Tuesday, April 23, 2019


When it rains it pours.  Internet, TV and telephone are intermittent.
We are still trying to recuperate.  Two sickies with no TV to entertain them sucks.
I won't share what Far Guy wants to do to the provider of these services.
Far Side


  1. I'm sorry. I hope today will be a better day.

  2. My household would be in an uproar if we lost the internet...

  3. That really blows. I can just imagine what Far Guys saying as I have been there with our provider also. Their sorry excuse is "we are at the end of the line (physical cable line that is)". This is why we bought a cheap antenna for our TV in case cable goes out. Praying for you both.

  4. I'm glad it is well enough to allow you to post, at the least. This is terrible for you as you are both trying to recuperate. I would be in real distress without internet. :-(

  5. Sorry you're having technical difficulties. Hope your TV starts working properly so you can relax in front of it while recovering.

  6. That DOES suck! And I don't think the provider really cares. Not like they give you a discount for the # of days you don't have service. I hope today is better.

  7. Sadly, customer service is a thing of the past.

  8. That totally sucks. I know I feel disconnected when my internet is gone. That's the only way I get TV, either. I would have some choice thoughts on the provider, too. ;)

    Glad you two have hobbies you enjoy. Some people have none. But then--when you aren't feeling well enough to DO anything. Yup--(I can relate)--it totally sucks. I hope they get it fixed soon!

  9. Hope you have your cable service back. We have become very accustomed to our luxuries. They feel like necessities, especially when all we feel like doing is sitting and being entertained until we doze off. The only things I hate more than having the cable go out are water in the basement and having the electricity out. We have a generator but it is not big enough to provide for the whole house.

  10. When I had shingles, my eyes were foggy (side effect of medications) I could not see the tv, I could not read, I could not concentrate. All you do is think about how miserable you are and make yourself more miserable. I hope that today is better - both in how you both feel and with the gosh darn internet and cable!!!!

  11. I'm so sorry you both are still sick. It seems like when we're not feeling well, the whole world is a pretty dark place. Sometimes I look at our walls of books we have around & wonder why I keep so many.... but situations like the one you describe remind me of the reason. Do you have any DVDs laying around that might entertain while you both are healing? (((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) Please take care, Andrea xoxo

  12. I hate having my internet, phone, and TV down it sucks! I hope you both get to feeling better very soon!

  13. I'm sorry you have additional woes on top of not feeling well. We get so used to the conveniences that when they aren't working correctly we feel at loose ends. Do you have any DVD's you enjoy to pass the time? I hope you are both soon much, much better.

  14. Misery has been heaped upon you. :-( I don't think you earned that. Stay strong , get well, and get everything fixed. You can do this.

  15. Hope you both feel better soon. Very worrisome to have the flu when health is already compromised. Music cd's may help to while away the time your services are out?

  16. Wishing you speedy recovery. Hopefully your provider gets their act together soon!

  17. Nothing like pouring salt in the wound! Why now? Did the wires get wet from all the melting? Hang in there....it can only go up from here!

  18. Oh no! This is not the time to lose internet and TV. I'm sorry you guys are both sick and now dealing with this. Do you have any DVDs you could watch? I hope for improvement in your health and electronics soon!

  19. Bummer! You’ll have to resort to manual books. 😆

  20. Terrible time for telephone, TV and internet to fail! I sure hope this doesn't last long ( neither the sickness nor the failure of the system).

  21. Well, it;s a good thing that you still have electricity.

  22. what kind of a comment is that anonymous? I think you're probably a TROLL! I'll say a prayer for you.

  23. Feel better soon. A break is good. Take your time. My own break has been too long, but I don't have much to post after the long winter!

  24. I would feel just like Far Guy...I am not sure how I would have made it through the months with my accident last year without TV and internet. And when you are sick like you guys are, a person just does not feel like reading.


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