Saturday, June 23, 2018

Angry Birds

I was on the dock minding my own business.  My other baby brother and she who sees Robins first went fishing.

On the dock

I walked slowly off the dock.  Two Blackbirds swooped down and scolded me.   I took a few photos as they squawked. They must have a nest close to the dock. They did not like me being on the dock and flew at me several more times…good thing I am not afraid of birds!

Angry Pap Blackbird

What a racket they made.

Angry Blackbird Femaqle

The female Red Winged Blackbird is quite dowdy next to her pitch black red winged mate.

They didn’t quiet down until I was off the dock.

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  1. They sure are protective of their territory. I know I was swooped on by a Robin and then by swallows this past week!

  2. Good for you, holding your ground til you got the photo!

  3. Yes, it had to be a nearby nest. Good photos, though! :-)

  4. Lovely photos . We get them here at our feeders as they nest in the swampy area by our river that's just steps away from our house , I love the red wings they are noisy when they call their mates to come get food and then they take off and wound like a machine gun lol ! I usually get swooped on by our Barn swallows lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  5. Red-winged blackbirds make a pleasant trilling sound in the spring.

  6. Here crows dive-bomb people when they have babies almost fledged in their nearby nests.

  7. Red wings can be very aggressive.

  8. So glad to know someone else speaks "bird" too, my friend! :-) Lovingly, Andrea xoxo

  9. I guess they got their point across - but not without you getting some great pictures!

  10. We have blue jays that scold us when our feeders get low on food. They are so funny!

  11. Blackbirds always nest near the lake and one year there was a male so aggressive people started carrying umbrellas to protect themselves from attack.

  12. Persistent little noise-makers, aren't they?!


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