Friday, April 12, 2019

Fresh Snow

It started to snow about noon on Thursday.  On our way home from our appointments we noticed more and more snow.

I took a photo of the patio.

 Before the snow and after the snow.

We had 4 inches of snow at the snowstick just before dark.  So the snowstick contest will begin again.
The snow storm is not finished with us.  It has been real windy.  Many of the roads are closed to travel, they are icy and dangerous.

I just finished raking the front yard one day this week...all twigs and spent bird seed was hauled away and I cleaned out the bird bath and put in fresh water for the birds. Then the Juncos came about 24 hours before it snowed.

We hunkered down at home...watching Frozen Four Hockey Playoffs. Far Guy worked on a woodcarving...I worked on a variety of things; nests, cards, scrubbies and old photos.  One afternoon this week I watched The Highwaymen...excellent movie except some of it was filmed so dark it was hard to tell what was happening.  I give it a 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.  It was based on a true story.

We have no place to go on Friday so we will stay hunkered down until the snow ends.

Far Side


  1. Oh no! Glad you do not have to be out and about today. Thanks for the review of the movie. Stay safe and have a good weekend.

  2. Glad you made it home safely and have no place to go today. Hopefully this is the last of the white stuff. we had high winds yesterday and more today. Have a great weekend.

  3. Glad you got home safely and can stay there for now. Hope you don't get any more snow now.

  4. Me too! It looks terrible out there, and with so much snow having fallen already, the roads must be awful. Glad you made it home safe and sound. :-)

  5. Glad you got home before the worst of the snow. Hope you don't get much more than the 4 inches you already have acquired. We're getting rain and wind today. Maybe it is the southern edge of what you have been getting.

  6. We cancelled our Wednesday appt because by the time we would have started out it was a white out here. Yesterday they advised folks here to stay home and we had power outages all over. They tenth of an inch of ice was more like 3 inches on my electric fence. My yard is a war zone of branches and debri....However we are all safe and so are the critters. That is what matters.

  7. I am glad you made the appointments. I was doubting that you could but you got out there early. You have a variety of projects so you don’t get bored. We all will be mowing yards some day and will wish we didn’t have to do it so often. The four inches did look familiar but we have no warm air for you to use to get rid of it.

  8. Glad you made it through another snow storm. We've been house bound since Wednesday. First we got lots of rain, then it turned to ice, and finally 16.5" of snow. Our street hasn't been plowed yet but my husband is outside wrestling with the snow blower. Spring snow is always so wet and heavy, and settles like concrete. And with the wind we have 3' drifts. I just feel so bad for the farmers who are calving in this mess.

  9. Your plan to hunker down sounds just right. My friend said to me on Thursday, that it isn't spring yet, it's just "not winter". But you've got winter back, yech!

  10. Winter is LONG, LONG, LONG this year

  11. I know you're sick of the snow but I would trade places with you in a heartbeat! LOL! Your before and after pictures are amazing. I wrote down the Highwaymen...I always appreciate your recommendations. Enjoy the coziness! Glad you don't have to go anywhere today...well, you probably couldn't anyway with all the road closures.

  12. Spring storms can be brutal.

  13. Blizzard over here and we got quite a bit of snow. It's all white again and drifted so hard to tell how much. Won't last long though this late in the season. Sounds like you are both keeping busy. I watched The Highwaymen, too. Was interesting to have the focus be on the men who tracked Bonnie and Clyde and not on Bonnie and Clyde. Pretty good! :)

  14. You certainly are getting hammered with snow. But the good thing about spring snow is that it doesn't last long! I just told my husband about the Highwaymen and we are going to watch it, as it sounds like a good story. Stay safe and warm!

  15. I do not envy the makes a person thankful to have a warm home to be in.

    Roger and I complain about a lot of shows filming so dark, it is hard to tell what is going on. Plus, some of them have parts that are so loud it blasts you out of your chair, but you can barely hear the talking part!

  16. We watched The Shack on Netflicks last night and when it was done the next one listed was The Highwaymen. I was surprised that my DH wasn't interested in watching it. I thought it would be his kind of movie. Not mine though. ( The Shack was heart-wrenching but interesting too).

  17. I checked in on you while I was at breakfast this morning, but am now getting around to commenting. I am thankful that you got your appointments in safely and are hunkered down at home. I will be curious to hear how much snow you eventually get.

  18. Happy to see you got home before the snow got too heavy. What a shame, it finally went away and then it comes back! Well at least some of us have another chance at the contest. ; )

  19. It sure didn’t take long to to turn everything white again in your yard. My grands enjoyed a day off school in April, a first for them, and are excited about the orange snow, a little gift of the winds from Texas.

  20. diane in northern wisApril 12, 2019 at 6:56 PM

    Yep...same thing happening here Connie! In fact it's still snowing quite heavy right now Friday night as I write this! I'm sure glad it's not Holy Week! Maybe Easter will end up being kind of nice??? Glad you can stay home during this weather!

  21. Oh boy! I haven't even thought about the Calgon commercials in a long time. I remember them. I had about seven or eight inches of snow when I got home. It snowed again today. Blech. GN made Bourbon Pecan Cookies for me! :-)

  22. Photos of snow always look so pretty but since it doesn't snow here I really have no idea what it is like to have snow

  23. Looks pretty - but I bet you're longing for some warmer weather. We are! The lake isn't iced over, but we've had snow and down to minus 7 C in the mornings. The wind is a killer!

  24. Wow...snow...just in time for a White Easter!


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