Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chance: Getting the mail

I know the way to get the mail, we walk the long way around in the winter. Sometimes Far Side goes along, but usually it is a guy thing. Even though it was barely above zero she went along yesterday. She wears funny dark glasses outside, I think the snow and sunshine nearly blind her.

Sometimes she just needs to get out of the woods. I showed her the rabbit run and the rabbit hole. No one was home. Besides that she said "Leave the rabbits alone." I usually do leave them alone after a little run around in the woods.

I have to wait here, it is a rule. I am not allowed to actually get the mail..I am supposed to watch from here.

When soon to be Eagle eyes Far Side tells you to sit and do it as handsome as you can. She says I am almost as white and clean as the fact she called my white fur brilliant..guess that means I won't need a bath anytime soon!

View from the end of the driveway.

Far Guy was getting cold, so he took a short cut home. I could tell that Far Side wanted to walk with me on the road. Far Guy was insistent that she follow him, so she did, he apparently took really huge steps through the woods..he blazed a trail for her..unfortunately he forgot that she can't walk as good as him and her stride is much shorter..she was trying her best to keep up..then she just hung onto a tree and hollered "OH, go on without me, I didn't think it was a race, I have snow in my boots now" ..she also muttered some other stuff that just might have been some unladylike cuss words. She eventually made it to the house to warm up. She probably won't go to the mail box again for awhile :)


  1. That's quite a hike for the mail. Hope you got something better than just bills! As usual, you have BEAUTIFUL photos.

  2. Chance, I must say you really DO look quite spiffy and, well, white against the snow! It's so good to hear Far Side is out and about, dark glasses and all. You must have told her which pictures to take, and she did capture your good side!

  3. Yep Chance you are one brilliant puppy!

  4. Great pictures of a wonderful adventure. You stay so well.

  5. WOW! That sure is quite a walk just to get the mail. I see what you mean when you told about living out in the Country. Wouldn't mind being that way myself. Lot's of snow where you are. Does not seem to bother Chance at all.

    Those are nice pics you shot. Stay warm.

  6. That is an awesome view from the mailbox. Chance, you are such a well behaved gentleman! Have a wonderful week.

  7. Chance is a handsome dog. I have 2 Australian Shepherds who accompany me where ever I go.

  8. Dear Chance - I want to go for a walk with you.

  9. Chance,
    You could win 'Best In Show' any day. You beat all other dog competition hands down - nicely behaved, handsome, and you narrate a story so well. You have an awesome mom and dad. They are quite a pair - still perfectly matched after 40 years - even if Far Side did mutter a few unmentionable words to Far Guy.

  10. I love Chance. And if I had to walk that far to check for mail there sure better be mail in that mailbox! And not just bills!

  11. If it is my mail box more then likely it is junk mail.
    Chance is so smart and well behaved.

  12. Hi Chance! You look so handsome sitting in the snow. You have great self control skills. I know how to sit and stay too, but only if I want to. You have so much snow no wonder the brightness hurts Far Sides eyes! It seems to go on forever. Keep your paws warm!

    Emma Rose

  13. What a beautiful walk that would be, cold, and freezing or not. But remember, if you decide to come and live in White Rock, we have crocus blooming.....

    Saw the pic of the rabbit hole, and I needed to enlarge it, because on the right hand side the bit of dirt showing looked so much like a bunny.


  14. Chance, thanks for the trip to the mailbox. Tiger the Wonder Dog and Mambo the cat always help me get the mail. Sometimes Rocky the Squirrel joins us at a distance.

    I'm so glad ya'll made it back to the house safe and sound! God bless!!!

  15. Hilarious. And what wonderful shots of you and all that lovely snow and blue skies.

    You are very very handsome, Chance!

  16. Too clean to be outside..:-)

  17. I love the photos! You get a medal for doing that hike when it's so far below freezing...I don't think I'd walk, I'd DRIVE in that weather.

  18. The rottweiler we last 2 summers ago to bone cancer would carry the mail to the house for us in his mouth. Our 2 current rotts love to go out with us to get the mail but are useless when it comes to assisting us... LOL They just like to go along because the rule is that when they return to the house they get a doggie biscuit. Dogs... gotta love 'em.

    The Blue Ridge Gal


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