Tuesday, November 12, 2019


I finished a pair of socks for Far Guy yesterday.  They are almost a matched pair!  I was doing great until it came to the toe!  Possibly I knit an extra row or two someplace....or perhaps it was just the yarn!

The yarn was Patons Kroy a color called Torquoise Jacquard.  I fit the sock to his foot several times...he thought it was strange trying them on with four needles!  I told him that I would only make him do this once...or twice and I would have a pattern to go by.   I knit socks two at a time, that way my old brain does stuff twice and makes less mistakes. 

More socks will be cast on soon.  In my opinion casting on the Four Double Pointed Needles is the hardest part.

It is bitterly cold here.  Errands were accomplished.  I am reminded why I fill up when the car is half empty...it is too cold to stand out there for too long and I never leave the gas nozzle unattended....just one of my quirky self imposed rules.  I see other women starting the gas pump and then getting back in the car.   If we had a Full Service Gas Station that would be great...we had one I used all the time in North Fargo...Ted's.

No car wash either it is too cold for the one in town.

Far Side


  1. Well, now he can tell the right sock from the left.

  2. I agree with you about the gas and the wash. Brr. I'm glad I got the stall put up for the old lady Mica mule!
    Love the socks, I like wool mix soft socks this time of year to keep the feet warm.

  3. Brrrr.....it's too cold everywhere. I love those socks. I'll have to look for that Kroy colorway although the places I used to find yarn are disappearing. First, the LYS all closed and now the chain craft stores are doing the same. Boooo....

  4. Love those socks. Hope Far Guy likes them as well. Way too cold here this morning 9 degrees with minus 7 wind chill. Can't figure out when i moved to northern Alaska? Haha I am right there with you about never leaving my gas nozzle unattended. Keep warm.

  5. Beautiful socks. We have our first snow this morning...almost enough to cover the leaves still lying on the yard.

  6. I am so impressed with your ability to make socks. Every time you do that I think maybe I should try it again. Fortunately it passes easily when I get involved with other things. Stay warm during this awful cold weather.

  7. Very nice looking socks! It's bitter cold here too - way too early in the season.

  8. The socks are great! You did a marvelous job of matching them. I agree, casting on four needles is the most difficult part.

    I'm so grateful for our local Co-op gas station. I never fill my own tank but will wait outside to ensure the oil gets checked.

  9. Great job on the socks! I saw you making a beeline for the car in this cold! I was making a beeline to the indoors. Brrrrr! This takes some adjusting that is for sure!

  10. Love the socks! I like to knit two at the same time - that way they are finished at the same time.

  11. I think working on two at a time is genius!! I love the socks and the pattern and the colors.

  12. I like your socks, have not seen that color in the stores here. I had the same issue with the last pair I made. They matched perfectly until the tip of the toe. They were almost identical to your difference. I also do two at a time now. It makes finishing so much easier and no second sock syndrome.
    I do the same at the gas pump. I don't know why I have to stand outside with the handle. It's a law in Oregon that you cannot pump gas, the attendant does it for you. When it's cold or raining I lreally ike that. :-) I always forget when we visit though and jump out of the car to pump the gas. The attendant runs over and tells me I can't do that, it's illegal! Me, a lawbreaker!!!
    Stay warm and cozy inside.

  13. You are a sock wizard! Those look very nice!

  14. Love the socks! The talent to knit socks amazes me. I hate to get gas in freezing weather. Remember the (really) old days when you never got out of the car and an attendant did it all?

  15. Socks are too beautiful to put on feet.

  16. These look just great! They look so difficult to make but you are really getting them down. Doing two at a time makes such sense!
    Bitterly cold outside. When I had a car I always stood outside with the nozzle sloshy nozzle till it was done, too. Never left it. And I always filled the car when it was half empty in the winter, too! Just makes sense...like socks two at a time. ;)

  17. I like your socks, the pattern is cool. I want to try knitting two socks at a time.

  18. I know one man that always gets back into the car as I am tired of being cold. We get bonus bucks from our grocery store so we fill it up with whatever amount of gas we need. I remember seeing someone knitting socks with four needles, but that was a long time ago.

  19. Putting the old brain to work on a new and complicated project is a good idea.

  20. Those socks are so pretty; I'd wear them myself if I were you! These days I wear 2 pairs of socks. Wood floors are nice but oh so cold on the feet.

  21. Those socks are beautiful! I hope far guy will enjoy wearing them and keeping nice and warm in them. I love seeing all your new projects all the time, you are amazing! Hard to get used to this bitter cold so early in the winter! Take good care!

  22. The pattern turned out so pretty. Very Scandi-hoovian, I think. Maybe I should try knitting two at once. I always have a heckuva time getting them exactly the same size.

  23. Just wanted to mention that when I work with double pointed needles I cast all the stitches on a straight needle then slip them off on the double pointed needles.


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