header.
    Congrats on the new little girl in the family.
    Strange long clouds. Glad you got all the errands done before the ice storm hit. ;)


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