Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Updates and Asters

I saw a Doctor older than dirt. A short little fellow with a beard and glasses he must have graduated from medical school before I was born.  He whipped out the look in your ear scope and said “Nope your ear looks great.”  He suggested that it might be something else…but that remains to be seen…for now I am suppose to do Aleve and Tylenol as needed.  The pain is less …just a few twinges… but I still have a full feeling in my ear. A warm rice bag seems to soothe things…then I fall asleep…and naps help almost anything.  Afterall it is all in my head.

Far Guy is recouperating from his surgery…he isn’t supposed to lift heavy stuff for a little while. He is sore…and his surgery site makes me wince and say owwie…owwie.

Chance is doing better, he finished one medication and will finish the other medication today and then be weaned off the steroid slowly.  We will keep him on rice and boiled hamburger for a little while yet. He is getting his treats for his hips and joints…he thinks that is a BIG deal.

We are staying home for a few days and away from clinics and Doctors…we hope.



The little Asters are blooming all over.  The brush in the woods is turning color, acorns are falling out of the Oak Trees and a few dead leaves are falling out of the trees, temperatures at night are downright cool and the crickets are singing at night.  One week from today school will start….it seems like it was a short summer.

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  1. Katie, when she asks for a treat, is given a piece of her kibble from her next meal. She thinks it's wonderful....we know she is just reducing her dinner. Silly girl. I hope everyone at your house feels 100% better today than you did yesterday!

  2. Thanks for the updates. Your ear problem sounds like mine - the ear feels "full" and twinges. But, same as you -nothing wrong. Oh well, life goes on and I get older with more body parts going to heck.

  3. Glad all of you are doing better. Yes, the summer has seemed short. The leaves of the walnut tree in our back yard are falling. The asters are just beginning to bloom. There are still lots of hostas blooming.

  4. Yay for getting better! The worst is behind you now, right? And now it's just plenty of naps and rest. So glad to hear Chance is feeling so much better. :-)

  5. In one week, school will have been in session for a month "down here". Of course they are out by Memorial Day Weekend so that makes up the difference. It is hot in Tennessee from May through middle of September at least so it doesn't matter really when you are in an A/C school.
    Being from NY though, it is still weird to me that school starts back in August - - but we have gotten used to it.

  6. Sorry about your ear, Connie, do you have TMJ? Sounds like my symptoms, too. If so Aleve and a warm rice bag are a comfort.

  7. Sounds like Fall is sneaking into your area. The nights are starting to cool (mid-40s) and the air smells and feel a bit like Fall. I hope you can get some relief for your ear. Sneak in naps whenever you can.

  8. It seems like a short summer for me also. Terry is saying he will be glad when it's over, as for me....well, you know how I feel. I'm glad there is improvement, maybe not completely but at least some. Hugs.

  9. It seemed like a short summer to me too until now......it's in the 90's and hotter than a firecracker in July! Ack! I want fall and cool temps and windows open for a change.
    Glad you are all recuperating....the ear thing is a mystery though. Could it be an inner ear infection? I don't think they can see those with that ear thing. I'm sure he's good but he's got old ways too. If it doesn't get better I'd go see someone else. Nothing worse than ear pain...ouchy!

  10. Glad you all are doing better. I get so tired of seeing doctors.

  11. It was 39° here last night and 107 two weeks ago, crazy, crazy weather! I had similar symptoms to you for almost 2 years and the dentist finally decided it was an infected tooth. The tooth came out this spring and I haven’t had any other problems. I hope it’s something simpler for you though. Praying that you all three are on the mend and completely better very soon. Blessings, Betsy

  12. I am thankful that this summer is winding down, so far it was the second worst for fires on record for this province... behind only last year!
    I hope you all improve, happy to hear that Chance pulled through so far.

  13. I hope your ear gets better. I bet it is sinus because we are getting to that time of the year. I can't remember when I've seen a doctor older than me and that just makes me feel even older! I hope Far Guy heals up quickly. I feel for him having a port as they always look so uncomfortable to me. Give Chance some love from Missouri!

  14. Glad you are all doing better. A hot water bottle on your ear really will help too. I think the moist heat from the hot water bottle is especially good.
    I am rooting for Chance to celebrate his big 14th! Scout would have been 16 two months from today, but he didn't quite make it. Sure miss him!

  15. I had something like that ear 'thing'. I was looked over and over and they said..YOU are fine! Okay, well it took a while but I did get over it.
    Sounds like Chance is doing fantastic. You are such a great human and dog nurse. Kudos to you.

  16. I get your comment that it's all in my head. Yes, it's a good excuse when they can not find and answer.

  17. An old doctor is ok as long as they are still with it and not potty

  18. I remember part of a poem my kids used to like.

    Asters deep purple
    A grasshopper's call
    Today it is Summer
    Tomorrow is Fall.

    Your Asters are more a light purple but pretty nevertheless.

  19. Positive updates are a good thing. Hope your mystery ear thing gets better too.
    I love that little poem Granny Marigold shared. End of summer always makes me a little melancholy.

  20. I am glad healing is coming for a few of you. Sinus infection messes with the ear canal sometimes. I just noticed to day that my one aster has a couple of buds on it.

  21. I'm glad Chance and Far Guy are doing well. Hope your mystery ear thing clears up quickly, and you can all avoid doctors for a while.


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