Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Catch up

I am still real tired as is Far Guy.  He has seen the Doctor for a follow up and is still wheezing and coughing. ( The Doctor says that this flu/crud takes time to recover from.) Next week we go to the University of Minnesota for an appointment.

I am finished with Physical Therapy for my injured hamstring/sit bone.  The next step is injections...they suggested that I see how it goes. I do the whirlpool and heat packs here at home.

I saw the Hand Surgeon, I have Dupuytren's Contracture.  He will do surgery once my fingers start to curl....he said it is slow moving and right now only one finger is affected.  I am to keep massaging my carpal tunnel scar tissue daily...he won't do surgery on that either until my arm sleeps during the day.  He said "use what ever pillows you can to support that whole arm all night long."

We attended the Confirmation Party for our Great Niece Hailey on Sunday, it was a nice party with lunch at my other baby brother's home.

We got to see new baby Erwin he has a head full of black hair! He looks a bit like his brother Harlow.  Erwin is now 12 days old.  He weighed 9 Ibs  7 oz when his was born.  Our niece Meg is very busy with four children under the age of six.  Erwin is # 14 Grand for my other baby brother.

My baby brother and his bride are here for the summer at their home on the lake.  We haven't seen much of them as we have been recuperating.  We did get to see our two nephews Logan and Kirk and Great nephew Turner briefly.  They flew in for the weekend to work on a Zipline.  Logan lives in Seattle and Kirk in New Jersey. They will be back later in the summer.

Only two Doctor appointments this week... practically a week off.

I am still crocheting nests for Wildlife Rescue Groups.  It is something that doesn't take lots of concentration!

There you are all caught up.
A Nuthatch at the suet feeder.  His nickname is Assup.

Far Side


  1. Glad Far Guy is doing OK. Hope he finishes recovering quickly.

    Hope things don't get worse for you, and you can avoid those surgeries.

    Nice you got to see some of the family, including the new baby, and will get to see more of them again soon.

  2. Ouch on the possibilities of surgery! No fun. I know they wanted to send me to a hand specialist last year to possibly replace a joint in my thumb region. The recovery and PT would be over 6 months. I said no.
    Hamstring injuries suck so I hope you are able to over come that also.
    As for the creepy crud? Oh ... just wish it would leave for you both!

  3. I hate that you that with your hands to deal with on top of all the other...seems like our bodies start falling apart as we age. I just pray all goes well for you. And sure hope your husband can get better soon. Just seems to take so long to get over some of the stuff that goes around.

  4. I too am hoping that this illness will finally let you and FG go. You've been managing to do quite a lot, even for someone who spends so much time in doctor's offices! Sending both of you my very best virtual hugs. I haven't been feeling tip top myself lately, so you've got plenty of company.

  5. I have been treated for Dupuytren's Contracture 4 times. Twice with surgery, twice with an anti-collegen (sp). The injections are applied, then wait 2-3 days, then you go into the doctor and he "releases it". If you have a choice, the injections are to way to go. Surgery, as my esteemed hand surgeon described it as it looks like a dog chewed on you hand, with long term scars. The injection method, for me was way less recovery time. Not to mention cheaper. I'm 6 years post treatment, and no loss of function. It's also cheaper than surgery. It's known in my family as the Norwegian curse, as my family came here from norway over the last 100 years.

  6. Oh my, you really have your hands full...literally. I hope, like others have said, you are able to avoid surgery and that FG recovers completely.

    It sounds like a wonderful time with family, and a new baby too!

  7. Having your hands hurt takes the fun out of most creative activities. I have a mild case of de Quervain's tendonitis in my left hand. So far when it flairs up, like now, I can wear my wrist/hand brace for a few days and it helps relieve the pain. But it is frustrating. Hope you both keep improving.

  8. Sounds like life is a little better than it has been. Happy to hear you only have two doctor's appointments this week. That is almost as good as having a vacation.

  9. I'm glad you are a little bit better...now for a full return of health!

  10. You two need to catch a break, I'm sorry you have had all these health issues. Time to enjoy summer now, hope you can sleep with the right pillow!

  11. Thank you so much for the update but I'm sorry that you are both still not completely well. I'm also sorry to hear about the pending sugeries. Life just keeps going doesn't it?
    That was a BIG baby! I'm glad you were well enough to go meet him though and also spend some time celebrating the confirmation with family. I'm sure that helps with the lows of not feeling well.

  12. It is so great that you do have so much family around. If I don’t call my older brothers in Arizona and California I would never hear from them. I am hoping some heat from the summer will help out with some of the health issues. We are planning to take a special trip in November and we really need to get our walking muscles in shape. We sure aren’t physically ready for it right now. I did dig with a garden fork the soil in my raised garden and I am still walking, sort of, today. You two GET BETTER.

  13. Even though you are sort of shut-ins you have a lot going on. That’s one reason i miss living near family. Sorry to hear about the surgeries in your future. No fun to look forward to those, or the injections either.

  14. I may be all caught up but I'd be happier if everybody was up to snuff.

  15. I'm sorry you both are still fighting all this. It seems like you've just had more than your share this past year. It is good you got to see some family at least and a new baby! I have a mild form of Dupuytren's Contracture and luckily it has not caused me too much trouble, but the carpal tunnel always seem to act up. I hope you can get by without surgery but I guess it is one of those wait and see kind of things. Sending you both healing thoughts.

  16. Holy Cow! I though you'd be out carving outside by now...that's terrible! Do you get flu shots? It has really wiped you guys out so be careful you don't have a relapse when you do finally start feeling better. Be careful the medical system doesn't suck you in to surgery after surgery and meds and on and on. But if you are in pain or can't function that is a different matter. I am just so sorry to hear you are having so many issues and right when the weather is getting nice. Although it does make it easier to get to your doctor appointments. I'll keep praying for you both to heal fast and stay well!

  17. Hope you both get better every day. Watch for the mail - if you don't get a letter then you'll know I'm in jail (from an old song!)

  18. It's nice to get a catch-up post. You seem to be getting better slowly but surely and have less appointments, thank goodness.
    Like so many others I have Depuytren's Contracture but besides the unsightly 'cords' running through my palms it hardly bothers me.
    Take care of yourself and Far Guy. Hope the sun is shining and you get to sit and enjoy it.

  19. That hand condition is new to me, so I had to Google it. It sounds very troublesome, and on top of your carpel tunnel surgery not healing well. I had that problem too, and it took a long time and a lot of massaging of the scar to make it settle down. Yours has gone on way too long.

  20. I don't like the sound of that Depuytren's Contracture had to Google it to find out what it is.

  21. Sorry things are slow to recover and you have to deal with it all! I know exactly how you feel especially when it's both of you! Sure hoping things get better soon! I had a blood test for alpha 1 antitrypsin and the Doctor sent me a letter in the mail saying it was 157 with no other explanation!! Go figure. I thought there was more to it than that? Sharon

    1. Did you take the free test from Alpha 1 Organization? They give you your Genes...mine are MM Gene's are SZ. Meaning he got one gene from each of his parents, one was a MS and one a MZ but we don't know which. It sounds like you just got your Antitrypsin level tested...with 157 you could be a MS or a MZ..., my level is 190. The free test from the Alpha-1 Foundation is the only reliable test according to the Doctors at Mayo Clinic. You fill out the paperwork and they send you a piece of special paper to put drops of blood on. Here is the link to the test kit https://www.alpha1.org/Newly-Diagnosed/Learning-about-Alpha-1/Testing-for-Alpha-1

    2. Thanks Connie! Yeah, I figured the Doctor didn't know much! I'll have to try doing it through the Alpha-1 then.

  22. It's a tough go. Good for you for hanging in. The older we get, the more that goes wrong! I hope the healing goes well. Take care. I was thinking of your progress the other day.

  23. diane in northern wisMay 7, 2019 at 9:03 PM

    Hope you two are slowly feeling better. What a struggle. I found out yesterday that I have bladder cancer. so please whisper a prayer for me if you get a chance. I will keep you two in my prayers as well.

    1. diane I am so sorry to hear that. My Dad is a Bladder Cancer survivor going on 32 years now. Yes I will say a prayer for you!

  24. I like the little birds. Hope your hand will respond to the treatment. I've been pretty lucky so far, just occasional pain in the right ass, connected to the hip. Always something I guess.

  25. For folks who are trying to rest and recover, you sure have a busy schedule even so! Hope both of you see some rapid recovery soon.

  26. Happy to hear Gene is feeling a little bit better - been thinking of you guys and saying a prayer. Hope to see you around sometime soon! Take care!

  27. Glad you are both feeling better. Assup... still laughing....


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