Saturday, November 26, 2022

Thanksgiving Part Two

 We gathered at Gather in Laporte. 

There were fourteen of us.  Jen and Andy hosted and guests were Paige and Cole, Savannah and Ty, Maddie and Brenton and the Great Grands and my sister and her husband.  

Food was great again today...turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, rolls, pickles and a Snickers salad.  A variety of bars and pies for dessert. 

Before and after supper we played some games. 

Fun times with our Grandgirls

AND Great Grands

 Cee Cee and Hey Mikey!

These two kept us entertained!  They are growing up so fast! 

Far Side


  1. Oh my! They are growing up so fast!
    Looks like a nice place with lots of room for two little ones to doa bit of running around, too. :)

  2. The children grow and change so quickly.

  3. YOu took the words right out of my mouth. I was just thinking about how big Hey Mikey and Cee Cee are getting and you wrote it!
    Your day looks like a great one. I was so glad to hear that you were able to celebrate with family again.
    Blessings and love,

  4. Oh, my...they are adorable! This sounds like a fun and filling day.

  5. Those Greats are so cute! You can tell they have a zest for life. It shows in their faces. What a fun time you all had. Such a blessing to be together!

  6. Good heavens, those two have certainly grown. I just bet they are lots of fun!

    What a nice day with family. I think it is a great idea to have it in a hall like that. Lots of room to spread out and for the kids to run.

  7. Those are super great grandkinds. They have grown so much. I like both of their spirits and energy.

  8. That looks like a great celebration (and the "Gather in Laporte" is a beautiful place). Look at those great grands (getting so big).

  9. Lovely. My idea of a great time is eating and playing games.

  10. What a great idea to use your daughter's facility for your family gathering. And it's so much fun to have little ones come to the party.

  11. What a fun place to gather with family for your Second Thanksgiving. I love fun to see you're a game family too! Hope you guys were spoiled good with delicious eats and fun!

  12. Those 2 cute kiddos have grown so much! I really enjoy it when the games come out on the holidays. We didn't do that this year as the weather was in the 60s and the kids just wanted to play outside. And the rest of us just sat and talked, which doesn't happen often enough lately either.

  13. What a wonderful gathering! Good food and good times! That Snicker salad sure sounded good!

  14. Family get togethers are so important. Those littles are adorable!


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