Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Bunny Wreath and Misc

I put up the bunny on the wreath outside the door.  I have not seen the bunnies for awhile...or their droppings.  We have a Fox that likes to visit our yard, we got him on the trail cam.  The Fox, the Eagle or the Owls probably got the bunnies.

The wreath probably needs something else besides those cones...

I finally got to attend carving instead of a Physical Therapy appointment.   It was fun to catch up with everyone there...they are all doing ducks.

I have a PT appointment later in the week.  My entire leg hurts now...must be the change in weather coming.

Far Guy doesn't believe that one tiny little shrimp will make you have wild dreams. 

Dream;  I was taking photos and not watching where I was walking and almost walked off a cliff....then I was in Hawaii taking a nap under a tree...go figure...then some strange guy shot me in the leg.  I woke up and my leg hurt.  Uffda

No more shrimp for me.  I made a salad for supper, Far Guy made Chicken Alfredo...he is a good cook!

Far Side


  1. Glad you got to go somewhere other than to a medical appointment. Sorry about your leg. The pain of it probably entered your subconcious and influenced the dream.

  2. The bunny does need something else in the wreath with him. And i never heard of one tiny shrimp giving a person weird dreams. But with dreams like that I would blame the shrimp also. Happy to hear you are back to carving. I blame the changing weather for most of my aches and pains. Take care.

  3. I'm glad I don't like shrimp. I hope your leg feels better today. And the rabbit is very cute. We haven't seen any rabbits in a long time either. Used to have lots and lots of them, in fact one year a mama rabbit had her babies in one of our flower pots by the front door!

  4. Glad you were able to do to the carving group.

  5. I wish my husband could cook! That said it is nice you got out to carve and enjoy. As for weird dreams, I do have them all of the time.
    As for your aches? How weird is it that I suffered all weekend from my hands that usually don't cause me much issue [osteo in the hands].
    Have a great day.

  6. I don't know why you would have such dreams, but it's probably not the shrimp. I sometimes have dreams that tie into aches and pains, too. I'm glad you got to carve something again. :-)

  7. Ack! I forgot to get my bunnies out :-o. Headed downstairs to get them. Yikes!

  8. I started PT yesterday, minimum of six weeks 3 X a week. Certainly is limiting. Goodness, I’m glad shrimp does not have that effect on my! We eat quite a lot of it, living here on the coast.

  9. Prayers for healing for that darn leg. This has gone on long enough!! (hugs)

  10. Your hurting leg probably prompted the dream, rather than the other way around, but still... I wish that leg would get better for you. The cold weather *never* used to affect me but it sure does lately. Pooey! I love those tiny cooked salad shrimp... I use them all the time. I'd give shrimp another whirl. Love, Andrea xoxo

  11. I wish my husband liked to cook! At least he does the bbq-ing. I'm no good at that!
    Hope your leg feels better soon.
    Maybe your bunny wreath needs spring flowers? Crocus or daffodil?

  12. Our bunnies have been out chasing each other around the back yard this morning - on the fresh snow we got yesterday. Hope this is a parting shot from Old Man Winter and that we won't see any more.

    I sincerely hope you can get some relief for that leg pain.

  13. I certainly hope your pain can be resolved through PT. Chronic pain makes life difficult.

    Lucky woman, it would be nice to live with a good cook!

  14. That's quite a dream! I rarely remember my dreams, but some do wake me up and shake me for a bit. Keep working on that leg in PT; obviously, something is changing.

  15. Dreams can sure be strange. I hope your leg starts to improve soon. Maybe when the weather warms up it will feel better. I find cold and damp weather really brings out my aches and pains. I love your bunny!

  16. Cute bunny wreath! You could tie some Spring colored ribbons or fabric around it..or not. I never knew that about shrimp. I have some in the freezer I forgot to eat on New Years....I should run an experiment. Although, I have a lot of crazy dreams so not sure I would notice! LOL! Oh, Chicken Alredo.....yum! I hope they get yo ur leg fixed! Glad you got to go to carving.

  17. Lol! I have the wildest dreams, and not a shrimp in sight! I returned for some physio on my shoulder, yesterday. She was doing a lot of trigger points, it was soooo painful, I told her it was worse than childbirth (probably not, but childbirth was 31 years ago, so probably not remembering correctly) I pointed out the tear I shed on the paper that was under my face. I sure could feel my eyes welling up. Hope your leg gets sorted out soon.

  18. No surprise--I have pain dreams all the time where I work the pain right into the dream. I've had chronic pain for over 15 years now so that even my pain dreams don't scare me or upset me anymore. It's like somewhere in my head I know--oh yah, you are just working real pain into this crazy, awful dream--so that even if someone is stabbing me with a knife somewhere I'm dispassionately observing and telling myself it is time to wake up now. I know--weird. I must be more creative than I think. I prefer the dreams where I've been hiking/walking/climbing/running for so long that I'm so exhausted and hurt all over I can hardly take another step. Those are much better than the knives, shots, bullets, snake/spider/dog/tiger/wolf/human bites, getting yourself caught in machinery/traps/doors, being hit/run over by carts/cars/horses/vans/buffalo/trains...it goes on and on. Even though I feel the pain or exhaustion I watch them now more like a TV show and patiently wait till I wake up. Sometimes I laugh at how ridiculous and strange they can be--sometimes while I'm dreaming the tail end I am laughing in the dream as I'm being bitten by a monkey or stung by a jellyfish. Glad that I don't wake up scared or upset with my heart pounding like I did those first years.
    Your imaginative pain-dream friend in Fargo--ROFL!

  19. Dreams can be interesting things. Sometimes I wake up and it’s hard to remember exactly where I am. I had PT this morning. Sometimes I wonder if it’s helping or hurting! Blessings, Betsy

  20. Sometimes with a change in seasons the bunnies go to another area.

  21. Interesting dream...no wonder your leg hurts.

  22. What a dream! I hope you get some relief with your leg....

  23. I take it shrimp and you do not get along well? Leg pain at night is a bummer. I know.
    Speaking of pain, do you have any idea why someone would select you of all people to receive such a hate filled comment about "baby boomers' as occurred in the comment above? I'm pretty sure you can brush it off, but I'm sorry to see it anyway. It is so hurtful.

    1. Some people don't have a life. He/she has commented here before. I should probably block anonymous comments but I have a few friends who comment that way.

  24. I have construction dreams where I build something huge. I wake up in the morning Feeling it!

  25. Your dreams are way more interesting than mine.
    I hope your leg starts improving soon!

  26. I have been having some weird dreams lately
    Also I like the wreath with the bunny

  27. I'm so sorry about your leg. No wonder you have peculiar dreams. Take care.


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