Friday, November 22, 2019

Oh Deer

The deer love the acorns in our yard.  Lately they have been feeding at night.

Last night a Fox or a Coyote went through the yard...his/her tracks were out there in the fresh snow, we brought the Trail Cam in to see if our best guess was right but the camera was not focused where he/she walked through.

We saw a buck tracks on one occasion. He showed up once on the trail cam.  He is most likely the buck that my sister in law shot.  She described him as a little six point buck.

Hunting successfully culls the herd.   If there is a good hunt less deer are road kill.
Last night on the way home from Bingo with my Dad I saw four deer crossing the road...luckily I saw them in time and avoided a collision.

My Dad and my Aunt Anna usually split the meat of one deer, yesterday was the day they cut up and washed the meat...ground some up for venison burger and canned 24 jars of meat.  They are meticulous about hair and tallow on the meat...neither are allowed.

We didn't win at Bingo but we were one number away from the $600 jackpot.  Next week there is no Bingo because of Thanksgiving.
Far Side


  1. Wow, you sure get a lot of deer in your yard. You are right about hunting and how it really does help keep the herds healthy, and less road kill. Congrats to your sister-in-law on her "kill". Have a good weekend.

  2. I remember once being served venison and was surprised at how gamey it tasted. I declined seconds. :-)

  3. I live in city limits and we are overrun with deer. Over the past several years our family has had at least four different car/deer collisions. You just can't win. If you keep driving, you hit the next one. My son stopped his car for one deer and four more came out of the brush and all hit different parts of the driver's side of his car. The scariest one was the same son driving on the highway. The deer ran sideways across several lanes and landed in his front seat. He has quick reflexes and had shoved the car into park and jumped out. The deer crossed right in front of a state patrol officer who was very impressed.

    I have tried venison and am not a fan. I do like the meat made into trail bologna.

  4. I won't drive at night this time of year because they do have a bad habit of dashing across the road when you least expect it. I've been in several accidents thanks to the deer not looking both ways before they

  5. When my Tahoe was new a deer ran right into the side of it at 2:00 in the afternoon and it wasn't in the middle of nowhere but someone must have scared it from the field. The deer died, the sheriff got it for his freezer and damages to my car were almost $5000! Tore off the side mirror and dented my door and ended up on my hood!
    i then got those whistles on my car and whether they work of not I don't know but I have not hit another deer since and I have seen a lot of them.
    Deer meat or any wild meat is healthier for you than what you buy in the store as they live a more natural life. I love deer sausage...yum!

  6. It is interesting to see what is traveling through. My neighbor said he had seen evidence of a deer in our two backyards. I thought later that they were there for birdseed. There are fences everywhere that keep them from wandering any where.

  7. It takes a sharp eye and deliberate attention to avoid deer crossing the road. It's heartbreaking to be one number away from a big win.

  8. I love night cameras! They are ever so much fun!

  9. Oh so close to a big win. Sorry, but I guess there is always next time, right?
    Your cameras sure catch some great visitors. We, too, are overrun with deer in our area. Last week a black bear was laying on the side of the highway as I went by.

  10. Goodness, that would have been a nice prize!

    I always tell my brother I'm cheering for the deer when he's out hunting. I know that's foolish because it doesn't bother me to eat beef or pork. Though I do enjoy moose meat and bison.

  11. I always enjoy seeing pictures from your trail cam. It's interesting to see what is roaming around in the night. I hope you have a quiet and restful weekend.

  12. I think you would be very surprised what goes through your yard in one night. It's frustrating that the camera doesn't catch it all.

  13. I didn't care for venison but loved buffalo meat. You really do get a lot of large critters through your land.
    Had to be so frustrating to be one number away. That's the thrill of bingo, I guess. One of these days you'll hit the big jackpot!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  14. It must be fun to see what critters came through your yard at night.
    I was reading about an area where a guy has been stealing trail cameras. At one location he didn't realize the people has two cameras set up and the one he missed took a very clear picture of him.

  15. It has been a long time since I ate venison. We did have it every year when I was growing up in Oregon.

  16. Wow ….you came close at that Jackpot at Bingo! So glad you guys go every week. What fun. We used to take my grandma, many years ago....she loved it so! Looks like you get a lot of critters around your house. We do too....including deer and bear. It's been a tough week for me...things can only get better right? You two are in my thoughts and prayers as always!

  17. The other day I walked after a fresh snowfall and was able to look at the tracks and 'see' stories.
    We are getting company this evening as our deer season starts tomorrow morning.
    I've been getting a lot of photos of deer on the camera and have enjoyed watching a doe and her fawns as they like to hang around the same area.

  18. Poppy was just saying yesterday that he has never killed a deer that was on his camera...went hunting today and changed that. He killed the 10 point buck that has been showing up on his camera. You just never know. It has been a crazy afternoon. So much excitement! :)


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