Sunday, August 5, 2018

Chance: Company

I had company, they just got here and then they had to leave right away…one sleep and then they were off to the groomers.  After the groomers we got to spend another sleep and most of a day together.

They like my groomer.


Miss Miney


Little Elvis

There was one very unsuccessful photo of us together.


Far Side says it was a hot mess….my harness is off kilter and Miney is running away from the camera.

We used to play ball…not so much anymore.  Little Elvis chases squirrels. Miney and I just lay down and watch.

The harmonica was played…at least that was what they say…I didn’t hear it…Miney didn’t hear it. Little Elvis heard it…but he is not the most vocal singer.  It isn’t a chorus anymore.

I am still eating, pooping and peeing (outside of course) and sleeping a lot.  I go for at least two longer walks a day, if they get to be too long I go back home all by myself…Far Side says it is a good thing I still know where home is. 



  1. Company is nice. Glad you know the way home well enough so you don't get lost if you head home by yourself.

  2. Morris was like that when he got much older. I think he decided that he didn't want long walks and that the couch was more comfortable for him and his old bones.

  3. Don't you just love comapnay, Chance? I sure do! I have a new friend, a Chiweenie named Rascal. He's only as big as a long rat but I sure like him!! Every chance I get I run right over to his house to see if he is outside! By the way, my mom thinks you have the sweetest face of any border collie ever (besides me, of course) !! Bye for now, !!!!!
    Bob the Border Collie!!

  4. AHH! Chance you are a trooper, enjoy your day!

  5. The best part about good friends is that you don't have to do anything but just enjoy each other's company.

  6. Tess says hi, and that she likes shorter walks too. Unless it's time to go swimming, I just say that word and she is bouncing like a puppy!

  7. Well Chance life is just moving on to fast for me too!

  8. Hey, Buddy! It's always good to see a post from you. I understand the sleep a lot, anymore. So do I. I also don't go very far from Mom. No more do I wander the farm...the walk home is toooooooo long. Boomer

  9. Chance, you are still the most handsome border collie around. Miney is looking good, too! :-)

  10. Good story Chance. Keep moving. You do well for an old boy.

  11. Always good to see friends!

  12. How nice that you had your good friends over for a visit. I'll bet you'd like them to come way more often

  13. Miss Miney and Little Elvis are good friends aren't they Chance? I'm happy you had a chance to visit with them. It is always nice to hear from you Chance!

  14. Just keep on moving, Chance. That's what I do when it hurts. And I'm sure Far Side has plenty of photos already.

  15. Chance, you sound a bit like me. I can still hear but lying down and watching someone else play is my idea of exercise. I still know my way home, too. That is important.

  16. Your coat looks so smooth and lovely, you must have a good groomer

  17. I’m so glad you had fun with your company. We all have issues as we grow older. You’re in good company.

  18. You all could cooperate just for a minute for a photo, don't you think? ;-)

  19. Yes, getting too much exercise cuts in on the nap time. Barney has a harness that we have not successfully placed on him. I am going to have to try again some of these days. It is nice you and your dog friends get to visit once in a while.


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