Monday, January 21, 2013

Deep Freeze

Oh, it is cold here.  Yesterday morning we had –21 F or –29C .  This morning we are headed to –30F or -34C if the forecasters are correct.  We won’t get above zero for a few days.

We feed the birds, Chance does his duties quickly and we will hunker in for the duration.  We have no need to go out..except to take photographs.

I have a multitude of projects that I am working on.  Some for the museum and some for me.  I am slowly making progress on my list.

We had a fun weekend with Jen, Andy and the boys here to visit.  We went out for ice cream..Jen said “ Why is it that we go out for ice cream in the middle of winter…then she answered herself..because we can!”  Chance always loves the company..Adam played “search” with him, Miney and Little Elvis tried to join in the game too. 

The boys Jan 19

The boys were playing some kind of a game together…each on their own device.  Adam and I played “From Cheese” a game on my Kindle Fire…I was stuck on a level..he showed me how to get unstuck..then we got to a level that neither of us could figure out.  Adam said  “Gee Grandma you sure do have lots of books on your must have at least 50 books to read.”  ( I think perhaps my book hoarding has been discovered.)

The cold front came through on Saturday morning.


Jen and I made a quick trip out to take some photos on Saturday morning.   In the afternoon we walked down to my other brothers house for a baby shower for Teddy.

We talked about going into town to see the movie Lincoln..but it was too stormy, snowing, blowing and cold to venture out on Saturday evening.

Andy and Jen took over cooking on Saturday night and Sunday it was like a vacation for me! :)

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  1. That is Ccccccccold! I thought our last weeks temps hovering around 25 were bad…

    That would probably feel like summer to you.

    Aren't those boys smart, playing those games? I've been bested by a 4 year old…who promptly told me, "Miss Janie, I didn't know you were that bad."

  2. Too cold for me! Glad you don't have to be out. Sounds like a fun weekend with family. Take care. Warm hugs to Chance.

  3. 'Tis cold here at the moment and we are covered in that white stuff but it will go in a few days and our -1 or -2c will be back above freezing.
    Now you have me worried. If you've 'hoarded' 50 books on your Kindle what would you call my 130 - eeek! I think I have a real problem :(

  4. Snowing here (Scotland) and predictions of -5C. That's cold enough for me. Keep warm!

  5. We are preparing for a deep freeze here as well , cozying and hunkering down ! Stay safe and warm and a have a good day !

  6. Morning, glad you shared a fun weekend with family....We are at a freezing -39 this morning, brrrrr........Stay Cozy, Francine.

  7. Wow, that is COLD. I would be hunkered down inside too, but it doesn't get that cold here, ever. In Boulder I experienced a couple of -25F days. I had an old car that just froze up solid until we got above zero. Kids are the smart ones when it comes to those electronic games, aren't they? :-)

  8. That is way too cold for me. 4 degrees here in S.E. WI this morning and I'm not happy about that. We are to have cold temps most of this week. Right now it is snowing here along with the cold temp - go figure. Stay warm!

  9. Um...50 doesn't really seem like that many...?

  10. And I was going to whine about -0.7 degrees that we had this morning. It was still cold out there scraping the windshield. It sounds like a fun weekend with company. Good times, not cooking.

  11. Cccccccoooonnnniiiieee that's ccccooold.

    Oh you poor thing, that's stinking freezing.

    So you are book hoarding...hmm,but can you use them to keep warm?


  12. Yup, that's cold. Our son went up from the cities to "Big Red" to get in some ice fishing over the long weekend, but came home early because of the cold. I shouldn't even say this, but as I was leaving a comment, hubby looked at the thermometer and said 40 degrees only....burrrr!! He doesn't have a clue how lucky he is. Stay warm my dear!!

  13. I feel like such a wuss complaining when our temperatures dip into the 30s.

  14. You can keep your cold:) -6 C here this morning, that's cold enough for me.

  15. Hunkering down when it is that cold is indeed the proper thing to do. I think it forces us to rest some as well, never a bad thing. Stay warm and the kids sound like they had a wonderful time at your place! Give Chance a pat from us!

  16. I hoard loads of books on my Kindle too!

    Keep warm!

  17. I don't need that cold weather! Smart idea to have lots to do inside.

  18. Well, I guess I better quit my complaining about being stuck in an Ohio snow flurry today. "Only" twenty degrees here...but still too cold for me!

  19. We skipped our outing to Sax Zim due to the cold (its minus 11 here) and opted to visit some relatives and go birding in Florida next week. Joys of being retired...: P.S. I think Clementine not Winston had a poodle.

  20. How nice to have your family there and huddle up together! That is cold and it's colder down here now too....thanks alot! LOL! It's not getting above freezing which is cold for here. I just think if you're going to have cold then you should have the blowing snow to go with it else why bother?
    Stay warm!

  21. I haven't seen cold like that since we lived in Alaska! Don't remember it quite that cold in Nebraska.
    Stay warm and be careful. ♥


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