Sunday, November 10, 2019

One project finished

Last Winter/Spring I read a blog that mentioned knitting/crocheting hats for an event in 2021, they need 6,000 hats.  I just checked their website and so far they have 2,650 hats...well they will have one more when they receive my creation.

The project is called Nothing But Knit, Beanies for 2021 NBA All Star  for the All Star Weekend in Indianapolis.  The hats will be given to volunteers, hospitality employees, coaches, players and NBA VIPs.

My partially done hat was in the craft bag that was to go to "the cities" with us when we are called for the lung transplant.   I put another crochet project in that suitcase and took this older unfinished project out and finished it yesterday.

Far Guy was kind enough to model it for me.

I didn't tell him it had a flower on the side until after he posed for me.  Navy Blue and Gold are the Indiana Pacer colors.

Yeah me!  Cross something off my list!  The hat is ready to mail.
It snowed again.
Far Side


  1. When you write about old projects you have finished, you give me hope. I have lots of old partly finished projects.

  2. He is stylin'! I received a hat similar to this from my Grandmother. She apparently wore the one with the little flower to go to town in!

  3. Very nice!
    You make me think of all my unfinished projects...hummm...

  4. Very nice! Ah yes, the UFO's...we all have them.

  5. Nice hat! I'm glad you got it finished and Far Guy looks good wearing it.

  6. Looks good on Far Guy! It is motivating to see others projects and gives us the 'shove' we need to move ahead with our own! It's cold in the house now but supposed to be 70 F today so maybe I can slap some more paint on that old shed! LOL! Happy Sunday!

  7. Nice! I haven't knit a hat in years. I have plenty of yarn, so it might be time.

  8. Lol.....I love how you tricked your model. That is just too funny. The hat looks great on him btw...

  9. I thought this was a helmet design, like a veteran's tribute, until I read the post. Oh! It's a flower! ☺️

  10. Nice hat. It was very generous of Far Guy to model it for the photo.

  11. He looks good in that hat. I especially like the flower: very masculine in fact. :-)

  12. Far Guy looks great in that hat!!! You're so good at those stitching projects and other artsy endeavors. My pathology report came back Friday showing no cancer in me! Woo Hoo….now I will go for quarterly scans to double check on everything! I am exhausted and in some discomfort, can only sit for about five minutes at a time before pain sets in, drinking lots of fluids and everything is draining through me, but I'm alive and grateful to God and thankful to all for the many prayers. Praying for you and far guy, Connie! We are supposed to have a winter storm tomorrow!

    1. diane so good to hear you are cancer free!!! Good to hear from you!! Be kind to yourself!!

  13. Tell Far Guy he makes a fetching model in that cute hat ;)

    Glad he is still up for being so good-natured about helping you with your many projects.

    You owe him, big time!!!

  14. Good job modeling, Far Guy, and good for you for making that great hat.

  15. Far Guy looks great. I have stared at the hat so long that I may be cross-eyed. Is it knit or crocheted? The two colors make it hard for me to tell. I'll bet it's knit since that is the name of the project!

    1. It is crochet...double crochet! I am a slow knitter it was crochet for me! :)

  16. You did a great job, Connie. FG is a good sport to model for you.


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