Friday, August 19, 2022

Experiments with food

 The Covid numbers are still up in our area.  I ordered groceries online.  It rained on our way into is surprising how fast brown dry grass can turn green!  I just had one substitution on my grocery order.  

We picked up sweet corn from a roadside stand and a box of Colorado peaches that the local Lion's Club sells this time of year.  We will peal the peaches slice them up and put some fruit fresh and sugar on them and then vacuum seal the bags and put them in the freezer.

  We are doing an experiment with the sweet corn ...Far Guy took off a few of the husks and cut the top and bottom off of the corn and we used our vacuum sealing machine to suck the air out and put them in the freezer.   We will see if it tastes like fresh sweetcorn after a few weeks in the freezer!

I read about Pineapple "tea" ...soak and wash your pineapple.  Cut the top and bottom off and discard.  Then cut up your pineapple as you usually do...saving the scraps and the core...chop them all up and put in a pot with water I used 10 cups of water and a splash of lemon juice. Bring to a boil and let it cook a and strain.  Mix with equal parts 7 isn't too bad.   It is supposed to help people with breathing problems.   You can add a bunch of other stuff...cinnamon and honey etc...Far Guy says he wants his straight from now 7 Up for him. 

Today Far Guy is making Jambalya following a video by the Cajun Ninja.  This is his first attempt at Jambalya...he enjoyed Floyd and Jessica's recipe so much earlier this summer he had to give it a try!  Floyd and Jessica live in Louisiana.

Our vacuum sealer is just one from Wally World ...Food Saver is the brand.  So far we have used it on meat and cheese.  ( We buy a large chunk of cheese and vacuum seal portions for the fridge.)  The rolls of bags are a bit expensive but so is freezer burned meat or spoiled cheese. 

Canoe and boat at the shores of Spirit Lake.

Far Side


  1. We used to freeze our corn by throwing it straight into the freezer inside all of its husk - much better than peeling off the husk and all the kerfuffle! But, your vacuum sealer sounds like an ideal way of doing things - hope you like the results :)

  2. I just cut the kernels off the husk and froze the kernels. Still tasted great. Have a great weekend.

  3. Online grocery shopping and pickup has become my regular routine. It’s convenient and safe. The pineapple drink sounds interesting.

  4. Covid numbers are up around here too. I’m thinking of going back to online grocery shopping might be good for me while I recuperate as I don’t think I have the stamina yet on this hip to walk all through the grocery store.

    Peaches have not been a good purchase here the past couple of weeks. They look so good but are nasty inside. For every 3 or 4 I’ve bought we’ve gotten maybe 1 worth eating.

  5. Love the photo - it could be a page for August in a calendar.
    Glad you got some rain too. I've never about a vacuum sealer but it certainly sounds like a good investment for long term storage. You'll have to let us know how the corn works out.

  6. Much can be done with food for storage and variety. It's a lot of work but worth it.

  7. The tea sounds interesting. A few years back I had bronchitis and I made Dave go to the store to get me some pineapple juice. It wasn't a cureall, but it did help ease the violence of the coughing a little

  8. We buy a lot of bulk stuff -- especially grain and use the vacuum sealer to keep out the miller moths and weevils. Very helpful. Our friend told us about cooking corn (in the husk) in the microwave for about 3 minutes and it is wonderful that way.

  9. That pineapple 'tea' sounds interesting. I've heard of a sort of apple juice drink made in a similar way( using the peels and cores). I haven't tried it though.

  10. That tea does sound interesting but I too would skip the 7up. :-)

  11. My Dad put his corn up like you are trying. He didn't not blanch it. Never made anyone sick and was better than the blanched type.

  12. The covid is high here too! Again! Of course after the vacation when people travelling and don't care about distance. We are now getting the fourth vaccin here soon. Well, lovely picture and have a happy weekend...

  13. Love your boat pic at the end of your blog, and your Header pics at the beginning with that darling dog peeking out from the tree! I smile every time I see it. sure have been busy preparing corn and pineapple and peaches. I bet your days go fast with all the things you two do. You're much more ambitious than I. I got a good report from my Urologist Oncologist today who says I have stayed cancer free for another year. Thank you God. And thank you for your sweet cards during the past three years, Connie. You're the best.

  14. My friend Jenny has a food saver too and uses it all of the time. I should probably get one because you're right, it's better than throwing away food.
    I haven't noticed numbers being up here but then, I haven't watched the news for awhile.

  15. The pineapple 'tea' sounds really good, as does the corn-- aren't roadside stands the best?

  16. Interesting experiments for sure.
    I realized I hadn't seen a post from you for a while--yup--I'm not getting email notifications anymore. Dang it anyways. This old dog has been procrastinating for too long--LOL! :(

  17. I really like your boats on the shore photo. I sure miss seeing Minnesota in the summer. The people who bought out cabin are sharing some wonderful sunset shots on Lake Pokegama.

  18. Catching up on all your posts; looks like (other than the Lyme's disease) you are having a pretty good summer.
    Chokecherry jelly is one of my faves! And peaches- how I miss the peaches in Creston, we are farther north here so nobody has peach trees.
    I thought Tilly was due for a paint job this summer? Fun to see another DeSoto the same model at the car show!

  19. Shirley, Yes she was supposed to be painted last winter and the fellow canceled on us.


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