Friday, April 5, 2019

Snowstick and Bingo Report

There is 5 inches of snow at the snowstick. 

We are supposed to have a warm in 50 degrees weekend...we will see.  We could have some major melting!

I took my Dad to Bingo last night, we did not win.  Dad says "We are losers."  There was lots of commotion at Bingo...ladies laughing, giggling and carrying on...and Dad was distracted by the noise.   I just try to keep him on track and watch his numbers and mine at the same time.   He really enjoys Bingo...but he enjoys it more when we win.

We are done with appointments for the week...yeah us!  Today is a day off.  We both enjoy days where we don't have to go anyplace.

Far Side


  1. How did you happen to choose that spot for the snow stick? I see that you do have some bare ground showing?

  2. Enjoy your day off from appointments. Can't believe you still have 5 inches of snow at the snow stick.

  3. That is still quite a bit of snow. I think I only catch glimpses of snow now in ditches were we had drifts the size of a house.

  4. We go the first appt. of five this month. That is about five too many. Only one so far in May.
    Glad you are seeing melting!

  5. Well, it won't be long now before the snow stick is free of snow. With so much snow there, it amazes me that it ever leaves! How's June doing? :-)

  6. I think we all enjoy it most when we win. ;)

  7. Your Dad just won last week didn't he? LOL! Be careful about this weekend...or maybe it's just us who are supposed to get some REAL Spring in severe. I hope it leaves you alone. Yesterday it rained and today is cloudy and then storms coming over the weekend so, of course, I have to go to Walmart while it's not raining for a change. Enjoy your day at home. I love staying home too.

  8. I enjoy no appointment days, too. Warm temperatures predicted for this weekend and possibly rain. Parking lots still have piles of dirty snow but everything else is bare.

  9. I had a neighbor that loved bingo better than anything! It is so good that your dad likes to get out and do helps keep the mind active. Snow will be gone before you know it!

  10. Yea for not appointments. The nagging of meeting the time always takes place with things like that. We are cool agin today but when we get hotter, you should be too. You have enough snow on the ground to keep the state cold. I see right now on weather forecast that we are to be 72 degrees and have rain on Saturday.

  11. I hope your snow goes and stays gone with the 50-something temperatures expected. It feels to me like it's NEVER going to warm-up here in northwest Indiana. It's depressing! *bleh* Love, Andrea xoxo

  12. I hope you get a break from so many appointments at least for a while now. Enjoy the warmer weather - 50 degrees is summertime after your past winter!

  13. I also enjoy days off, enjoy yours.

  14. The snow is definitely disappearing quickly. Hope you get the 50F weather so it will all go.

    Too bad about bingo. Have a great day off and a very nice weekend!

  15. I enjoy days at home with no where to have to be. Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. The end of this winter's snow is nigh Hooray for you.

  17. I'm pretty close to winning on the snow stick. I don't want any warm weather for you.

  18. Spring is taking its sweet time making it over to our side of the woods, too--although I sure can't complain about the rain. Hope you get your warm weather this weekend, although gently, so as not to flood the rivers too much!

  19. I just started a course of physical therapy (or Physical TORTURE, as i call it). So the no appointment days are few and far between. I hope you enjoyed yours!


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