Saturday, November 23, 2019

Bird's Eye View

Back in September one of Andy and Jen's friends were here with a drone.

They sent us a photo!

A bird's eye view of our place in the woods.

A long time ago my greenhouse extended past the raspberry patch.  I found it very interesting to see this view...almost made me want to look at drones with cameras.

Far Side


  1. Is that you out there by the black vehicle?

  2. Is that you strolling across the yard behind the gray vehicle?

  3. Wow! That is a great view. I loved seeing what your place looks like.
    Blessings, Betsy

  4. I love seeing your place. I too, have been thinking about drones, but the cost keeps me away.

  5. It really does put everything into perspective. I think you should build some covered walkways to some of the outbuildings. I recognize half of the buildings but I would never have been able to place them in directions to one another.

  6. These views are really fun to see. You have a beautiful home! It would be fun to take photos and videos like this but I would probably wreck the drone and camera.

  7. Very cool outlook on a place you've occupied for a long time. :)

  8. No wonder you have deer and foxes, etc. :) :)
    What a cool thing to see your property from above!

  9. What a fun perspective! Many years ago, back in the 70's or 80's I think, someone took an aerial photo of my parent's farm. I don't know what happened to that photo, though I think my brother may have it.

    Your yard is very tidy!

  10. I love looking at overhead shots. The tree canopy makes it look like you are more in the trees than your ground based photos indicate. I can spend hours on google maps, satellite view of course, and love playing detective. When I fly I always ask for the window seat, and hope for a clear day so I can look down on the land below, and love it when I can recognize landmarks.

  11. You really are in the middle of the woods!!! That's a fabulous piece of property you have.

  12. What a lovely spot you have up North! So fun to see it with the Drone's eye view.
    It's so nice to have your own little spot in the woods. Lucky you two! Thanks for sharing a great pic! Blessings to you both.

  13. What an amazing photo. And what fun to study it a few months later. Often when a home sells in our vicinity, a realtor will use a service that takes pictures of all the houses on the street and sends us an individualized postcard with a photo of our home to entice us to sell ours, too. I save the postcards and really enjoy going back and looking at all the changes.

    The only thing that worries me on this chilly day is how far is it from the garage to the house? We have a detached garage and I am not a fan of treking out to warm up the car before leaving on winter mornings.

    1. Yes it is a short walk to the error on our part :)

  14. What a treat to have a photo of your property from above! We’ve looked at ours from Google Earth but we have too much tree cover to tell much.

  15. Very interesting photo. I always enjoy aerial views.

  16. Well, that's cool! I had no idea your place was so tucked away in the woods. Fun to see.

  17. Love seeing this view of where you live.

  18. Very cool! You are really tucked away in the woods! Lovely property and lots of it. I didn't know you had a greenhouse or a raspberry patch! I miss my raspberries almost more than anything! My favorite fruit for sure! You should frame it. It reminds me of those photos farmer's used to have of their farms taken by aerial photographers back in the day.

  19. Pretty cool, it looks very cozy from up there! I've seen my place from Google Earth...

  20. Your place is huge! Didn't realise you have so many outbuildings. I think I would like to have a greenhouse.


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