Saturday, April 20, 2019


Far Guy is a bit better...not out of the woods yet but better.  His breathing is not as labored or difficult as it was and I think his fever has broken.   The Chicken and Noodles I fed him for supper last night may have helped....or my hovering...maybe both.

I have a sore throat now too...hopefully I can fight it off.  STRESS!

We will stay home until we are better. 

Orchids in Hawaii January 2019.
Far Side



  1. Glad to hear he's doing better!! Now maybe you can rest, have some more of that chicken and noodles, and not get sick. Stress is so exhausting. I hope things keep getting better. :)

  2. I'm glad he is feeling a bit better, but I was hoping that you wouldn't catch it. There are some nasty colds still going around.

  3. I am wishing all the best for you and FG. Stay home, and lay low until all this is past!

  4. I'm glad to hear Far Guy is a little better. Take care of yourself. Sending prayers.

  5. Keep the hot soup coming. I wouldn’t want tea but I drink it when I am sick. It must be another bug if you are getting a sore throat.

  6. Wishing you both well.

  7. Continued prayers for you both. Hugs and love from us.

  8. Wishing you both restored good health.

  9. Glad Far Guy is a bit better. Hope he continues to improve. Remember to take care of yourself while caring for him.

  10. Prayers for restored health for the both of you!

  11. Hope you both feel lots better soon. There are lots of nasty bugs still infecting people. And now that our snow is gone and the grass has turned green I'm already feeling the allergies flaring up.

  12. Good that there's some improvement for Far Guy.

  13. I'm glad that Far Guy is getting better, but darn, I'm sorry your throat is sore now. It's always something isn't it? We're driving down the Interstate on I-84 along the Columbia Gorge right now on our way to Portland, Oregon. I figured out my hotspot and I can stay connected! Hallelujah! It's a beautiful day here.
    I will continue to pray for both of you. Hubby and I were just talking about all of my blog friends all over the country and the world. We were talking about how neat it would be to drive all over the country and visit each of you when he retires. Fun times. Feel better my friend.

  14. It is good to hear he is doing some better. I'm sure your chicken and noodles are magical when it comes to healing so be sure you have them too! Stress does make us more likely to catch things and you both need to be in good shape! Have a blessed Easter and rest. Maybe you can find some good movies to watch.

  15. That’s good news. Some better is better than no better! Nuts to the sore throat though. Maybe the same germs got you both. Loving and healing thoughts coming your way!

  16. Good news that Far Guy is feeling a bit better but not so great that now you've caught the bug. Take care of both of you and hopefully soon you;ll be well again.

  17. Thanks for keeping us posted. Sending well wishes.

  18. We had something a few weeks ago, but it did not get that bad, though I was plenty miserable. Hopefully it won't it you so hard.

  19. Glad Far Guy is feeling better! I didn't know he had a fever too...that might have been the flu of some kind. You are lucky to have each other. I doubt if the girls would do much if I got! Maybe lick my face? I pray he continues to recover and you don't get it!

  20. diane in northern wisApril 24, 2019 at 8:05 PM

    Get better dear friends!!!!!!!


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