Tuesday, August 9, 2022


 It was a sunny coolish day on Monday.  Perfect Minnesota weather.  76 F or 24 C eh!

I finished watching Purple Hearts which I give a 7 out of 10 and The Age of Adeline which I bestow a 10 out of 10...the best movie I have seen in a long long time.  Makes the Netflix subscription worth it to see a really good movie. 

Far Side 


  1. Love the field of flowers. Hope you are feeling better

  2. We had a decent weather day yesterday as well. Today's high is supposed to be 87 which is okay.
    I will have to check out Adeline - always looking for good movies.
    I recently watch The Gilded Age series on HBO Max (we share our daughter's subscription) and really enjoyed it. I believe there is a second season coming.

  3. What a gorgeous field of sunflowers!

    We had heat yesterday, but today is supposed to cooler topping out at 24C. I plan to enjoy it.

  4. I wish I could see the one you gave a 10. I value your recommendations. And…the picture took my breath away.

  5. I'll have to check out 'the age of adeline' at your recommend of course. On another note... that sunflower field is outstanding. Such a happy flower.

  6. It's cool and cloudy here this morning, only 65 at 11:30!
    This is the second mention of "Purple Hearts" this morning. I'll put it on my list, as well as "The Age of Adeline" Thanks for the recommendations.
    Love the sunflowers!

  7. I'm so glad you have your movies to occupy your time as you recuperate, Connie. As for me, if I had to sit & watch a movie I'd think I had died & went to h*ll. *lol* Watching movies is the last thing on earth I want to do on any given day. But re-watching The Honeymooners episodes? Oh yeah.... any day of the week! :-D We all make an interesting lot on this earth, don't we?! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  8. Our heat broke this morning and it is so pleasant and breezy now. Love the field of sunflowers.

  9. I concur...the field of flowers is beautiful. I stopped my Netflix subscription a couple of months ago. I rarely used it. I will miss The Great Bristisg Bake-Off, though.

  10. The Age of Adeline is on you "to see" list now. Thanks for the recommendation. Love the field of sunflowers...impressive! Hope you have a good week.

  11. I remember driving on a highway in northern Minnesota where the sunflowers grew on both sides and they yellow went on forever. Your photo is sunny all over.

  12. On the east side of Michigan, there were miles of Sunflowers. I was blown away because I never knew they grew them there. So pretty.

  13. Thanks for mentioning that movie. I've put it on my to-watch list.

  14. I love that pic of Chance in the Header! And of course, the sunflower field is beautiful. Do they let people go there and take pictures? There are a couple of fields in the area here in TN that allow people to do that. I think if it is a professional photographer, they might have to pay a small fee.

  15. Lynda, I took photos from the road and do not go into the field. It is a field after all the footing is not great and there are many bees:)

  16. What a beautiful field of sunshine! For the first time there is a field of pick your own sunflowers on the highway south of us. Not anything like this size but there were quite a few people picking when we went by.

  17. For some reason I am not getting your posts in my email. Therefore, I'm behind. I have to check it out to see what happened.

    1. We haven't been getting Far Side posts in our email too. Everything okay Connie? Your fans worry about you and Gene and the whole family.

  18. Anonymous, Blogger no longer sends out emails when new blog post are posted. I suggest you get The Old Reader to read blogs, then you can check there for new blog posts. It is a free blog reader.


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