Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Oh Deer!

The deer have invaded our yard, they can tell when we are inside!

We have a doe and two fawns, one is larger than the other.


They still have their spots.

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I got a couple of really good photos out of the living room window.  They were grazing up by the house when I pulled up the blind…scared me and them.

What are they eating?  My flowers and acorns…and brush.

Update on Chance:  He is holding his own, we added the pill to help his liver along with the antibiotic to clear up his bladder infection.  We are on day 5 of antibiotics and day 3 of the pills for his liver. We will add the steroid in soon if all goes well. He walks to the mail box with Far Guy and around the yard…he sleeps much of the day and all night. He is still really hungry…he loves that white rice and boiled hamburger!  He stands by the treat drawer and whines…and then we feed him plain rice…he whines by the fridge for ice cubes.  He was well enough on Sunday afternoon for some grooming…a good brushing, cleaning of his ears,  a few old age growths that are itchy get washed up and treated with an antibiotic cream…and then I trimmed the hair on his feet. He got his butt washed with warm water and all is well there…his hemorrhoid did not make an appearance.  He thought he deserved a treat after the grooming…he sure is a creature of habit. 

Chance barks at the deer in the yard but word must be out that the local Border Collie isn’t chasing anything lately.

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  1. Sounds like Chance is getting good care. Interesting to see deer in your yard. We don't see them in our yard anymore. The area is too built up. We saw them when building was happening. They were being chased from their habitat. I hope they found their way to the river. It is close by with wild areas along it.

  2. We both had a visit from our "deer" friends! LOL! So sorry about Chance and all of us aging with the aggravations that come with it. Nitty and Annie sleep lots and I doze off in the middle of things...so far only when sitting...thank goodness! Chance is well loved and well taken care of! I hope my girls feel the same way. We all cope as best we can and enjoy the time we have together. I will be brushing Nitty today as it is going to be 80 not 90 or 100! LOL! I am hoping we have an early Fall. Take care!

  3. The deer probably know Chance's schedule. I hope they are decimating your flowers. They must taste extra special because the deer we had ate them to the ground and we ended up with our only flowers being in hanging baskets -- on the deck and out their reach. Glad to hear Chance is tolerating his medicine.

  4. It sure sounds like Chance is being well taken care of and on the road to recovery. That is good news. Sorry about the deer eating you flowers. Maybe Chance will get well enough to give them a run for their money soon.

  5. So glad Chance is coming along! I love watching the deer... wish they didn't eat the flowers though!

  6. We have a doe with two babies, one bigger than the other, too. I haven't seen them lately but they had almost lost their spots when I saw them last. Glad to hear Chance has an appetite, which is a good sign! Aren't we all creatures of habit? When I got my haircut yesterday, I figured I'd earned a treat, too! Gave myself one. :-)

  7. Ahhh, prayers for sweet Chance, deer are beautiful animals.
    have a blessed day.

  8. We have deer too, though I haven't seen any babies in our yard this year. I did see a mom and her twins in the neighboring subdivision last week, same as yours, still have their spots.

    I'm glad Chance is feeling a bit better. Yes, habits are hard to let go, especially when they involve treats.

  9. Glad to hear that Chance is showing signs of improvement and can accompany Far Guy to the mailbox.

  10. The news about Chance is very good. I hope improvement continues for him. What a pretty sight to see out your window. We very rarely have deer in our yard. Blessings, Betsy

  11. Thank you on the update about Chance. I was wondering how he is doing. Prayers are still for him and for both of you. This is more than hard, I know.

  12. I am so glad to hear that Chance is doing better. He is one tough dog, and I am glad that he has such wonderful caregivers and friends!

  13. That's the description of loving care. Such a sweet dog. I know he wishes he could chase those deer! ;)

  14. Good to hear that Chance is hanging in there. Sounds like he has is a very smart dog. Our border collie was the smartest dog we ever had. We've had a doe with twins in our yard this summer too but I haven't gotten any good photos of them. We moved our bird feeders away from our windows so they don't get as close as they usually do.

  15. Deer in my yard are always a treat.

  16. I'm so glad to hear Chance is making some progress. Poor boy, he wants his treats so bad and just doesn't understand why he can't have any. He is so fortunate to have you and Far Guy taking such good care of him. I love the deer pictures! It gave me a big smile when I saw them!

  17. It sounds like you didn’t need to trim back your flowers, since the deer could do that for you. Sigh.
    Good news about Chance. Thanks for keeping us informed.

  18. Great deer shots, glad Chance is making some progress!

  19. The deer are nice to see but not so welcome when they eat your flowers.

  20. I am really pleased that Chance is picking up the pace on his healing. The pills he takes probably help him to sleep. Barney got sleepy on any meds. Now that he is older he just sleeps more and exercises less. I need to bathe Barney but we just treated him with the flea and tic stuff. Maybe next week. Chance maybe wouldn’t know when or how a to chase them.


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