Thursday, August 16, 2018

Chance: Improving a bit or not dead yet

I have been sicker than a dog…oh wait I am a dog.

Far Side made me some “stuff”  it is a doggy slush which she or Far Guy feed me every few hours.  It is Humming Bird Water (4 cups water and 1 cup of sugar brought to a boil) with some salt sprinkled in it…then they put it in the freezer and it becomes a slush….which I then eat out of their hands…eww sticky they say.  It keeps me hydrated and peeing.

Chance Aug 15 2018

The Vet says they are doing all the right things…the only food I am allowed is fried up hamburger that is boiled in hot water and all the grease squeezed out and white rice.  That diet is to continue for some time.  The Vet added a $10 pill ( they got four) that is to keep me from vomiting.  On Friday they will begin my antibiotic again….then add my other meds in if I tolerate the antibiotic.   Far Side had that plan in mind before they called the Vet.  I am so hungry now I will eat plain white rice…and not turn up my nose.

Last night Far Guy had a meeting so Far Side and I wandered around the yard.

Walk Aug 15

She kept a close eye on me…mostly with her camera. She said “Chance don’t be eating ANYTHING in the woods!”

Whtcha doing

The walk tired me out.

Looking Better Chance Aug 15

Let’s take a nap!

I am so much better…but Far Side says I am not out of the woods yet.  The next 10 days will tell the story.  They want me to get better, they told me to get better.  My elderly digestive system may not be able to take medications to make me all better.

No matter how many times I go to the treat drawer I am ignored.  Can you believe it?



  1. Thinking about you, Chance. You are a good dog.

  2. Good to hear it Chance! Um, I am with you on white rice. It stinks unless you are starving!

  3. Well, Chance, you certainly look as handsome as ever. And so glad the digestion is coming around. Keep up the good work! Bob the Border Collie

  4. Happy to hear you are feeling a little better. You have got to be staving to eat plain white rice. Yuck! I know Far Side is doing her best to get you healthy again so just humor her for now. You are still the handsomest Border Collie I know.

  5. I agree with Linda. You are the handsomest dog I know, anywhere. I am keeping my fingers crossed that you will continue to get better and better. Antibiotics are hard on anybody, dog or human.

  6. Tell Far Side to give you a gentle hug and a pet and some quiet whisperings from me - you are the best dog and the handsomest.

  7. Hi Chance. Glad you're doing a bit better. Hope you continue to improve. Sorry your requests for treats are going ignored.

  8. You are getting wonderful care, Chance. Just go with the flow and you'll be better in no time.

  9. Hope Chance keeps improving. It's so hard when our fur baby isn't feeling good.

  10. Our dogs have had to eat this diet. We don't fry the hamburger first, just put it on and boil it. One of our vets suggested adding a bit of cottage cheese to the rice and hamburger. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  11. Chance , it's a rough time in your life. all the best for recovery.

  12. So glad he's doing better, hope he can tolerate the antibiotics.

  13. Glad to hear you are improving, As we get older it takes a bit more time to heal. Still sending positive thoughts your way.

  14. Man, you are one handsome dog, Chance!!! Mom and I are hoping for a full recovery. Boomer and Mom

  15. Glad you're feeling better, Chance!

  16. I was a bit worried to check this morning's post, but so glad things are sounding a bit more positive!

  17. You are a handsome boy Chance. Just keep doing what mom tells you and hopefully you’ll soon be back to your old self. This getting old isn’t fun is it? Blessings, Betsy

  18. You look better! Out walking in the yard a bit and eating your rice and hamburger and slushie. Just get those pills down and you should be feeling even better soon. :)

  19. Get better Chance, your people clearly still need to be kept herded up and you are the Border Collie for the job!

  20. Oh Chance, they sure are taking good care of you! You sure are loved. Praying that you get better!

  21. Chance, you've gotta get better, okay?

  22. I am thinking of you Chance, and your people too!

  23. Slow and steady wins the race Chance.
    Wish it was easier on all of you.

  24. I am relieved to hear your better report Chance. The diet is perfect for you at this time. Sometimes those treats can be a problem for the tummy too. You are up and walking and will get better. I worried a lot about you for a couple of days.

  25. You've got the best caretakers ever, Chance! I'm glad you are feeling better and are eating what your humans prepare for you... they know best.

  26. Chance, I'm glad you're better. You sure are a handsome boy, even when you are sick. Hope you can soon have a treat.

  27. Good to hear from you, Chance! Keep on behaving yourself. We all want you to stick around much longer.

  28. Oh Chance! Sorry to hear that you are on a horrible diet and have been feeling ill! But your owners love you and want you to live a happy and healthy life!

  29. Awwww Chance. I know you're feeling some better buddy, cause I read the next post. But I'm sorry it's been so rough on you (and your people). I hope you are back to getting treats soon!

  30. You are very fortunate to have parents who take care of you like that...they are keepers for sure. They love you so much and so does your fan club! Take care sweetie!


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