Thursday, June 21, 2018


Summer is finally here! 


The Wild Blue Phlox is blooming Phlox divaricata

Phlox and a fence post

Hay Field

The first cutting of hay made the air smell sweet.

Corn Field

The corn still has two weeks to be knee high by the 4th of July.

I trimmed around some trees here in the yard…I need to mow again…I almost started mowing but figured a ride around the neighborhood sounded better!   Chance stayed home and guarded the house.  Saw a really nice Doe at Kate’s old place when I went there to take care of some thistle.  Far Guy was at a meeting.

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  1. The Phlox is so pretty. Finally got the grass mowed as it stopped raining. Had to laugh at my neighbor as I watched him sitting in his garage on his riding mower watching it rain. Waited to late in the afternoon when hubby was home. Some of the grass was well over 6 inches long, as we have had so much rain. The poor mowers kept bogging down from all the wet grass.

  2. Yes, today is the first official day of summer. Of course, since it's my hiking day, the weather has turned blustery and rainy. I'll have fun anyway. :-)

  3. It's a chilly and overcast day here in northern Indiana. I wonder if this summer will be considered, when all is said and done, to be a "cool summer" this year? We've had some really hot days but they've been far & few between. We'll see what history says round about late September. Lovingly, Andrea xoxo

  4. Freshly cut alfalfa has a divine smell. ❤️

  5. I LOVE SUMMER!!! Your's is beautiful!

  6. Summer already. I am just amazed that almost half the year is gone. Love the flowers.

  7. I love driving and seeing the crops growing!

  8. Happy first day of Summer. We're getting a break from the hot days we've had for a week. It's more pleasant for getting things done.
    The wild Phlox is pretty. I think I have a similar one but low growing in my garden.

  9. Beautiful Phlox! It feels like it has been summer for over a month here. The time sure flies.

  10. I love phlox! It grows wild in the mountains here.

  11. Oh! The wild phlox are pretty! Will the corn make knee high by the 4th? Happy Summer Solstice! I visited a garden to celebrate. Well... they were having a very large rummage sale and all the years I've been goingto the sale, I never knew that place had a little garden. It's cloudy here, but it still feels like a day to celebrate summer.

  12. I have phlox at the old place. I mowed it all today. It started sprinkling in the last third and I just kept mowing. Seat is wet and sprinkles are far more pleasant.

  13. When spring finally comes to you there it catches up quick! Now summer sounds like my old home in the Willamette Valley in Oregon, the smell of newly mowed hay and knee high corn by the Fourth of July!

  14. Hurray ! its summer time ! finally my favorite season is here ! Lovely photos . I love the smell of fresh cut grass and hay fields . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  15. The Phlox is so pretty! I bought tall pink and blue Phlox years ago and planted them. They bloomed in color once but ever since have bloomed white.

  16. We have wild phlox here too- so beautiful. I spent the first day of summer driving to Alberta and back, the 3 dogs came with me and were good company.

  17. I love summer. We’ll be driving back to Nebraska next week so I sure hope the weather cooperates. Our corn is barely out o Frye ground up here. It’s been a cool, wet spring...and it’s pouring outside now.


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