Sunday, November 6, 2011

Flu shot or not?

Flu shots in the grocery store..flu shots in Wally World..flu shots in the corner drug store..walk in anytime. Insurance covers most shots and they do the paper work for you.

Far Guy gets a flu shot E.V.E.R.Y. year.  He was upset that he missed the one at his favorite grocery store..where you have to stand in line for two hours. ( But they have free cookies and juice.)  On Friday when we were in town he was insistent that he get his shot.  It must be the Military part of him..he musta missed being shot full of all kinds of strange serums.  You should read his shot record..then again maybe not.

I was not convinced.  I had a flu shot two years ago that irritated the bursa in my shoulder and I had a really hard recovery that included a cortisone injection and physical therapy for six weeks.  At least the flu goes away in a couple of days.  Since then if they want to give me a shot..they can find a nice fatty spot on my butt.  I had my pneumonia shot and my tetanus shot there with no adverse reactions.

The Nurse had never given a flu shot in the butt before..she thought it was a strange request. Come on sweetie..seen one seen em all..just pick a spot.  I figured if she didn’t want to give it to me..I would go without.

I have an area about the size of a grapefruit that is hard as a rock in my left butt cheek.  I have a scratchy throat..I am achy all over..I am cranky..I think I might have the flu.  I think I got the flu from the flu shot.  They say that is impossible..

I got the flu shot because I remember when I was little and had the Asian Flu and was in the hospital and the Nuns washed me in cool water and took my temperature rectally. I also remember in January of 1976 when we all got the flu..Far Guy, me and Trica..the only one that didn’t have the flu was Jennifer and she was just four months old.  My Mother had to risk her health to come take care of us all.

Last winter I did not get a flu shot and I did not have the flu.  Far Guy had the flu shot and he had the flu at least three times. I think I should cook up some soup and put it in the freezer and stock up on jello and seven up…maybe popsicles too for the scratchy throat:)

Pretty Picture Today: Geranium ‘Johnson’s Blue’ a perennial. Geranium Johnsons Blue


  1. When I get a flu shot, they ask if I have ever had a reaction to the shot. So there must be something to it. I have heard of others getting sick after the shot. Who knows. Sometimes in my sick way, I think (they) are conditioning all of us to line up and get the shot, then one day they will put a dirty bomb in the mix, and we will all get really sick and die about February. Just my theory. Now didn't I upset your day?

  2. I got my first and only flu shot in 1957 and was sick for a week. Since then, no shot and so far twice I got sick with a fever for about 5 days. I consider an orange a day as my flu shot.

  3. You make me smile. We think alike. I don't get flu shots because when i did I had the worst case of flu I'd ever had. No one will convince me that I need to do that again. I take vitamin C & D, wash my hands often, drink water and do my best to stay away from sick people. Other than dropping off a pot of soup. I hope both you and Far Guy stay well.

  4. This is my first year ever to get a flu shot. My primary dr. gave it to me about 2 months ago. Other than my arm being sore for about 3 days, I did fine. Mr. Maple will not get ANY shots that are not absolutely necessary. If I do get the flu this year, I will NEVER live it down!
    Hope you feel better soon, friend.

  5. Yah.....Wally World got me about three weeks ago....even though i'm allergic to eggs, i've never had a reaction....Stock Up...Stock Up...!!


  6. I got mine about two weeks ago and I am very sick right now.

  7. I haven't had the flu shot since the early 90's since I get a VERY BAD flu everytime I get it. If you read the Star Tribune the other day, it's only helping 59% of the people, NOT the 79% they claim (and have claimed for years by the way). Soooo scarry.

  8. I got my flu shot early and now have it behind me (not quite as behind me as yours, though). :-)

  9. I don't get 'em. I always get the flu from them.

  10. They even offer the shot at work now. You're made to feel like you are rebellious and certain to die if you turn it down. Must not miss any work because of sick days... Well, I don't get the shot. The one time I did, it made my arm sore for a week and I don't see that it makes any difference. People who get it, still get the flu because of all the strains out there.

  11. I'm really not going to comment on the flu shot other than to say I got mine on Friday. My arm is a little tender, but I feel fine. I want to comment on the Johnson's Blue. It's one of my favorite spring flowers and I always wait in anticipation for it to bloom. I really like it and maybe it's because my family name (maiden) is Johnson!! Lovely photo.

  12. Flu vaccine is a hot topic. Get one, don't get one? I always do. I have never had the flu that I know of but since started taking the vaccine, I no longer have my annual bout of bronchitis. Flu shot is mandatory at work now.

  13. I'm not getting one......ever! My mom gets one every year and gets the flu too.....why bother with the shot.

  14. A woman after my own heart...I am on the fence about those silly flu shots. Every time, and I mean each time I got it, I got sicker then a dog. For weeks...and then they tell you, imagine if you didn't get it?

    My Mom ended up in Emergency this year, very sick, only a few hours after she got the shot. Some sort of reaction they say...."imagine if you didn't get it, they asked?" Are they serious?

    This year is seriously bad for reactions....sigh.

    Hope that your grapefruit goes down soon.

    Me, I'm still on the fence....

    And hey, remember when they used to tell us that coffee, and chocolate wasn't good for us?

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  15. Twice when I had the flu it turned into pneumonia. I was one sick girl. After I got well I called my insurance company to made sure I had a policy with enough money for a funeral just in case.
    I always get my flu shot now.

  16. I have struggled with this decision for the last few years. My mother always got one so I figured they were for old people. Now I realize I am old people and I still haven't done it. I don't get sick often.. now I've cursed myself, but I think I will pass on it again.

    You never know how your body will react. So, I'm counting so far - so good.

  17. I am anti-flu shot, as well. I have had the pneumonia shot because of my chest but refuse to take the flu shot . I get one bout of flu a year and I'm very leery of shots that are given out at Wally's World, etc. What are in them?

  18. Ya know... I don't remember ever getting a flu shot! That doesn't mean any thing though.....I probably have had one before.

  19. At work we were REQUIRED to have a flu shot, also any other shot that would keep you safe or at least from spreading something. I haven't got my shot yet...I don't know if I will.


  20. I obtained a flu shot every year for 35 years without a problem and I didn't get the flu. Last year I didn't get the shot because of all the controversy surrounding it. I didn't get the flu. This year I figured I'd better not push my luck and got the flu shot about 3 weeks ago. I didn't have any bad reactions, thank goodness. I also got the Shingles vaccine. I did a blog post about it with some info, if you're interested. Just too many of my acquaintances were getting the Shingles or knew someone who had them. Too Painful!! I didn't want to take a chance. I also get a pneumonia every few years.

  21. I meant to say - I get a pneumonia SHOT every few years. LOL

  22. I gave in 2 years ago and finally got a flu shot along with my 3 kids....and then within a months time we all got the pukes (which I believe was the Norwalk Virus and thus not included in the flu shot).

    My husband has the immunity of a rock - and he has passed this on to my son. They never get sick (knock on wood). So - I think why should we all be getting flu shots?

    This year my kids got the shot but I have not. Of course - come January I will probably be regretting that decision. (but with my luck, I end up with a nasty cold and it wouldn't matter anyway)

  23. I used to get very bad cases of the flu, so I've gotten the shot for years with only minor aching for a day or so. This year I missed my appointment because I had this miserable cold, but I'm going for it in a week. I did hear that they give a higher dose to seniors now, which helps explain some of the big sore spots. I might ask for the regular dose. Another option is to sniff a dose from a little vial. The kids did that, but I just can't bring myself to try it.

  24. I have never had the flu shot . To us the flu is not sneezing, caughing itchy sore throat and so on thats a common cold A flu to us is diarehea and vomiting achy limbs and fever. I think the medical perfesion has gone way over board about what is flu and what is a common cold and so has some of the population .The reason some people got sick from the shot was that they injected part of the so called flu virouse in your blood stream in hopes your anty bodies will fight it I mean do we really know what they are putting in our blood stream. Well if you are healthy and havent been bubbled most of your life your anty bodys and amune system should be healthy and be able to fight a natural germ not a fake scientific drug in a needle.Our amune systems need to fight on their own like in the old days of the common cold and the flu I mentioned here if we keep depending on medication our amune system and anty bodies will always depend on the meds and never be able to fight germs naturally. Just my 45 years of opinion never having the so called flu shot. Have a great day !

  25. Well, my hubby has diabetes so he usually gets a flu shot because they tell him to. I retired from the Air Force in '93 and have not had one since. I don't like needles. They made me do it in the military, they can't make me now...

    I figure the Good Lord keeps me healthy and if he wants me to get the flu then I will.

    I think you have the better idea. Chicken soup, vitamin C, and ginger ale or 7 up for the nausea. Good luck and a healthy winter to you both, Far Side.

  26. I've also decided NOT to get the flu shot this year. After years at work having to get one. Didn't get one last year and did okey - so hope I'll make it through this winter season okey too.

  27. I do hope that sore throat, achy feeling goes away. Do you believe in Echinacea? I find that it works for those who think it kicks the immune system into high gear.

    I used to get the flu shots when I was working. I was exposed to so much and didn't want to take the chance. Now that I'm retired I have gotten one a few times. Don't think I'll bother this year as I heard that the strain of flu is almost the same as last year's ... and I did do the shot then. When I was young I would get the flu if I had the shot. But I think the shots have changed and they now use a dead virus.

    Anyway... good luck. Feel better!

  28. Yes I got my shot. For two reason My Dr told me to and Becca passed away from H1N1 and feel I'd be let her down if I didn't. Hope your better soon. Dave gets his every year because of his heart. He use to be very sick with the flu every winter this has help him.

  29. I've been getting flu shots for over twenty years. Never had a problem, until last year. About 5 months after the shot I got the flu. Worst case I had in my life. I thought I was going to die, it was so bad. Nurse told me the reason why was because I got the shot too early. This year I waited until November to get it. We'll see what happens.

  30. I agree with Country gal, Never have taken a flu shot and not about to. Had the flu once in the last 30 years. GW

  31. I'm supposed to get the shot. Asthma. But I rarely do. But two years ago I had pneumonia really bad, not from the flu but a moldy air system at the court house. Year or two before that my friend and I had what we dubbed the romantic influenza, cuz its a tragic romantic near death, and it was killin' us. I suppose I should really get one even if I don't plan on coming into contact with people this year. Dirt teaches adults but he still seems to bring something home from them, most likely third hand from their day cared children. I'll go this week now that you reminded me. Then if I get sick I can blame it on the stupid heath care providers and not my unsanitary way of living.

  32. Wow, I love reading everyone's comments about the flu shot. I had my last one about four years ago. Still got sick so I say, why bother? Hubby insists on getting one, yet it's true, he gets sick and I don't, go figure!

  33. Well, a vaccine gives you a small dose of the disease - say flu - and your body gets a very mild dose of it which is how it produces the antibodies to fight it...

    Sounds as if you're better without the flu jab!

  34. Being around all these kids I guess I will have to get one. My wife's health really does require her to get one too. I just thought I got one not to long ago but I guess it was in December last year we got shot up.

  35. Flu shots are just another of the medical society's ways of getting our money and having 'control' of our minds/bodies...someday when they convince everyone to participate, they'll begin putting stuff in it to experiment on us...

  36. I have to say I do not get a flu shot - who knows what else is in there. Have not had the flu since the one and only time I did get a flu shot.
    Nope, none for me or the fam. We'll fight it off the old fashioned way; Bed, soup, and ginger ale...

  37. Back in the day when a live virus was used the shot could make you ill. Today's vaccine is not made up of a live virus but it can still run the muscle and make you sore for several days.

    I am never without a flu shot. If I skip a year I always end up so very ill which always ends in pneumonia (P~shot or not).

    If you do contact the flu after a shot it's usually a milder case than you'd get without it.

    Sorry!!! You opened this can of worms girl...Heeehehehe!!!

    God bless and have a very 'healthy' winter no matter what ya choose.

  38. I am like you wondering about it - - - have had flu with and without the shot - - - have had symptoms a few times after the shot. Bummer - - no pun intended - - - on the adverse reactions at your injection sites. I have not had my shot yet this year. When they gave them out free at work, it was the day after our basement collapsed. I felt I had too much stress in my body at that time to try and fight an injected disease.


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