Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bass Lake

Recently we went for a drive, one of my favorite drives is to make a large circle and go by Shell Lake and Bass Lake.

Shell Lake only had a few fish houses.

Bass Lake had quite a few houses out.  We visited with three young lads at the Bass Lake Public Access..they were sledding.   One was using his sled like a surfboard, it was fun to watch.   They asked us what we were up to..I told them I just wanted to take some photos of the Fish Houses.  I asked them if they were afraid of dogs, they weren't so Chance was allowed out to meet them.

My Dad used to have his Fish House out on Bass Lake.  My brother and I would tag along.  We sometimes would visit with other people on the lake.

One day in 1966 or 1967  Jody K. came along and he and I took off on his snowmobile.  We were friends even though we went to different High Schools, we used to go sledding at his house in the winter.   Bass Lake is known to be a really deep lake, back then it had a kind of mystique about it someone had drowned there in the summer and their body was never found.  To a teenager that is really a horrible thought. Not that you would die, but that your body would never be found.  Anyway Jody and I are cruising along,  we began to go slower and slower, the part of the lake that we are on has flooded with water. During warmer weather the snow will weigh down the ice and then water comes up between the ice and snow.  You cannot always tell an area that has been just looks normal.   We are at a standstill, we hop off of the snowmobile and we both push while Jody accelerates..It is so cold.  The water fills your boots and seeps into your clothing and weighs you down.  It is hard to walk..your feet are on the layer of ice now covered with two to three feet of water.  Jody is pretty calm he says "Push, push hard..we will make it out."  All I could think about was falling into a hole in the ice..but I kept trudging along and we eventually made it out of the flooded area..what a relief.  We headed back to my Dads Fish House and he immediately took me home.  I have never been so cold in my entire life.  Jody had a short trip by snowmobile back to his home, we called to make sure he made it back alright.  What started out as a quiet afternoon of fishing, became quite an adventure:)


  1. Now that was scary,just reading about. So glad it came out well.

  2. That was a pretty scary thing to happen. You are so fortunate to have gotten out safe. It must have terrifying. I bet it made you thing twice before ever venturing out on the ice again.

  3. Scary, is right! I'm not fond of being on the ice either. That is the lake I caught my biggest fish - twas in the summer time!

  4. We got stranded with a snowmobile - - - it died in a field - - - but we had solid ground for walking home. Ice over water is scary - - can't be trusted. Winter was more FUN when we were YOUNGER!

  5. I would be terrified! I would think I was sinking.

  6. Wow, that is quite a story. I have never seen a fish house, except in the movies. I didn't know they really did that! (Yes, I grew up in a closet!)

  7. Oh, that sounds terrifying. I went through the ice once and was absolutely petrified!

    Great pictures of the fish houses.

  8. Wow, that is really scary. I am so glad you both made it back safely or we wouldn't have the pleasure of your blogs today!!! And those fish houses... well, that one towards the back looks quite large. I think I just would not be comfortable out on the ice, no matter how cold it was to keep it frozen!!

  9. Oh my gosh, I would have been absolutely freaked out. Dad used to test the pond by walking out in the middle of it and whacking it with an ax before he would let me go skate as a child. I'm too chicken to go out on the ice now. I'm so glad you made it out safely!

    Have a super day and ice fishin' thank you!!!

  10. Beautiful pictures but such a scary stoy!!

  11. good story about bass lake,we have a cabin on bass lake, you can see the hillside behind the three fish houses in the above picture,we have been there since 1988 and love it,very peacful little lake with good fishing and a nice swimming area at the boat launch,everybodys so nice and friendly there,we always look forward to snellman days,good food and a great fleamarket always a fun weekend. perry b

  12. My grandparents, Earl and Bess Cleveland used to own the property from the county road on the south side of Bass lake around the west side and all the way up to the lake's north end. 80 acres. Their farm was the only property on the lake. They lived there from 1950 till 1961. I spent every summer there from 1951 till 1960. it was my own personal paradise. All of our friends and relatives came to the lake on vacation each year and my grandfather who was a carpenter by trade build most of the newer out-buildings on the property including the cabin, garage, wood-bin, outhouses etc. I know it's mostly gone now and several lots were sold off which now have cabins and homes on them. Its' much different than it used to be but still a beautiful place from what I see in the pictures. My name is Terry and I live in southern California. I hope to come and see the place again in the not-too-distant future.


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