Monday, November 11, 2019

Thank a Veteran!

Thank you to Veterans their wives and families!
Air National Guard, Army National Guard or Active Duty...I know how much their family sacrifices.
Far Side


  1. Yes, a big thank you to all Veterans and their families. We love you and appreciate your service.

  2. Quiet day planned here. Thank you for this.

  3. I will wear my poppy pin and hope somebody will remember when they see it, those in their own families who served. My son was in the Army, my dad in the Air Force. I will never forget them. Thank you for this, FS.

  4. I get to spend the day with lots of veterans - and sharing information about Quilts of Valor. Many in my family have served - covering several generations.

  5. I'm kitty sitting for my Daughter and SIL who is an Iraq war vet. They are off on a Boston adventure for the holiday. It was the least I could do.

  6. Thank all of them for their service.

  7. Thank you for this post. We are a military family and have deep appreciation for all of our veterans.

  8. It is a day of remembrance here as well for those who served so that we might enjoy the freedoms we have today.

  9. Sacrifice worry and concern about those serving. Also great pride in what was done.

  10. We’re off to the Veterans Day parade in our little town where we will be cheering the veterans who ride by. Maybe there should be a special float for military families who, as you say, sacrifice as well.

  11. Yes, thank you to all of our veterans both past and present.

  12. Remembrance Day here in Canada and we went to a ceremony this morning. Fewer people there than previous years. A cool and cloudy day with a cold wind. I'm feeling smug because I did the 10 mile round trip on my bike while Larry took the car. I'm trying to get blogging again. First post done.

  13. Yes, thank you to all of the veterans and their families!


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