Sunday, November 24, 2019

Adam: Vex

Yesterday we traveled up North to see Adam in a Vex Robotic's Tournament.

Each year Vex comes up with a new challenge.

This is a Vex field all set up and ready to go.
Handsome Grandson Adam in the sunglasses

Adam's team on the end.  Each team form an alliance with another team and they work toward team points.  They compete against two other teams also in an alliance..

Robots are on the field in this photo.  They gain points for Autonomus Mode and Driver Control Mode.  Scoring happens when cubes are stacked in the corners or are placed in the cups.

The kids on each team meet before school to build, program and drive their robot.  They have to keep notebooks that detail their work on the robot and on Tournament day judges look over their notebooks and interview the team.

This will be Adam's last year in High School Robotics.   His team did great.  We watched two matches and they won both of them. 
Far Side


  1. That's got to just plain fun to watch and more so since you have Adam involved. Congrats to his team! :)

  2. How fascinating! I never even knew such a thing existed. What a brilliant bunch of kids. You must be so proud.

  3. I am fascinated by the activities of these kids today. We attended something similar for our eight year old grandson. His group did something much simpler, but I tried to catch a little bit of all the older kids competitions, too. I have no clue what they are doing or how they are doing it, but it is fascinating.

  4. Wow, goood for Adam and his team. These are great skills to learn - not only the technical, but the team work and cooperation, communication, and creativity.

  5. Very cool, and such great experience for the kids! And the families too.

  6. What a great opportunity and experience for these kids.

  7. This is such a great opportunity to build many skills needed in life, teamwork, written and oral communication and of course, the actual building of the robot itself. Our grandson also takes part in events like this too. He travels around Montana with his team. We have never been able to go so I thank you for the photos showing us a bit of what it is like.

  8. I have enjoyed this every time you put it on. I will miss these robot stories.

  9. Congratulations to Adam and his team. He looks more like the teacher than a student. I love these competitions and they are most definitely the way of the future.

  10. Sounds like an all round activity. It sounds like it should be mandatory for our politicians.

  11. Damn this sounds bloody great, what fun

  12. Congratulations to Adam and his team. I think this would be a lot of fun to watch. You have such interesting and talented grandkids. Always something special for you guys to be doing. Good for you.....I'm sure that's keeping you young.
    Blessings to you both.

  13. That sounds like a fun activity for kids. I’m sure it’s fun to watch, too, and so nice you could be there.

  14. Congratulations Adam and team! My grandson Sam is in something like that at the middle school level. He really enjoys it.


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