Monday, May 13, 2019


This week Far Guy meets with a Lung Transplant Specialist far far away.   Scary for sure.  In a few days we should know if he will be considered for a lung transplant.  It is a long process...this is step four of a five or six step process.  The wheels of medicine move slowly.  Far Guy's Pulmonary Doctor was  on the transplant team at the University of Iowa and he feels he will be a good that gives us hope.

Beautiful birds in Hawaii January 2019

“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.”
― Emily Dickinson


  1. What a heavy is a long and scary process, but glad to know there is hope that it will be worth it all. Praying for the best outcome!

  2. Hang in there. You are both in my thoughts.

  3. Crossing my fingers and hoping for good news for you and Far Guy.

  4. You both are in my daily prayers. Will add an extra special prayer for Far Guy and the lung transplant.

  5. Keeping you and Gene in my prayers.

  6. Fingers crossed for good news.

  7. That is truly scary, but I hope that some good comes from this visit. I will be interested in the outcome of the visit.

  8. I know two men in my tiny town that have had double lung transplants, and they are both doing GREAT!!! The one man had the procedure done four years ago, and the other about a year ago. What a difference this has made in their lives!! They both had this done in Philadelphia, PA. I sure hope this will be the answer for you too!!!!

  9. Yes, it would be scary, but along with that, what a blessing, if all the pieces fall into place and it's a done deal. Praying for Far Guy.

  10. Yes a transplant is a scary procedure, and I always think of the donor... I will pray that God's will be done.

  11. Oh, I pray all goes well for him...and that it is a success.

  12. Including you and Far Guy in my prayers.

  13. Praying for you and Far Guy and for a favorable result!!!!

  14. Oh wow! I hope he will be chosen to be on the list!! :)

  15. Let's all hope for a positive result of that appointment. One of my best friends sees a pulmonologist in Omaha for her pulmonary hypertension. Not being able to breathe well certainly has a negative impact on every aspect of a life.

  16. May this path be a smooth one for you and Far Guy.

  17. Scary but hopeful news indeed. I'm wishing for the best possible outcome.

  18. Isn't it amazing what medicine can do. I will be praying that all will go well and it will be a very positive journey. As you know, I am such a HUGE proponent of transplants having seen the impact of them on several family members.
    Blessings and love,

  19. Far Guy and you will both be in my heart & prayers. Hope springs eternal... xoxo Love, Andrea

  20. Hoping for the best outcome for Far Guy. Thinking of you both....

  21. All the best for all this. It's not easy.

  22. I hope that the medical path in the future will lead to a solution.

  23. What a difference this could make for him. Keeping you both in my prayers for the best outcome possible.

  24. Oh gosh - had NO idea, dear friend. Here's hoping you hear some positive news.

  25. A lung transplant sounds scary and I remember those birds from when I went to Hawaii

  26. Fingers crossed and I'm sending positive vibes into the air. It must be an anxious time for the entire family, although I'm sure you are grateful to be treated with such wonderful medical care. Here's hoping for the best outcome for Far Guy.

  27. Good luck to Far Guy! I hope he is given the best chance at a long healthy life.

  28. Thinking of you both with hope and prayers! Safe travels!

  29. My thoughts and prayers are for the very best outcome for Far Guy.

  30. diane in northern wisMay 13, 2019 at 8:07 PM

    Praying along with you, Connie and Gene. May he be moved those next few steps to Success!

  31. Love and prayers for FG and family.

  32. A good solution to the problem. I pray for everything to work out for this. We got a lecture from a guy at the checkout at the grocery story about parrots, just yesterday.

  33. I'm alive! But I had problems with pc and once I got that fixed there was no internet and when I called about that all the long distance lines were busy! This started last Friday and went until 9:00 p.m. last night! I missed my blog friends and I always get concerned because every time I'm not online it seems something happens! So you were the first blog I ran to! LOL! Lung transplant....that would be like a new lease on life for Far Guy! I worked in Iowa City where the hospital is. I also set up the communications (data) between the University and NCS where I worked because we processed federal grants and SAT & ACT scores....remember the big screw up we did on Minnesota? I'm just saying...I had nothing to do with THAT! LOL!
    Anyway, it's good to be back in blog land and check on all my friends! Love the afghan you received.....beautiful! It looks great on your couch. Glad you got out and about to get some 'treasures' and a belated Happy Mother's Day to you! I will be praying that all continues to go well for Far Guy and you too!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie