Sunday, May 19, 2019

Rainy Day

The Pin Cherry blooms popped out in the rain yesterday afternoon.  They are the first of the shrub/tree blooms in our woods.

It rained.  We filled the grape jelly and changed out the oranges for the Orioles in the rain.  The Hummingbirds are here...three of them fighting over the feeder.  The birds don't care if it rains or not.

Friday we patched some spots in the lawn and spread some grass seed just in time. 

Saturday we made a big batch of baked beans for the freezer...we like them with grilled food.  Summer food!

Far Guy is busy walking...he is up to 4,000 steps...a big improvement from 10 steps from the bed to the bathroom.

Far Side


  1. I haven't seen hummingbirds yet here. They are fun to watch! I love baked beans. Thinking of you both and wishing you a nice day. xo

  2. Glad Far Guy is gaining strength and mobility.

  3. Been using jars full of that grape jelly up. Even a flock of migrating catbird test it out...:)

  4. So glad FarGuy is doing better. Yes, baked beans and potato salad mean summer to me. Sounds like you got the grass seed out with perfect timing. :)

  5. Wow, that is a huge increase in number of glad of the improvement. Raining here today, too.

  6. Glad FG is on his feet able to walk more. That’s quite a jump, from 10 to 4000 steps. It’s exciting in Minnesota when the birds return. Sounds like you are taking good care of the ones that visit your yard.

  7. Great news for FG; may this trend continue.

    I remember pin cherries from when I was a child. We would go picking with mom and she would make jelly from the fruit. Yummy!

  8. O! So nice to learn Far Guy is improving! YAY!

  9. It's SO good to hear that Far Guy is doing better. We had horrible rain here on Thursday and Friday. We had 2.97 inches in less than 24 hours, most of it in an hour period on Thursday, right at rush hour. People were kayaking down one of the main streets here!
    I hope your Sunday is wonderful for both of you.

  10. I am so happy to hear FG is walking more. I hope it will give him more energy and strength. The pin cherry blooms are so pretty. We have hummingbirds here that entertain our cats through the patio doors.

  11. I always feel better when I see FG's latest joke on Facebook. And your usual GIF comment. :-)

  12. Happy to hear Far Guy is getting those steps in - what does he use for a pedometer? I would like something easy and haven't found a new thingy since my old one quit or got lost :)

  13. 4,000 steps is awesome he is really improving.

  14. Good going Far Guy. Keep at it. I wish you much success.

  15. Baked beans sound like a good idea. Maybe I'll make some this week.
    Good news about FG and his walking!!

  16. Glad Far Guy is doing better. Good you got the grass seed out when you did.

  17. Moving around helps so much! Good going FG!
    The wild apple trees are blossoming and I hope I get a chance to photograph them as they are beautiful....hopefully before the next heavy rain knocks blossoms off!

  18. You remind me. I need to put more grape jelly in the oriole feeder. Probably they'd like a fresh orange too. I've never frozen baked beans....good idea! I'm glad FG is feeling better enough to get more steps in, hope you are feeling better too.

  19. That 4,000 steps is good news! Quite an improvement. Hopefully, the milder weather will help, too.


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