Thursday, May 16, 2019

Crochet Nests

With so much going on, hurrying up to wait,  I made twelve nests to ship off to a wildlife rehabilitator in  Pine City Minnesota.  The nests are suitable for mammals or birds.  This group included a variety of sizes.

This is the third bunch I have mailed off.  I belong to a group that has a facebook page and a website.  They have a specific way they want the nests constructed.  Wildlife Rescue Nests

The idea was to get rid of yarn, use it up...well I fell off the wagon and purchased more yarn. Imagine that.

Far Side


  1. Wonderful service project. It is amazing how that yarn can just jump into your shopping cart . . .

  2. The nests are adorable and will certainly be appreciated.

  3. Not only are you keeping your hands busy, you are doing something worthwhile!

  4. These are really cute and I went to the link and enjoyed seeing how they are used with all of the little critters. :) you bought more yarn!

  5. What a great way to keep your hands busy while you are biding your time.

  6. Such a wonderful project. Sending love and prayers to you and Gene.

  7. LOL...fell off the wagon and bought more!

  8. Those are some very lucky critters.

  9. Wonderful project, and I'm sure they appreciated you buying more yarn to do some extra ones.

  10. It sure looks like your hands have been busy. I'm going over to check out that website on Facebook. :-)

  11. Very pretty! Keeping busy helps with the hurry up and wait time.

  12. They are so cute!
    And Anne just got her surprise present from you--OMG!
    Thank you so much, Connie!! :) :)

  13. Imagine that! :) I have the same problem! Those are really nice, Connie. Good for you

  14. What a great idea and they look wonderful Connie. That yarn just has a mind of it's own doesn't it? I'm continuing in prayer for both of you.

  15. Those are wonderful and really helpful for the animals. I went to the website and saw all the different babies in the nests - sooo cute!

  16. A great idea. Now I think I'll go to that website and take a looksee.

  17. Those are the cutest things I've ever seen. I went to the website. The little birds in the nests are so adorable. You must have plenty of time to work on these with all the appointments you and Far Guy have. I'm sure sorry for all that far Guy is going through. It surely must be scary. You take such good care of him. He is mighty lucky to have you by his side.

  18. I am sure they really appreciate getting these little nest.

  19. How wonderful of you to make those....another thing to put on my "would like to do someday" list. At least the yarn is new now. I'm sure the critters will really appreciate them but don't expect a thank you note in the mail....from the critters at least! LOL!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie